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titleDo I have to appear in my recorded lectures?

No. Video of the presenter may be omitted from the recording by un-ticking the 'Capture presenter' option available in the online scheduler (when 'Unscheduled events' view is used). Prior to recordings commencing, schedules can also be edited (only be their creator) to change the 'Capture presenter' option.

titleDo I have to deliver my lecture differently?

There are a couple of things worth remembering that reduce possible ambiguities in recordings:-

  • Questions from the floor are often faint in the recording as it is usually only the presenter who has a microphone. Repeating or paraphrasing the question asked before answering will ensure that both the question and response are clear in the final recording.
  • It is best to use the computer cursor/mouse to highlight particular areas of the slide or presentation when they are being referred to. Devices like laser or physical pointers will not be captured.
  • The cameras used by Lecturecast will not effectively record materials being written on white boards. If you need to draw, write or mark-up materials during your presentation it is best to use the in-theatre document camera.
titleHow much extra work is involved in recording a lecture?
 During the lecture all you need to do is clip on the radio microphone and ensure it is turned on.

titleWhat do I need to consider if I want to record a guest speaker?

In the case of external or guest speakers, they should be asked to sign the standard Lecturer consent form. The form is used to gather permission to record their lecture and permission to re-use their copyright material. The completed "Lecturer consent forms" should retained by the UCL department which has organised the event as proof that we have the relevant permissions. A consent form is available from the main UCL library's Lecturecast copyright page.

titleWhat do I need to be aware of regarding copyright?

 Guidance on this can be found on the Library's copyright pages for lectures, podcasts etc. 

After recording: managing recordings

titleHow is a Moodle course linked to its associated Lecturecast section?

A new Moodle block has been created allowing the linking of a Moodle course to a Lecturecast section. As  Moodle courses act as gateways to associated Lecturecast content the Moodle-to-Lecturecast course link must be set up before course staff and students can access Lecturecast content.


titleHow do I get instructor access to my Lecturecast section(s)?

Moodle courses need to be mapped to Lecturecast sections and Lecturecast activities added and linked (see guides) - roles and their associated rights to a Lecturecast section are assigned at the point of clicking through a Lecturecast activity set up for a given section. Rights assigned are:

Students and non-editing tutors on the Moodle course → Students on the linked Lecturecast section
Tutors and course administrators on the Moodle course → Instructors on the linked Lecturecast section

titleDo I have to deliver my lecture differently?

There are a couple of things worth remembering that reduce possible ambiguities in recordings:-

  • Questions from the floor are often faint in the recording as it is usually only the presenter who has a microphone. Repeating or paraphrasing the question asked before answering will ensure that both the question and response are clear in the final recording.
  • It is best to use the computer cursor/mouse to highlight particular areas of the slide or presentation when they are being referred to. Devices like laser or physical pointers will not be captured.
  • The cameras used by Lecturecast will not effectively record materials being written on white boards. If you need to draw, write or mark-up materials during your presentation it is best to use the in-theatre document camera.
titleHow much extra work is involved in recording a lecture?
 During the lecture all you need to do is clip on the radio microphone and ensure it is turned on.
titleWhat do I need to consider if I want to record a guest speaker?

In the case of external or guest speakers, they should be asked to sign the standard Lecturer consent form. The form is used to gather permission to record their lecture and permission to re-use their copyright material. The completed "Lecturer consent forms" should retained by the UCL department which has organised the event as proof that we have the relevant permissions. A consent form is available from the main UCL library's Lecturecast copyright page.

titleWhat do I need to be aware of regarding copyright?

 Guidance on this can be found on the Library's copyright pages for lectures, podcasts etc. 

titleCan my recording be edited?

Yes, basic editing functionality allows sections to be removed from a video. Detailed instructions can be found within the /wiki/spaces/LecturecastResourceCentre/pages/32804861 training guide.
