In the Metadata Editor go to the thE File menu and highlight New from the dropdown list, and then select MARC21 Bibliographic from the second dropdown list:
- Chrome: Character Input (version 4). Allows entering of Unicode and alt-key characters. Press Insert key, then enter a character code: aXXX for an Alt Code (e.g. a130 for é); XXXX for a Unicode code (e.g. 00e9 for é); a valid HTML entity (e.g. eacute for é); c for a copyright symbol ©. Note that a0169, 00a9, and copy also work. Where possible some fuller and alternative names for accents are permissable, e.g. ehacek and ecircumflex will work although the correct codes are ecaron and ecirc. Codes can be all lower case although capital letters need to be entered properly, e.g. Eacute for É. This is a revised version of the Unicode Input Chrome extension, which has been removed.
- Firefox: Character Input (version 3). Allows entering of Unicode and alt-key characters. Press Insert key, then enter a character code: aXXX for an Alt Code (e.g. a130 for é); XXXX for a Unicode code (e.g. 00e9 for é); c for a copyright symbol ©. This is a revised version of the Unicode Input extension.