1) Import the sledgehammer xmlXML
Check whether a the dataset has been uploaded by searching the main Datasets page, if not, upload the xml XML file. Admin > Import. Under Upload DDI Dataset files, browse and Import Dataset. This might take a while to appear in the Datasets list.
Note: The prefix used when running Sledgehammer must be identical to the instrument prefix. This must be checked carefully as otherwise this will mean mappings will have to be redone.
Note: DDI-Flavour must must be run firstafter Sledgehammer has been run, and before importing.
Note: This step is currently run by the CLOSER team, as the dataset needs to be linked with the instrument, which is a feature yet to be added to Archivist.
Admin > Datasets > search for the loaded dataset (prefix or dataset name) > Import Mappings. Both the tvlinking.txt and the dv.txt can be imported. If uploading more new mapping files, these will not replace those already mapped, but will add any additional mappings.
Admin > Instruments > search for the questionnaire prefix > Import Mappings. Both the qvmapping.txt and tqlinking.txt can be imported. If uploading more new mapping files, these will not replace those already mapped, but will add any additional mappings.
4) Check the mappings in both the dataset and instrument view.
Admin > Datasets Datasets > search and select the Name of the dataset. Any mapping conflicts will appear in red.
The Qquestion-V variable mappings can also be checked through Admin > Instruments > search and select the Prefix (or view) of the instrument. This will gives the questionnaire view with the variable names listed against them