Note: PDFs are used for entry and verification.
Parsers used to generate the xml required to import the questionnaire into Archivist: parse_understanding_society and archivist_insert.
- Make sure you are using the most recent version of the questionnaire for inputting the changes/updates into Archivist.
- qc/qi labels include the sequence and study wave in their labels. Check that qc/qi labels refer to the correct sequence and wave.
- For questions with a ‘How many’ response domain answer, look for a Range response domain to use instead by checking the xml for the current wave and prior waves, and/or in Archivist looking at the same/similar questions in prior waves.
- Entire Proxy section should be entered inside a loop, as Proxy questions may be answered for more than one missing household member.
- If there is a missing response domain, check the previous waves to see if it's included and use that.