Versions Compared


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  • Never answer a question by email (unless it's personal) > reply is "post this to the forum" Why? Because 359 other students have the same question
  • Respond to general questions quickly
  • Respond to course work related questions more slowly or better still with "anyone out there have any suggestions?" > You don't really explain the material until you explain it to someone else.
  • Post regularly to the Learning Exchange and encourage students to do the same


  • Having a Twitter tag for the module allows for rapid response and comment during labs and in lectures - you can use Tweetdeck to look at these during / after the class
  • Encourage students to upload a profile picture to make conversations in the discussion forum and elsewhere easier to follow
  • Allow students to rate posts to highlight the especially useful contributions

The 5 types of forums 

  • Announcements from staff
  • Admin Q&A - for general questions
  • Topic specific fora (so staff and students can subscribe selectively - in large groups colleagues can distribute the workload of replying by subscribing to their specialismInteresting links etc > the forum related to their specialisms)
  • Learning Exchange > where staff and students post links to interesting articles, videos etc.
  • Wishlist / suggestion box forum? (could be anonymous)


  • develop revision quizzes for students to help them gauge their progress and provide detailed feedback regardless of whether they got the answer correct or not
  • give a small percentage of the final grade for engaging with the Moodle course activities
  • High score - games > using the quizzes block
  • confidence based marking to build virtuous feedback loops into revision.
  • Revision quizzes - peerwise - In addition to revision quizzes - encourage students to use Peerwise to contribute their own questions (add a link to your Moodle course)  these questions become a useful source and the useful of new questions that can be added to the existing bank for future years
  • Keeping track of 600 questions (tag them so they can be found again)