Most of the time when a question asks ‘How many of [X]’ there is no restriction within the question as to what the numeric response to the question might be. However, some questions contain defined minimum or maximum values in the question text. A specifically labelled numeric answer is created when a question restricts the number numeric answer that may be given in response to the question.
Note: The restriction must be written in words in the question or response text. A particular number of blank boxes for writing in a numeric response is not treated as defining a maximum value.
Common answers with defined min/max values:
Label | Type | Numeric type | Min | Max | Used for question text response |
Hours in day | Numeric | Integer | 0 | 24 | How many hours per day event occurred. [Link] |
Hours in week | Numeric | Integer | 0 | 168 | How many hours per week event occurred. [Link] |
Days in month | Numeric | Integer | 0 | 31 | How many days in a month event occurred. [Link] |
Days in past (last) [X] days | Numeric | Integer | 0 | [X] | Question asks how many days in a defined number of days event has happened. Min value always 0, Max value is the defined number of days contained in question, i.e. for ‘How many days in the last 90?’ answer max would be 90. [Link] |
Months in past (last) year | Numeric | Integer | 1 | 12 | How many months in past year event occurred. [Link] |
Floor | Numeric | Integer | Varies | Blank | Question asks lowest level of living accommodation, with the floor to be specified above a certain level. [Link] |
Percentage | Numeric | Integer | 0 | 100 | Question asks for a percentage response. [Link] |
[Activity] | Numeric | Integer | 0 | [X] | Question asks how many times an activity (i.e. catching a ball) is performed in a specific number of attempts. Label for numeric answer is activity performed. Max is total attempts at activity. [Link] |
[Units] | Numeric | Integer | 0 | [Y] | Question asks how many times an activity (i.e. picking up matches) is performed over a specific time period. Label for numeric answer is time period (i.e. seconds). Max is total time period allowed for activity. [Link] |