The URL pattern (for the UAT system) is as follows. ECON1001 and ECON1002 are used as examples below. Please substitute these example codes with the module codes you are working with. These should be in the Moodle course shortname, fullname, or otherwise in Portico.
ALL events in a single module (lectures and practicals/seminars/etc...):
It gets a little more complicated if you want to limit the feed to just a subset of the events. You add each subset - be it full cohort events (which are indicated with a hyphen) or subgroups - by surrounding the sub group names with brackets
Full class
events in a single module (such as lectures and practicals that everyone undertakes) - e.g. no module sub group
events like smaller group practicals are included:
Only those events that all students in the module undertake appear using this format.
Module sub group events
Only those events for students in the module sub group (in brackets). It is most likely you will want to only show these events to a corresponding Moodle group, by choosing Group from the 'Type of event' menu and choosing the relevant group from the 'Group event' list. If these groups don't yet exist please see M13 - Groups and groupings to find out how to set them up. The groups need to exist before you add the calendar events for these groups.
A mixture of full class events (e.g. lectures) and the (particular module sub group)
events (PRAC1& PRAC2
You can mix and match the above formats to show a mixture of full class activities and sub group activitie.