- New landing page- To give you access to Legacy Moodle and Moodle 2018/19
- New course Course overview page: You will notice three tabs. In progressblock: There is a new Course overview block which lists the courses you are enrolled on. It includes three tabs – In Progress, Future and Past. Courses appear under each of these tabs based on the course start and end dates within a course. If you do not see your course after you your initial log-in-, check under each of these three tabs. Courses appear under these tabs based on the Course start and end dates date, which can be edited by doing the following: Navigate to the course > Administration > Edit settings? Course start/end datein the settings of the course itself .
- Colour scheme, layout and view options have been updated to improve navigation and accessibility.
- ‘My courses’ and ‘This Course’ tabs have been added to the top of each Moodle course page page to improve navigation.
- The ability to ‘Dock’ and ‘Undock’ blocks . The "docked" blocks appear as vertical tabs along the left margin attached to the page.
- The option to switch between Standard’ and ‘Full screen’ view – this allows a user to personalise the way they navigate within Moodle.
- Functionality
- Moodle Rubric – This should now display large and complex rubrics without users having to make changes to the coding of the Moodle page
- Calendar
- Category enrolments: Category enrolments now align with the data structure prescribed by the Academic Model Project.
- Lecturecast: The process of adding and mapping to a Lecturecast section has slightly changed. Please refer to our guidance on Create a Link on a Moodle Course to a Lecturecast Section
*This page will be updated through the summer.
As always if you have any questions please contact the ISD Service Desk.