- Has any text which includes key contextual information been concatenated to the question literal (see Example 3 on theĀ Question Items page).
- Watch for Month and Year questions that need text, and sometimes instructions, from the Month question concatenated onto the Year question (the order of the questions could be Year and then Month, and the text needs to be concatenated to Month question).
- Check for text in question literals which can be deleted from the question literal and added as a statement before the question (e.g., a statement such as "The next set of questions are about your health", which applies to a set of questions rather than just one). There doesn't need to be a hard return or line break to split the text off, but the decision on whether or not to split the text off should be obvious. If it isn't, this suggests it should not be split off and so it should be kept in the question literal.
- Check for instruction text that should be in the question literal. For example, "Please enter month"/"Please enter year" which needs to be in the question literals to make them unique and give them context.
- Have all the instructions been grouped together if they appear above and below the question literal in the questionnaire?
- If instruction-type text is on the same line as the question literal, it is added to the question literal. Keep in mind that other things may play into this decision, such as if the text has "INSTRUCTION:" before it.