Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
  1. Navigate to your forked version of archivist_insert.
    1. Note: It is important to ensure that you have the most up-to-date version before you proceed. If you do not have the latest version, please re-fork the pipeline and set it up (i.e., add the variables) before you continue. 
  2. Click on the "archivist_tables" folder.
  3. Click the plus button and “Upload file” to upload each table to the folder.
    1. Note: To avoid running the pipeline automatically, add "[skip ci]" to the "Commit message" each time you upload a table. If you want to run the pipeline immediately after the final table has been uploaded, do not add "[skip ci]" to the "Commit message" box. 
  4. To run the pipeline, either do not add "[skip ci]" to the "Commit message" box after you have uploaded uploading the final table, or navigate to the left-hand menu and select build Build > pipelines Pipelines > Run pipeline.



5. If the pipeline passes, no further action is needed and the XML file can be downloaded as an "artifact" (a zip files containing the generated XML) which this is available for 10 days. The XML can be viewed temporarily from temp Archivist and can be loaded into Archivist via import. 

a. Note: Before the questionnaire is imported into Archivist, please check the questionnaire to ensure that it is ready to be worked on.


4) Your Gitlab fork will now have been updated to the latest version. Check that it is merging the main branch and that the history matches the main version.

Trouble shooting:
