
All microscope users MUST receive introductory training on any equipment (microscopes, incubation equipment, etc) before using it. There have been incidences of equipment (both core facility and individual laboratory's) being damaged by unauthorized users. Introductory training on a microscope will consist of an initial session covering the overall operation of the machine to be followed by a further session with the user's own specimen. Please see the LMCB Light Microscopy Training Policy for more information.

You must read the general rules for safety and correct use of the microscopes on this webpage before you are given access to book the microscopes. You must also read the documents in the list below:

You may also need to read additional risk assessments and rules for particular microscopes and procedures. If you want to carry out a procedure that is not covered by an existing risk assessment (e.g. one involving higher risks) then you must discuss this with the light microscopy facility manager well in advance and prepare a separate risk assessment for that work.

Please note that the LMCB Code of Practice for Laboratory Workers and the LMCB Health and Safety Policy apply to all labs, including microscope rooms.

General safety rules

In addition to those in the LMCB Code of Practice the following rules apply to microscope rooms:

Mercury lamp safety rules

Some of the older microscopes in the LMCB have mercury vapour lamps. These will often be attached directly to the back of microscopes (i.e. they will not have liquid light guides). They are sometimes labelled HBO50 or HBO100. These mercury vapour lamps have a warm-up and cool-down time to prevent damage to the bulb.

Mercury vapour bulbs have been known to explode. This can be caused if grease (e.g. from fingers) has contaminated the quartz glass of the bulb and weakened it over time. If any mercury vapour bulb explodes you must follow the procedure below.

Microscope usage – booking

You must book microscopes for all the time you want to use them. The booking rules vary between microscopes. More details about booking microscopes can be found in the LMCB Light Microscopy Booking Policy.

Keeping the microscopes clean

Dirt and excess oil on microscope optics causes optical aberrations that seriously reduce the quality of images. Oil transferred to the microscope focus knob, computer keyboards and mice and other surfaces is unpleasant, can be a hazard and can cause imaging problems (e.g. dried up oil can stop specimens from fitting into stage adapters correctly). It is therefore very important that the microscopes are kept clean for their correct operation and to achieve the highest quality imaging.

Any other items left in the microscope rooms (e.g. aspirator bottles, pens, notebooks, pipettes, tip boxes) will be removed. Anything that should not be in microscope rooms (e.g. coffee mugs) will be removed and will be returned if you see the light microscopy manager.


If a user does not comply with the safety rules (e.g. eats or drinks in the microscope rooms) or with the booking rules (e.g. does not turn up for a microscope session without giving notice); or if a user has left a microscope in an unclean state the following penalties will be applied:

If the problem does not reoccur for 6 months it will be removed from the record.



Staff Member




Andrew Vaughan




John Gallagher

Light Microscopy Officer



Ki HngLight Microscopy Officer3.0437916

Paul Topham

Departmental Safety Officer
