They do not support calculated, drag and drop, algebra, regular expression or random matching questions:
- Word Table format (RECOMMENDEDrecommended) lets you create Moodle quiz questions, including comprehensive feedback and grades in Word tables, then upload them to Moodle. It supports images and LaTeX. This can save you time.
- GIFT format: Use a text file to export and import many Moodle question types with feedback, marks etc. Images are not supported. Find out how to format the text file here: http://buypct.com/gift_reference.pdf Enables multiple-choice, true-false, short answer, matching, missing word, numerical and essay questions to be imported or exported via text file. There are many tools to create GIFT format files:
- Tools for creating GIFT files: http://bit.ly/109aA6o
- Excel to GIFT: https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=45245
- Moodle XML format: A very comprehensive format for import and export of many question types, that also supports images. Create Moodle XML format files using:Word toolbar (open the .dot file): http://www.finemetronome.com/moodle/
- VLE Tools: http://vletools.com
- See how to add images to your questions using VLE tools: http://www.slideshare.net/tjuly/adding-images-to-moodle-quiz-and-import-via-xml
- Export from ExamView, Blackboard or EZTools using this Java based program for Windows, Mac and Linux: http://www.nashcc.edu/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=248&func=startdown&id=1864
- VLE Tools: http://vletools.com