- Open membership: Any MyPortfolio user can become a member simply by visiting your group page and clicking the Join button. However, if you want specific users to become group members, you can only invite them to join. But, they are not obliged to accept your invitation.
- Request membership Any user can request to join your group. However, as the group owner you can choose to accept or decline this request. The requesting member will be notified of your decision automatically.
- Controlled membership:
- Administrators can add users directly to their group.
- The members cannot leave this group.
- You can assign tutors to the group. They can give feedback on submitted pages, but not administer group members.
- Group members can submit their personal portfolio pages or collections for feedback / assessment. These personal pages are locked until released by a group administrator or tutor.
Info |
Note: To determine what type of membership your Group facilitates:
Step-by-step guide
For a group with Open / Request membership: