NHS number
For the question below, a text answer labelled ‘NHS number’, with a maximum length of 10, is created. The creation of a specifically labelled text answer arises from the fact that NHS numbers are sometimes alphanumeric and the 10 boxes provided in the questionnaire for the response to the question.
Questionnaire: 1986 Parental Interview Form (BCS) introductory question
Answer input:
Label | Type | Format |
NHS number | Text | 10 |
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Local Authority/Child's Code number
In the question below, a specific number of spaces is allocated for filling in the Local Authority Code number (3) and Child's Code number (6).
Questionnaire: Medical Examination Form (NCDS) introductory question
Answer input:
Label | Type | Format |
Local Authority Code number | Text | 3 |
Child’s Code number | Text | 6 |
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In the question below, a text answer labelled ‘Guess’, with maximum length of 1, is created. Creation of an answer in this form, rather than using ‘Generic text’, arises from the instruction in the question regarding filling in the box in column 2 with a ‘G’.
Questionnaire: My Daughter’s Health (ALSPAC) question A7
Answer input:
Label | Type | Format |
Guess | Text | 1 |
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In the Southampton Women’s Survey, four character brand codes are used in collecting data about some types of foods in the Food Frequency section of SWS questionnaires. A text answer labelled ‘Code’, with a maximum length of 4 characters, is created as an answer to be used when ‘Brand Code’ or ‘Code’ responses occur in any SWS questionnaire.
Questionnaire: 12 Month Infancy questionnaire (SWS) question 2.2
Answer input:
Label | Type | Format |
Code | Text | 4 |
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Letter (X)
In question 14ii below, the respondent is asked to fill in three letters for the functions in question 14i that they think are the most important in getting a good job. Three text answers are created, labelled ‘Letter 1’, ‘Letter 2’ and ‘Letter 3’, each with a maximum length of 1.
Questionnaire: University Questionnaire 1964 (NSHD) question 14ii
Answer input:
Label | Type | Format |
Letter 1 | Text | 1 |
Letter 2 | Text | 1 |
Letter 3 | Text | 1 |
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