The relevant section of the Baseline states:
7.2. Provide a brief, course-level accessibility statement containing any additional guidance and indicating who to contact (e.g., module leader, administrator) to request an alternative format for any resource.
We suggest adding a label or page to the area of the course which gives a general overview of its contents and titling this 'Digital Accessibility Statement'.
UCL is committed to equity of opportunity for all students, including those with disabilities and specific learning difficulties. We are working to improve the digital accessibility of our learning resources and platforms, but recognise that some resources provided may not currently be accessible to all students.
[Here, if possible, state what resources are accessible and which are thought to which resources, tools or present possible accessibility issues – an example follows.]
· In this course we provide a range of resources in Word, PowerPoint and PDF format which are keyboard navigable accessible to students using a screen reader [if applicable, include: except in the case of scanned readings, which will need to be converted to an accessible text-based format].
· In [Weeks X, Y] we include links to videos which currently do not have captions or transcripts.
If you require an accessible version (e.g. an alternative format) of any of the resources used in this module, please contact XXX@ucl.ac.uk.
The minimum requirement for the statement is that it identifies a person to contact where a student encounters an accessibility issue that has not been anticipated.