They may not support calculated, drag and drop, algebra, regular expression or random matching questions - this needs to be confirmed!
- GIFT format: Use a text file to export and import many Moodle question types with feedback, marks etc. Images are not supported. Find out how to format the text file here: http://buypct.com/gift_reference.pdf Enables multiple-choice, true-false, short answer, matching, missing word, numerical and essay questions to be imported or exported via text file.
There are many tools to create GIFT format
- Tools for creating GIFT files: http://bit.ly/109aA6o
- Excel to GIFT: https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=45245
- Moodle XML format: A very comprehensive format for import and export of many question types, that also supports images. Convert questions you may already have in Word or a text file with this free tool
Create Moodle XML format files using:
- Java based program for Windows, Mac and Linux: http://www.nashcc.edu/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=248&func=startdown&id=1864
- Word toolbar (open the .dot file): http://www.finemetronome.com/moodle/
- VLE Tools: http://vletools.com
- See how to add images to your questions using VLE tools: http://www.slideshare.net/tjuly/adding-images-to-moodle-quiz-and-import-via-xml
Simple formats for specific question types:
- Aiken format: a simple format for importing multiple choice questions from a text file.
- Embedded answers (Cloze): imports passage of text with questions such as multiple-choice and short answer embedded within it.
- Missing word format: This format is only used for multiple choice questions and short answer questions, similar to GIFT. Currently has problems with MCQs - not recommended!
GIFT file makers:
- Excel to GIFT: https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=45245
Moodle XML file makers:
- Java based program for Windows, Mac and Linux: http://www.nashcc.edu/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=248&func=startdown&id=1864
- Word toolbar (open the .dot file): http://www.finemetronome.com/moodle/
- Do GIFT and Moodle XML support the import of images? GIFT doesn't, but Moodle XML does.
- Do GIFT and Moodle XML support Latex?
- Do GIFT and Moodle XML support calculated questions?
The following Moodle quiz import types allow you to import from other VLEs and quiz software:
- Blackboard: for importing questions from Blackboard version 5 "POOL" type export format.
- Blackboard V6+: supports all Blackboard export formats via zip file (includes images) or dat file.
- Examview: imports quetions from Examview 4 XML files. For Examview 5+ Blackboard format may be used.
- Hot Potatoes: imports Hot Potatoes questions into Moodle. Hot Potatoes is a freeware suite of applications that create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises. Hot Potatoes is available from: http://hotpot.uvic.ca
- Learnwise format: imports multiple choice questions saved in Learnwise's XML format.
- WebCT format: imports multiple-choice and short answer questions saved in WebCT's text-based format.
- Examview: imports quetions from Examview 4 XML files. For Examview 5+ Blackboard format may be used.
- Respondus: As of Moodle 2, Respondus is no longer supported as a quiz question format. In order to import from Respondus a plugin would need to be installed on UCL Moodle.