An example where the metadata must be added to in order to maintain Principle 1 is when a questionnaire uses an arrow to denote a condition. It is impossible to document an arrow literally and leaving it out of the documentation altogether changes the logical flow of the questionnaire. Therefore, text representing the arrow's meaning has to be added.
Example 3 Questionnaire MCS
4. Do not allow the data recorded (i.e. the variables) to inform the metadata archiving.
Principle 4 is the final and least significant principle. Whilst documenting the structure, flow and intent of a questionnaire, it may seem harmless to consult the collected data in order to better understand the questionnaire being recorded. This practice, however, should also be avoided. The aim of the ingest programme is to record the instruments used for data collection as accurately as possible. Using information that was created after the collection event alters the perception and understanding of the instrument.