Instructors make sure you log in to the relevant part of the system to perform your task.
Basic Functionality
- Schedule lecture recordings and share recordings with students.
- Upload and share video content recorded elsewhere.
- Upload most commonly used file types e.g. PDF's, PPT's to share with students. An exhaustive list of file formats accepted is available here.
- Select whether to allow students to download content to store on their personal devices (optional and determined by the instructor)
- Search, organise and manage the availability of content on a course.
- Create a recording by capturing the audio and screen display (including webcams) on a personal computer using Personal Capture. The recordings can then be shared on
Moodle in a similar way as the scheduled recordings. - Create interactive presentations within Lecturecast that include a variety of question types e.g. multiple choice questions, short answer questions that can be presented 'live'
or made accessible before or after the class. Activity scores are stored and can be exported into Moodle.