Standardised Scales

Standardised scales (often interchangeably referred to as summated scales or validated instruments) are a collection of related questions that measure an underlying concept. Below is a list of some of the scales used by the CLOSER studies. We will be adding as many of these scales as possible to CLOSER Discovery, with links to the study questionnaires which use them.

Please, note that the names shown in this table and in the standardised scales' individual pages are the names of the original versions. The individual pages of the standardised scales may also contain versions that stem from the original scale.

This table does not contain record ALSPAC Clinics, nor measures - such as test - which are not standardised scales. 

This list is a work in progress. If you know of any inaccuracies, additional questionnaires which use these scales, or scales which are not on this list which were used, please contact Hayley Mills. 

Scale / Validated InstrumentQuestionnaire where scale is usedCreatorPublication DateSourceProvenance
Adolescent Adult Parenting InventoryWCHADS Phase 06 Mother Questionnaire

Bavolek S. J., Keene R. G. 


Adult-Adolescent Parenting Inventory AAPI-2: Administration and development handbook. Park City, UT: Family Development Resources, Inc.

WCHADS Phase 10 Mother Questionnaire
Affective Reactivity Index

WCHADS Phase 15 Mother Questionnaire

Stringaris, A., Goodman, R., Ferdinando, S.,
Razdan, V., Muhrer, E., 
Leibenluft, E.,
Brotman, M., A.





The Affective Reactivity Index: a concise irritability scale for clinical and research settings. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 53(11), 1109–1117.
WCHADS Phase 15 Child Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 15 Mother COVID Only Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 15 Child COVID Only Questionnaire
Adolescent Sexual Activity Index (ASAI) MCS6 Age 14 Cohort Member Questionnaire

Hansen, W. E.
Paskett, E. D. 
Carter, L. J. 


The Adolescent Sexual Activity Index (ASAI): a standardized strategy for measuring interpersonal heterosexual behaviors among youth. Health Education Research, 14(4), 485-490.
Adult Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS)ALSPAC Life at 24+

Costantino, H. N.


Social Responsiveness Scale. Los
Angeles: Western Psychological Services.

Alabama Parenting Questionnaire (APQ)WCHADS Phase 12 Partner Questionnaire

Frick, P. J. 


The Alabama parenting questionnaire. Unpublished rating scale, University of Alabama.

WCHADS Phase 11 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 13 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 13 Partner Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 14 Mother Questionnaire 

WCHADS Phase 14 Partner Questionnaire

WCHADS Phase 15 Mother Questionnaire

WCHADS Phase 15 Mother COVID Only Questionnaire

WCHADS Phase 15 Mother COVID Retest

Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)

ALSPAC A Toddler in the House

Saunders, J. B., Aasland, O. G., Babor, T. F., De La Fuente, J. R., & Grant, M.


Development of the Alcohol  Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT): WHO Collaborative Project on Early Detection of Persons with Harmful Alcohol Consumption-II. Addiction, 88(6), 791-804. 

ALSPAC Being a father 
ALSPAC Caring for a Toddler)

ALSPAC Cohort Member COVID-19 Questionnaire 2

ALSPAC Father and the Family

ALSPAC Focusing On You

ALSPAC Having a Baby

ALSPAC  It's All About You
ALSPAC Life at 22+ Questionnaire
ALSPAC Life of a 16+ Teenager 
ALSPAC Looking After the Baby
ALSPAC Me and my Baby
ALSPAC Parent COVID-19 Questionnaire 2
ALSPAC Partner's Health Events and Feelings
ALSPAC Partner's New Questionnaire
ALSPAC Partner's Questionnaire
ALSPAC Partner - About Me
ALSPAC Study Mother's Questionnaire
ALSPAC Teen Focus 2
ALSPAC Teen Focus 3
ALSPAC The Baby and Me
ALSPAC Twelve Years On
ALSPAC You and Your Life
ALSPAC Your Health Events and Feelings
ALSPAC Your Changing Life
ALSPAC Your Life in 2013

BCS70 Self Completion Questionnaire 2012

BCS70 CASI Questionnaire 2016

BCS70 Age 50 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 1 2021-2022 

BCS70 Age 50 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 2

BCS70 Age 50 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3 

MCS Age 14 Cohort Member Questionnaire 2015

MCS Age 20 Cohort Member COVID 19 Survey - Wave 1

MCS Age 20 Parent COVID 19 Survey - Wave 1

MCS Age 20 Cohort Member COVID 19 Survey - Wave 2 

MCS Age 20 Parent COVID 19 Survey - Wave 2 

MCS Age 20 Cohort Member COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3

MCS Age 20 Parent COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3

NCDS Age 44 Biomedical Questionnaire 2002

NCDS Age 46 CATI Questionnaire 2004 

NCDS Age 50 CAI Questionnaire 2008

NCDS Age 62 COVID 19 Survey -Wave 1

NCDS Age 62  COVID 19 Survey - Wave 2

NCDS Age 62 COVID 19 Survey - Wave 3

Next Steps Age 25 Self-completion Module 2015

Next Steps Age 30  COVID 19 Survey - Wave 1

Next Steps Age 30 COVID 19 Survey - Wave 2

Next Steps Age 30 COVID 19 Survey - Wave 3

NSHD Nurse Questionnaire 2014-2016

NSHD 2020 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 1

NSHD COVID-19 Survey - Wave 2 

NSHD COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3

SWS Offspring Questionnaire Covid-19 2020

SWS Women Questionnaire Covid-19 2020

Whitehall II Health Survey 11
ALSPAC Marital Relationship Scale based Quinton and Rutter (1988) and Stanley (1994)ALSPAC About Yourself

Quinton, and Rutter,



Arnett Inventory of Sensation Seeking (AISS)ALSPAC Life of a 16+ Teenager Arnett, J.1994Sensation seeking: A new conceptualization and a new scale. Personality and Individual Differences, 16(2), 289-296.

doi: 10.1016/0191-8869(94)90165-1

ALSPAC Your Changing Life
Atopic EczemaSWS 12 months infancyWilliams, H.C., Burney, P.G., Pembroke, A.C.
Hay, R.J.
1994The U.K. Working Party's Diagnostic Criteria for Atopic Dermatitis. III. Independent hospital validation  British Journal of Dermatology, 131(3),406-416.
SWS 3 year child
SWS 6-7 year child
Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ)WCHADS Phase 13 Mother QuestionnaireBaron-Cohen, S.,
Wheelwright, S., 
Skinner, R., 
Martin, J., 
Clubley, E.

2001The Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ): evidence from Asperger syndrome/high-functioning autism, males and females, scientists and mathematicians. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 31, 517.
WCHADS Phase 13 Partner Questionnaire

Bachman Self-Esteem Scale Locus

ALSPAC Partner's Health Events and FeelingsBachman, J. G.1970Youth in Transition: Volume II. The Impact of Family Background and Intelligence on Tenth-Grade Boys. Institute for Social Research Univ (page 135).

ALSPAC  About Your Class

ALSPAC Questionnaire for Class Teacher

ALSPAC Study Mother's Questionnaire

ALSPAC Study Partner's Questionnaire

ALSPAC Focusing On You

ALSPAC - Your Health Events and Feelings

ALSPAC You and Your Life

ALSPAC Your Life in 2013

ALSPAC Department for Children, Schools and Families Plans and Aspirations Questionnaire
USoc 4 Wave 4 Main Questionnaire

Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction in General Scale (BNSG-S)

ALSPAC Life at 23+

La Guardia, J. G.,
Ryan, R. M., 
Couchman, C. E.,
Deci, E. L. 

2000Within-person variation in security of attachment: A self-determination theory perspective on attachment, need fulfilment, and well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79, 367-384.
Bracken Basic Concept ScaleMCS Age 3 Child Measurements  2003Bracker, B.A.1998, 1984Bracken Basic Concept Scale-Revised. San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation, Harcourt Brace and Company.
Brief Resilience ScaleSWS COVID-19 Offspring SurveySmith B. W., Dalen J., Wiggins K., Tooley, E., Christopher P., Bernard J. 2008The Brief Resilience Scale: Assessing the Ability to Bounce Back. International Journal of Behavioural Medicine, 15, 194-200.
SWS COVID survey - women
Brief Symptom InventoryHEAF BaselineDerogatis, L.,
Melisarators, N,
1983The Brief Symptom Inventory: an introductory report. Psychological Medicine, 13(3), 595-605.
HEAF Follow-Up 1
HEAF Follow-Up 2
Brief Infant Toddler Social Emotional Assessment (BITSEA)WCHADS Phase 07 Mother Questionnaire

Briggs-Gowan, M., J.,
Cater, A., S.,
Irwin, J., R.,
Wachtel, K.,
Cicchetti, D., V.

2004The Brief Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment: Screening for Emotional Problems and Delays in Competence.  Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 29(2)143-155.
WCHADS Phase 07 Partner Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 08 Mother Interview 
WCHADS Phase 09 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 10 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 10 Partner Questionnaire
Bristol Social Adjustment Guide (BSAG)NCDS The Child in School questionnaire 1965Stott, D.H.1963The social adjustment of children: Manual of the Bristol Social-Adjustment Guides, University of London Press.
NCDS The Child in School questionnaire 1969
Buss-Durkee Hostility-Guilt InventoryALSPAC Mother of a 9 Year Old

Buss, A. H.

Durkee, A.

1957An inventory for assessing different kinds of hostility. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 21(4), 343-349.
CAGE Assessment for Alcohol Abuse (CAGE)NCDS CAI Questionnaire 2000Ewing, J.A.1905-1907, 1984Detecting Alcoholism: The CAGE Questionnaire. JAMA 252.


Canadian Problem Gambling Index (CPGI)ALSPAC It's All About You 20+

Ferris, J.A,
Wynne, H.,
Ladouceur, R.,
Stinchfield, R.,
and Turner, N., 

2003Introducing the Canadian problem gambling index. Edmonton, AB: Wynne Resources.
ALSPAC Life at 24+
ALSPAC You and Your Life
Cannabis Abuse Screening Test (CAST)ALSPAC It's All About You 20+

Legleye, S.,
Karila, L.,
Beck, F.,
Reynaud, M.

2009Validation of the CAST, a general population Cannabis Abuse Screening Test. Journal of Substance Use, 12, 4.
Carey Infant Temperament ScaleALSPAC My Son/Daughter Fullard, W., McDevitt, S., and Carey, W.1968The Carey Temperament Scales. Behavioral-Development Initiatives.
ALSPAC Cohort Member COVID-19 Questionnaire 2
ALSPAC Parent COVID-19 Questionnaire 2
BCS70 Age 34 Parent and Child Self-Completion 0-11 Months
MCS MCS 9 Months First Survey 2000
Carey Toddler Temperament ScaleALSPAC My Little Boy/Girl
Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D)HEAF Baseline

Radloff, L. S.


The CES-D Scale: A Self-Report Depression Scale for Research in the General Population. Applied Psychological Measurement, 1(3), 385-401.
HEAF Follow-Up 1
HEAF Follow-Up 2
HEAF Follow-Up 3
HEAF Follow-Up 4
HEAF Follow-Up 5
Whitehall II Health Survey 9
Whitehall II Health Survey 11
Whitehall II Health Survey 12
Chalder Fatigue scale (CFQ)ALSPAC Life of a 16+ Teenager Cella, M., and Chalder T.2010Measuring fatigue in clinical and community settings. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 69(1),17-22.
Child Social Behaviour Questionnaire (CSBQ)MCS Age 3 Main and Partner Respondent Questionnaire 2003Luteijn, E. F., Jackson, A., E., Volkmar, F., R., Minderaa, R. B. 1998Brief Report: The Development of the Children's Social Behavior Questionnaire: Preliminary Data. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 28, 559–565.
MCS Main and Partner Respondent Questionnaire 2005
MCS Main and Partner Respondent Questionnaire 2006
Child-Parent Relationship Scale (CPRS)MCS Age 3 Main and Partner Respondent Questionnaire 2003Pianta, R.C.1994Child-parent relationship scale. Unpublished measure‚ University of Virginia
SWS 3 Year Child-Parent Relationship Scale
Children's Attribution of Responsibility and Locus of Control (CARALOC)BCS70 Pupil Question Form 1980Gammage, P.1975Socialisation, schooling and locus of control. Bristol University: PhD Thesis.
BCS70 1986
Children's Behavior Questionnaire for Teachers (Rutter's Child Scale B)NCDS  Parental Questionnaire 1975Rutter, M., Tizard, J. and Whitmore, K.1970Education, Health and Behaviour. London: Longmans.
Children's Communication Checklist (CCC)ALSPAC Your Son/Daughter at 9Bishop1998Parent and Teacher Report of Pragmatic Aspects of Communication: Use of the Children's Communication Checklist in a Clinical Setting.
Chronic Widespread Pain According to the Definition of The American College of Rheumatology 1990 criteriaHEAF Follow-Up 2

Wolfe, F.,
Smythe, H. A.,
Yunus, M. B.,
et al.

1990The American College of Rheumatology 1990 criteria for the classification of fibromyalgia. Report of the Multicenter Criteria Committee. Arthritis Rheum, 33, 60-72.

HEAF Follow-Up 3
HEAF Follow-Up 4
HEAF Follow-Up 5
Clinical Interview Schedule (CIS-R)NCDS Biomedical

Goldberg, D. P.,
Cooper, B.,
Eastwood, M. R.,
Kedward, H. B.,
Shepherd, M.

1970A standardized psychiatric interview for use in community surveys. British Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine, 24, 18-23.
Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences Questionnaire (CAPE)ALSPAC Life of a 16+ TeenagerStefanis, N., C.,
Hanssen, M., Smirnis, N., K., 
Avramopoulos, D., A.,
Evdokimidis I., K.,
Stefanis, C., N.,
Verdoux, H.,
Van OS, J.
2002Evidence that three dimensions of psychosis have a distribution in the general population. Psychological Medicine, 32, 347-358.

Condon Maternal Attachment QuestionnaireMCS 9 Months First Survey 2001Condon, J. T.
Corkindale, C. J
1996The Assessment of Parent-to-Infant Attachment: Development of a Self-Report Questionnaire Instrument.

Conflict Tactics ScaleMCS Age 3 Main and Partner Respondent Questionnaire 2003Straus, M. A.1979Measuring intra-family conflict and violence: The Conflict Tactics (CT) Scales. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 41, 75-88.
Confusion, Order and Hubbub scale (CHAOS)ALSPAC You and Your LifeMatheny, A.P., Washs, T. D., Ludwig, J.L., & Philips, K.1995Bringing Order Out of Chaos: Psychometric Characteristics of the Confusion, Hubbub, and Order Scale. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 16, 429-444.
Critical Appraisal Skills Programme Quality of Life Measure (CASP-19)NCDS Self Completion Questionnaire 2008Hyde, M.,
Wiggins R.D., Higgs P., & Blane D.B.
2003A measure of quality of life in early old age: the theory, development and properties of a needs satisfaction model [CASP-19], Ageing and Mental Health, 7(3), 186-194.

NCDS Follow up Questionnaire 2013
Whitehall II Health Survey 7
Whitehall II Health Survey 8
Whitehall II Health Survey 9
Whitehall II Health Survey 12
Crown Crisp Experiential Index (CCEI)ALSPAC A Toddler in the House - PartnersCrisp, A.H., and Crown, S.1966A Short Clinical Diagnostic Self-rating Scale for Psychoneurotic Patients: The Middlesex Hospital Questionnaire (M.H.Q.). The British Journal of Psychiatry, 112(490), 917-923.
ALSPAC Caring for a Toddler
ALSPAC Father and the Family
ALSPAC Having a Baby
ALSPAC Lifestyle and health of mother
ALSPAC Lifestyle and Health of Partner
ALSPAC Looking After the Baby
ALSPAC Me and My Baby
ALSPAC Mother and Family
ALSPAC Mother's Lifestyle
ALSPAC Partner's Health Events and Feelings
ALSPAC Partner's Lifestyle
ALSPAC Partner's Questionnaire
ALSPAC Study Mother's Questionnaire
ALSPAC Study Partner's Questionnaire
ALSPAC The Baby and Me - Partners
ALSPAC You and Your Life
ALSPAC Your Health Events and Feelings
ALSPAC Your pregnancy/Filling the Gaps
ALSPAC Your Life in 2013
Dallosso Physical Activity QuestionnaireHCS BaselineDallosso, H. M.,
Morgan, K., Bassey, E. J., Ebrahim, S. B., Fentem, P. H., Arie, T. H.
1988Levels of customary physical activity among the old and the very old living at home. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 42(2),121-127
De Jong GierveldHCS COVID-19 Phone InterviewDe Jong-Gierveld, J.
Frans, K. 
1985The development of a Rasch-type loneliness scale. Applied psychological measurement 9.3, 289-299. 
Denver Developmental Screening TestALSPAC Development and Health of My Son/DaughterFrankenberg, W.K, and Dobbs, J B.1967The Denver Developmental Screening Test.
ALSPAC Girl/Boy Toddler
ALSPAC My School Boy/Girl
ALSPAC My Son/Daughter's Health & Behaviour)
ALSPAC My Son/Daughter
ALSPAC My Son/Daughter at School
ALSPAC My Young Baby Boy/Girl
MCS 9 Months First Survey 2001
Development and Well-Being Assessment (DAWBA) ParentALSPAC Girl/Boy Health and Happiness

Goodman, R.,
Ford, T.,
Richards, H.,
Gatward, R.,
Meltzer, H.

2000The Development and Well-Being Assessment: Description and Initial Validation of an Integrated Assessment of Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 41(5), 645–655.
ALSPAC  My Son/Daughter's Well-being
ALSPAC My Daughter's Health and Happiness
ALSPAC My Teenage Son/Daughter
ALSPAC Teen Focus 3
ALSPAC Wellbeing of my Teenage Daughter
Development and Well-Being Assessment (DAWBA) TeacherALSPAC Questionnaire for Headteachers

Goodman, R.,
Ford, T.,
Richards, H.,
Gatward, R.,
Meltzer, H.

2000The Development and Well-Being Assessment: Description and Initial Validation of an Integrated Assessment of Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 41(5), 645–655.
Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children Version IV (DISC-IV)ALSPAC Experiences, Thoughts and Behaviour

Shaffer D., F. P., Lucas C.P., Dulcan M.K., Schwab-Stone M.E.

2000NIMH Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children Version IV (NIMH DISC-IV): Description, differences from previous versions, and reliability of some common diagnoses. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 39, 28-38.

ALSPAC Life of a Teenager
ALSPAC Watches and Funny Feelings 
Disability Rating IndexUSoc Follow-Up 4

Salén B. A., Spangfort E. V.,
Nygren A. L., Nordemar R. 

1994The Disability Rating Index: an instrument for the assessment of disability in clinical settings. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 47(12),1423-35.

DSM-IV Alcohol Dependence and AbuseALSPAC Life at 22+

DSM-V Alcohol User Disorder ScoreALSPAC Life at 22+

Duke University Religion Index (DUREL)ALSPAC Life at 27+Koenig, H. G.,  Büssing, A. 2010The Duke University Religion Index (DUREL): a five-item measure for use in epidemological studies. Religions, 1(1),78-85.
Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (DEBQ)ALSPAC Food and ThingsVan Strien, T.,
Frijters, J. E. R.,
Bergers, G. P. A.,
Defares, P. B.
1986The Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (DEBQ) for assessment of restrained, emotional and external eating behaviour. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 5, 295-315.;2-T
ALSPAC Year 11 Questionnaire for Young People
ALSPAC Your Changing Life
Dyadic Adjustment ScaleUSoc Self-Completion Wave 1

Busbay, D. M
Christensen, C.
Crane, D. R.
Larson, J. H.

1995A revision of the Dyadic Adjustment Scale for use with distressed and nondistressed couples: Construct hierarchy and multidimensional scales. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 21, 289–308.
USoc  Self-Completion Wave 5
USoc Self-Completion Wave 7
USoc Self-Completion Wave 9
USoc Self-Completion Wave 11
Dyslexia Adult Screening Test (DAST)BCS70 Questionnaire 2004

Nicholson, R. I.

Fawcett, A. J. 

Dean, P. 

1998The Dyslexia Adult Screening Test. London: Psychological Corporation. 
Early Childhood Behaviour QuestionnaireWCHADS Mother Questionnaire

Rothbart, M. K.

1981Measurement of temperament in infancy. Child Development, 52, 569–578.
Eating Choice Index (ECI)MCS Age 14 Cohort Member Questionnaire 2015

Pot, G. K. 

Richards, M. 

Prynne, C. J. 

Stephen, A. M.

2014Development of the Eating Choices Index (ECI): a four-item index to measure healthiness of diet. Public Health Nutrition, 17(12),2660-2666.
MCS Age 17 CAWI Young Person 2018
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS)ALSPAC A Toddler in the House - PartnersCox, J.L., Holden, J.M., Sagovsky, R.1987Detection of postnatal depression: Development of the 10-item Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. British Journal of Psychiatry, 150(6), 782-786.

ALSPAC Caring for a Toddler
ALSPAC  Father and the Family
ALSPAC Having a Baby
ALSPAC Lifestyle and Health of Mother
ALSPAC Lifestyle and Health of Partner
ALSPAC Life at 27+
ALSPAC Looking After the Baby
ALSPAC Me and My Baby
ALSPAC Mother and Family
ALSPAC Mother's Lifestyle
ALSPAC Partner's Health Events and Feelings
ALSPAC Partner's Lifestyle
ALSPAC Partner's Questionnaire
ALSPAC Study Mother's Questionnaire
ALSPAC Study Partner's Questionnaire
ALSPAC The Baby and Me - Partners
ALSPAC You and Your Life
ALSPAC Your Health Events and Feelings
ALSPAC Your life in 2013
ALSPAC Your pregnancy/Filling the Gaps
ALSPAC COVID-19 Questionnaire 5
SWS 6 months infancy
WCHADS Phase 01 Partner Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 02 Mother Interview
WCHADS Phase 05 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 06 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 07 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 07 Partner Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 08 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 09 Mother Questionnaire
Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime (ESYTC)ALSPAC Travelling, Leisure and School

Smith, D. J.,

McVie, S.

2003Theory and Method in the Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime. British Journal of Criminology, 43(1),169-195.
ALSPAC Year 11 Questionnaire for Parents and Children
Emotionality, Activity, and Sociability Temperament Scale (EAS)ALSPAC My Three Year Old Boy/GirlBuss, A.H, and Plomin, R.1984

Temperament: Early developing personality traits.
ALSPAC Parent COVID-19 Questionnaire 2
ALSPAC You and Your Life
ALSPAC Your Life in 2013
SWS 4 year child
EPIC physical Activity QuestionnaireBCS70 Self-Completion 2016

Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND)ALSPAC Parent COVID-19 Questionnaire 2Heatherton, T. F.,
Kozlowski, L. T., Frecker, R. C., Fagerstrom, K.O.
1991The Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence: a revision of the Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire. British Journal of Addiction, 86(9),1119-1127.
ALSPAC Cohort Member COVID-19 Questionnaire 2
ALSPAC It's All About You 20+
ALSPAC Life of a Teenager
ALSPAC Parent COVID-19 Questionnaire 2
ALSPAC Your Changing life
ALSPAC Your Life at 22+
ALSPAC Your Life at 23+
ALSPAC Your Life at 24+
ALSPAC Your Life in 2013
ALSPAC Your Life Now 21+
ALSPAC You and Your Life
Fatigue Assessment scale (FAS)

Follow-Up 4

Michielsen H. J.,
De Vries J., Van Heck G. L. 
2003Psychometric qualities of a brief self-rated fatigue measure: The Fatigue Assessment Scale. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 54(4),345-52.
Figure Rating Scale

ALSPAC  Teeth and Things

Stunkard, A. J.,
Sørensen, T.,
Schulsinger, F.
1983Use of the Danish Adoption Register for the study of obesity and thinness. Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease, 60, 115-20.PMID: 6823524.
Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ)

ALSPAC Your Pregnancy

ALSPAC Partner's Questionnaire
ALSPAC Mothers New Questionnaire
ALSPAC Partner's New Questionnaire
HCS Baseline
HCS Dietary Questionnaire

HEAF Follow-Up 3

SWS Pre-pregnancy
SWS  Late Pregnancy Questionnaire
SWS 12 Month Infancy Questionnaire
SWS 3 Year Child Questionnaire
SWS 6 Month Infancy Questionnaire
SWS Early Pregnancy Questionnaire
SWS 4 year child
SWS 6-7 year child
SWS 8-9 year child
SWS 11-13 year child
SWS 17-19 years offspring 
Food Neophobia Scale (FNS)WCHADS Phase 11 Mother InterviewPliner, P.,
Hobden, K.

Development of a scale to measure the trait of food neophobia in humans. Appetite, 19(2), 105-120.

General Health Questionnaire (GHQ)BCS70 Questionnaire 2000Goldberg, D. P. 1969

The Assessment of the Severity of NonPsychotic Psychiatric Illness by Means of a Questionnaire, Unpublished D. M. Thesis, Oxford University







BCS70 Age 50 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 2
MCS Age 20 Cohort Member COVID 19 Survey - Wave 2 
MCS Age 20 Parent COVID 19 Survey - Wave 2
NCDS Questionnaire 2000

NCDS Age 62 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 1

Next Steps Age 15 Young Person Self-Completion questionnaire 2005
Next Steps Age 17 Young Person Self-Completion questionnaire 2007
Next Steps Age 25 Self-completion Module 2015
Next Steps Age 30 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 1
Next Steps Age 30 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 2
Next Steps Age 30  COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3
NSHD Self-Completion Questionnaire 1999
NSHD Self-Completion Questionnaire 2006-2010
NSHD Self-Completion Questionnaire 2014-2016
NSHD 2020 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3
SWS Pre-pregnancy
SWS Women Questionnaire Covid-19 2020
USoc Self-Completion Wave 1
USoc Youth Self-Completion Wave 2
USoc Adult Self-Completion Wave 2
USoc Youth Self-Completion Wave 3
USoc Youth Self-Completion Wave 4
USoc Youth Self-Completion Wave 5
USoc Youth Self-Completion Wave 6
USoc Youth Self-Completion Wave 7
USoc Self-Completion Wave 8
USoc Self-Completion Wave 9
USoc Self-Completion Wave 10
USoc Self-Completion Wave 11
USoc Self-Completion Wave 12
WCHADS Phase 01 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 01 Partner Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 02 Mother Interview
WCHADS Phase 05 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 06 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 07 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 07 Partner Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 08 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 09 Mother Interview
Whitehall II Health Survey 1
Whitehall II Health Survey 2
Whitehall II Health Survey 3
Whitehall II Health Survey 5
Whitehall II Health Survey 6
Whitehall II Health Survey 7
Whitehall II Health Survey 8
Whitehall II Health Survey 9
Whitehall II Health Survey 11
Whitehall II Health Survey 12
General Self-Efficacy ScaleSWS 17-19 year offspring

Schwarzer, R.
BÓ“βler, J.
Kwiatek, P.
SchrÓ§der, K.

1997The assessment of optimistic self-beliefs: comparison of the German, Spanish, and Chinese versions of the General Self-efficacy Scale. Applied Psychology, 46, 69-88.
SWS Offspring Questionnaire Covid-19 2020
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)-7 ScaleALSPAC Your Life Now 21+

Spitzer, R. L., Kroenke, K., Williams, J. B., Löwe, B. 





2006A brief measure for assessing generalized anxiety disorder: the GAD-7. Archives of internal medicine, 166(10), 1092-1097.
ALSPAC Parent COVID-19 Questionnaire 1 
ALSPAC Cohort Member COVID-19 Questionnaire 1 
ALSPAC Parent COVID-19 Questionnaire 2
ALSPAC Cohort Member COVID-19 Questionnaire 2
ALSPAC Parent COVID-19 Questionnaire 4
ALSPAC Cohort Member COVID-19 Questionnaire 4
ALSPAC Parent COVID-19 Questionnaire 5
ALSPAC Cohort Member COVID-19 Questionnaire 5
ALSPAC Parent COVID-19 Questionnaire 6
ALSPAC Cohort Member COVID-19 Questionnaire 6
BCS70 Age 50 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 1
BCS70 Age 50 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 2
BCS70 Age 50 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3 
MCS Age 20 Cohort Member COVID 19 Survey - Wave 1 
MCS Age 20 Parent COVID 19 Survey - Wave 1

MCS Age 20 Cohort Member COVID 19 Survey - Wave 2

MCS Age 20 Parent COVID 19 Survey - Wave 2
MCS Age 20 Cohort Member COVID-19 Survey -Wave 3 
MCS Age 20 Parent COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3
NCDS Age 62 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 1
NCDS Age 62 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 2
NCDS Age 62 COVID-19 Survey -Wave 3
Next Steps Age 30 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 1
Next Steps Age 30 COVID-19 Survey Wave 2
Next Steps Age 30  COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3
NSHD 2020 COVID 19 Survey - Wave 1
NSHD 2020 COVID 19 Survey - Wave 2
NSHD 2020 COVID 19 Survey - Wave 3
SWS Women Questionnaire Covid-19 2020
WCHADS Phase 14 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 15 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 15 Mother COVID Only Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 15 Mother COVID Retest
Golombok Rust Inventory of Marital State (GRIMS)MCS Main and Partner Respondent Questionnaire 2005Rust, J., Bennun, I. Crowe, M. and Golombok, S.1990The GRIMS: A psychometric instrument for the assessment of marital discord. Journal of Family Therapy.
MCS 9 Months First Survey 2001
Griffith Empathy MeasureWCHADS Phase 10 Mother QuestionnaireDadds, M. R., Hunter, K., Hawes, D. J., Frost, A. D. J., Vassallo, S., Bunn, P.,
Merz, S.,
El Masry, Y. 
2008Griffith Empathy Measure (GEM) [Database record]. APA PsycTests.
WCHADS Phase 11 Mother Interview
WCHADS Phase 12 Mother Questionnaire 
WCHADS Phase 13 Mother Questionnaire
Home Observation Measurement of the Environment (HOME)ALSPAC Girl/Boy ToddlerCaldwell, B.M. and Bradley, R H2003Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment: Administrative Manual.
ALSPAC My Daughter/Son
NCDS Your Child 1991
SWS 4 year child
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Score  (HADS)HCS Health Questionnaire

Zigmond, A. S.

Snaith, R. P

1983The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinaviica, 67, 361-370.
Hypomania Checklist-32 (HCL-32)ALSPAC Life at 22+

Angst J., Adolfsson R., Benazzi F., Gamma A., Hantouche E., Meyer TD., Skeppar P,
 Vieta E.,
 Scott J.

2005The HCL-32: towards a self-assessment tool for hypomanic symptoms in outpatients. Journal of Affective Disorders, 88(2), 217-33.
Identity Stage Resolution IndexNext Steps Age 25 2015Cote, J. E. 1997An empirical test of the Identity capital model. Journal of Adolescence, 20(5), 577-597.
International Personality Item Pool (IPIP)NCDS8 Self-completion QuestionnaireGoldberg, L.R.1999A broad-bandwidth, public domain, personality inventory measuring the lower-level facets of several five-factor models. In Mervielde, I. Deary, I., De Fruyt, F. and Ostendorf, F. (Eds.), Personality Psychology in Europe, Vol. 7 (7-28). Tilburg, The Netherlands, Tilburg University Press.
HCS Wellbeing Study Questionnaire
Interpersonal Sensitivity Measure (IPSM)ALSPAC Having a BabyBoyce, P., and Parker, G.1989Development of a scale to measure interpersonal sensitivity. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 23, 341–351.
ALSPAC You and Your Life
ALSPAC - Your Home and Lifestyle
ALSPAC - Partner's Questionnaire
Intimate Bond Measure (IBM)ALSPAC Caring for a ToddlerWilhelm, K. and Parker, G.1988The development of a measure of intimate bonds Psychological Medicine. The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood, 18, 225-34.

ALSPAC Life at 29+
ALSPAC Looking After the Baby
ALSPAC Mother's Lifestyle
ALSPAC Mother's Questionnaire
ALSPAC Mother of a 9 year old
ALSPAC Partner's Health Events and Feelings
ALSPAC Twelve Years On
ALSPAC Your Health Events and Feelings
ISAAC Asthma Questions (13-14 Year Old) SWS 12 Month Infancy Questionnaire

Asher, M.I,
Keil, U.,
Anderson, H.R.,
Beasley, R.,
Crane, J.,
Martinez, F.,
Mitchel, E.A,
Pearce, N.,
Sibbald, B.,
Stewart, A.W,
et al.

1995International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC): rationale and methods. The European respiratory journal, 8(3), 483–491.
SWS 13-13 year child
ISAAC Asthma Questions (6-7 Year Old)SWS 24 Month Child Questionnaire 

Asher, M.I,
Keil, U.,
Anderson, H.R.,
Beasley, R.,
Crane, J.,
Martinez, F.,
Mitchel, E.A,
Pearce, N.,
Sibbald, B.,
Stewart, A.W,
et al.

1995International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC): rationale and methods. The European respiratory journal, 8(3), 483–491.
SWS 3 Year Child Questionnaire
SWS 6 Month Infancy Questionnaire
SWS Early Pregnancy Questionnaire
SWS 6-7 year child
JIIG-CAL Occupational Interests GuideBCS70 JIIG-CAL Occupational Interests Guide 1986Closs, S. J.1993JIIG-CAL Reference Manual. London: Hodder and Stoughton.
Job Involvement Questionnaire (JIQ)NCDS Questionnaire 2008Kanungo, R.N.1982Measurement of Job and Work Involvement.
Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale (KMSS)

WCHADS Phase 01 Mother Questionnaire

Schumm, W. R., Nichols, C. W., Schectman, K. L., Grigsby, C. C1983Characteristics of responses to the Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale by a sample of 84 married mothers. Psychological Reports, 53(2), 567–572.

WCHADS Phase 01 Partner Questionnaire

WCHADS Phase 02 Mother Interview

WCHADS Phase 05 Mother Questionnaire

WCHADS Phase 06 Mother Interview

WCHADS Phase 07 Mother Questionnaire

WCHADS Phase 07 Partner Questionnaire

WCHADS Phase 08 Mother Interview

WCHADS Phase 09 Mother Questionnaire

WCHADS Phase 11 Mother Interview

WCHADS Phase 12 Mother Questionnaire

WCHADS Phase 12 Partner Questionnaire

WCHADS Phase 13 Mother Questionnaire

WCHADS Phase 13 Partner Questionnaire

WCHADS Phase 14 Mother Questionnaire

WCHADS Phase 14 Partner Questionnaire

WCHADS Phase 15 Mother Questionnaire

WCHADS Phase 15 Mother COVID Only Questionnaire

WCHADS Phase 15 Mother COVID Retest

Karolinska Sleep Questionnaire

ALSPAC Father of a 9 Year Old

Westerlund, A.
Brandt, L.
Harlid, R.
Akerstedt, Y. 
Lagerros, Y. T.
2014Using the Karolinska Sleep Questionnaire to identify obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in a sleep clinic population. Clinical Respiratory Journal, 8(4), 444-454.

ALSPAC Mother of a 9 Year Old

HEAF Follow-Up 5

Kessler Psychological Distress Scale

MCS Age 3 CAPI Questionnaire

Kessler, R. C.,
Andrews, G.,
Colpe, L. J.,  Hiripi, E.,
Mroczek, D. K.,
Normand, S. L. T.,
Walters, E. E.,
Zaslavsky, A. M.
2002Short screening scales to monitor population prevalences and trends in non-specific psychological distress. Psychological Medicine, 32(6), 959–976.
MCS Age 5 Main and Partner Respondent Questionnaire
MCS Age 7

Main and Partner Respondent Questionnaire

MCS Age 11 Main and Partner Respondent Questionnaire

MCS Age 14

Self-Completion Parent Questionnaire 2015

MCS Age 14 Self-Completion Partner Questionnaire 2015
MCS Age 17 Young Person Self-Completion Questionnaire 2018
MCS Age 17 CAWI Self-Reported Parent Questionnaire 2018
MCS Age 20 Cohort Member COVID-19 Survey - Wave 1
MCS Age 20 Parent COVID-19 Survey - Wave 1
MCS Age 20 Cohort Member COVID-19 Survey - Wave 2 
MCS Age 20 Cohort Member COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3 
MCS Age 20 Parent COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3 
Lawrence's Self-Esteem Questionnaire  (LAWSEQ) BCS70 1986Lawrence, D.1982Development of a self-esteem questionnaire. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 51(2), 245-9.
Locke-Wallace Marital Adjustment Test (LWMAT)

BCS70 Questionnaire 2001

Locke, H.J. and Wallace, K.M.1959Short marital adjustment and prediction tests: their reliability and validity'. Marriage and Family Living, 21, 251-255.
NCDS Age 33 What Do You Think?
NCDS Questionnaire 2001
Lubben Social Network Scale (LSNS)HCS COVID-19 Telephone interview

Lubben, J. E

1988Assessing social networks among elderly populations. Family & Community Health, 11(3), 42-52.
MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory (CDIs)ALSPAC My Infant Son/Daughter

Fenson, L.,
Dale, P.S.,
Reznick, J.S,
Thal, D.,
Bates, E.,
Hartung, J.P,
Pethick, S., and
Reilly, J.S

1993The MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories: User's guide and technical manual. San Diego, CA: Singular Publishing Group.
ALSPAC My Little Girl/Boy
ALSPAC My 3 Year Old Boy/Girl
NCDS Child Interview 1991
ALSPAC My Little Boy/Girl
ALSPAC My Three Year Old Boy/Girl
MacArthur Health and Behavior Questionnaire (HBQ)WCHADS Phase 13 Teacher Questionnaire

Essex, M., J.,
Boyce, W., T., 
Heim Goldstein, L., 
Armstrong, J., M.,
Kraemer, H., C.,
Kupfer, D., J.,
The Macarthur Assessment Battery Working Group

2002The Confluence of Mental, Physical, Social and Academic Difficulties in Middle Childhood. II: Developing the MacArthur Health and Behavior Questionnaire. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 41(5), 588-603.
WCHADS Phase 14 Teacher Questionnaire
Malaise InventoryBCS70 Maternal Self Completion 1975Rutter, M.,Tizard, J. and Whitmore, K.1970Education, health and behaviour: psychological and medical study of childhood development. Longman Group Limited.
BCS70 1980
BCS70 1980

BCS70 'Where Are You Now?' Self-Completion Questionnaire 1996

BCS70 Questionnaire 2000
BCS70 Questionnaire 2004
BCS70 Questionnaire 2012
BCS70 Self-Completion questionnaire 2016
BCS70 Age 50 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 1 2021-2022 
BCS70 Age 50 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 2 
MCS 9 Months First Survey 2000
NCDS Cohort Member Interview 1981
NCDS Cohort Member Interview 1991
NCDS Questionnaire 2000
NCDS Questionnaire 2008
NCDS 2020 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 1
NCDS COVID-19 Survey - Wave 2
McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities (MSCA)NCDS Child Interview 1991McCarthy, D.1972Manual for the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities. New York: Psychological Corporation.
McKnight Risk Factor Survey (MRFS)ALSPAC Food and ThingsShisslak, C. M.<
Renger, R.,
Sharpe, T.
1999Development and evaluation of the McKnight risk factor survey assessing potential risk and protective factors for disoriented eating in preadolescent girls. International Journal Eating Disorders, 25, 195-214.;2-b
ALSPAC Life of a 16+ Teenager
ALSPAC Your Changing Life)
Meaning of Life QuestionnaireALSPAC Life at 23+

Steger, M. F.
Frazier, P.,
Oishi, S.,
Kaler, M.

2006 The Meaning in Life Questionnaire: Assessing
the presence of and search for meaning in life. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 53, 80-93.
Medical Research Council (MRC) Respiratory QuestionnaireHCS Health Questionnaire
1986Medical Research Council's Committee on Environmental and Occupational Health.
NSHD Nurse Questionnaire 1999
NSHD Postal Questionnaire 2006-2010
NSHD Postal Questionnaire 2014-2016
Midlife Development Inventory (MIDI)Whitehall II Health Survey 11Lachman, M. E, 
& Weaver S. L.
1997Midlife Development Inventory [MIDI] Personality scales: Scale construction and scoring. Brandies University; Waltham‚ MA
Mood and Feelings Questionnaire (MFQ)ALSPAC Your Son at 9Angold, A., Costello, E. J., Messer, S. C., Pickles, A., Winder, F., and Silver, D.1995The development of a short questionnaire for use in epidemiological studies of depression in children and adolescents. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 5, 237-249.
ALSPAC - Your Son/Daughter 16+ Years On
ALSPAC Being a Boy/Girl
ALSPAC Focus at 10
ALSPAC Life of a 16+ Teenager
ALSPAC My Teenage Son
ALSPAC Your Changing Life

ALSPAC - Department for Children, Schools and Families Plans and Aspirations Questionnaire

ALSPAC Your Life Now 21+

ALSPAC Your Life at 22+

ALSPAC Your Life at 23+

ALSPAC Your Life at 25+

ALSPAC Parent COVID-19 Questionnaire 1

ALSPAC Cohort Member COVID-19 Questionnaire 1

ALSPAC Parent COVID-19 Questionnaire 2

ALSPAC Cohort Member COVID-19 Questionnaire 2

ALSPAC Parent COVID-19 Questionnaire 4

ALSPAC Cohort Member COVID-19 Questionnaire 4

ALSPAC Parent COVID-19 Questionnaire 5

ALSPAC Cohort Member COVID-19 Questionnaire 5

ALSPAC Cohort Member COVID-19 Questionnaire 6

ALSPAC Parent COVID-19 Questionnaire 6

MCS Age 14 Cohort Member Questionnaire 2015

SWS 17-19 year offspring

SWS Offspring Questionnaire Covid-19 2020

WCHADS Phase 15 Child Questionnaire

WCHADS Phase 15 Child COVID Only Questionnaire

WCHADS Phase 15 Child COVID Retest

WCHADS Phase 15 Mother Questionnaire

WCHADS Phase 15 Mother COVID Only Questionnaire

WCHADS Phase 15 Mother COVID Retest

National Statistics Socio-Economic Classification (NS-SEC)Next Steps Age 14 Main Parent questionnaire 2004Rose, D.
Pevalin, D. J. 
2003A researcher's guide to the National Statistic Socio-economic Classification. SAGE Publications, Ltd.

Next Steps Age 14 Second Parent questionnaire 2004

Next Steps Age 15 Main Parent questionnaire 2005

Next Steps Age 15 Second Parent questionnaire 2005

Next Steps Age 16 Main Parent questionnaire 2006

Next Steps Age 16 Second Parent questionnaire 2006

Next Steps Age 17 Main Parent questionnaire 2007

Next Steps Age 17 Second Parent questionnaire 2007

Next Steps Age 18 Young Person Respondent - Jobs and Training questionnaire 2008

Next Steps Age 18 Young Person - Household Information questionnaire 2008

Next Steps Age 19 Jobs and Training questionnaire 2009

Next Steps Age 20 Jobs and Training questionnaire 2010

Next Steps Age 25 Activities and Employment Module 2015

Nowicki and Strickland Adult Locus of ControlALSPAC About YourselfNowicki, S.,
Strickland, B. R.
1973A locus of control scale for children. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 40(1), 148-154.
ALSPAC Focusing on You
ALSPAC Life at 27+
ALSPAC Life at 29+
ALSPAC Life of a 16+ Teenager
ALSPAC Mother's lifestyle
ALSPAC Parents Questionnaire 2020
ALSPAC Partner's Lifestyle
ALSPAC You and Your Environment - Partner
ALSPAC You and Your Life
Next Steps Age 20 Self-completion questionnaire 2010 
Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory Revised OCI-RALSPAC Parent COVID-19 Questionnaire 4

Foa, E. B.
Huppert, J. D.
Leiberg, S.
Hajcak, G.
Langner, R.

et al.

2002The Obsessive Compulsive Inventory: Development and validation of a short version. Psychological Assessment, 14, 485-496.
ALSPAC Cohort Member COVID-19 Questionnaire 4
OCEAN Personality TestALSPAC Life at 29+

Costa, P.T.

McCrae, R.R.

1989The NEO personality inventory manual. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.
MCS Main and Partner Respondent Questionnaire 2008
BCS70 Age 50 COVID-19 Survey 2021-2022
MCS Age 14 Main Parent questionnaire 2015
MCS Age 17 Young Person Self-completion questionnaire 2018
WCHADS Phase 9 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 10 Mother Questionnaire
OECD Financial Literacy Questionnaire (INFE toolkit)NCDS Age 46 CATI Questionnaire 2004


2018OECD/INFE toolkit for measuring financial literacy and financial inclusion 
ONS4 Personal Wellbeing QuestionsALSPAC Life at 23+Piers, E. V.
Hertzberg, D. S. 
2002Piers-Harris 2: Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale (2nd Ed). Western Psychological Services, LA.
Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences Schizotypy Questionnaire (O-LIFE)ALSPAC Experiences, Thoughts and Behaviour

Mason, O.
Claridge, G.

2005The Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences (O-LIFE): Further description and extended norms. Schizophrenia Research, 82 (2-3), 203-211.
Parent Bonding Instrument (PBI)ALSPAC About YourselfParker, G., Tupling, H., and Brown, L.B.1979A Parental Bonding Instrument. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 52, 1-10.
ALSPAC Life at 27+
NSHD - 1989 Self-Completion Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 14 Mother
WCHADS Phase 14 Partner
Parenting Styles and Dimensions QuestionnaireSWS 4 year childRobinson, C. C.,
Mandeco, B., Olsen, S. F., Hart, C. H.
1995Authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive parenting practices: Development of a new measure. Psychological Reports, 77, 819-830.
USoc Wave 1 Questionnaire
USoc Wave 2 Questionnaire
USoc Wave 3 Questionnaire
USoc Wave 4 Questionnaire
USoc Wave 5 Questionnaire
USoc Wave 6 Questionnaire
USoc Wave 7 Questionnaire
USoc Wave 8 Questionnaire
USoc Wave 9 Questionnaire
USoc Wave 10 Questionnaire
USoc Wave 11 Questionnaire
USoc Wave 12 Questionnaire
Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)BCS70 Age 50 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 1Kroenke, K.
Spitzer, R. L. 
2002The PHQ-9: a new depression diagnostic and severity measures. Journal of General International Medicine, 16, 606-13.
BCS70 Age 50 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 2  
BCS70 Age 50 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3 
MCS Age 20 Cohort Member COVID 19 Survey - Wave 1 
MCS Age 20 Parent COVID 19 Survey - Wave 1
MCS Age 20 Cohort Member COVID 19 Survey - Wave 2 
MCS Age 20 Parent COVID 19 Survey - Wave 2
MCS Age 20 Cohort Member COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3 
MCS Age 20 Parent COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3
NCDS Age 62 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 1
NCDS Age 62 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 2
NCDS Age 62 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3 
Next Steps Age 30 COVID-19 Survey -  Wave 1
Next Steps Age 30  COVID-19 Survey - Wave 2
Next Steps Age 30 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3
NSHD 2020 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 1
NSHD COVID-19 Survey - Wave 2
NSHD COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3
WCHADS Phase 14 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 14 Partner Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 15 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 15 Mother COVID Only Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 15 Mother COVID Retest
Perceived Competence Scale for Self-PerceptionNCDS Child Interview 1991Harter, S.1982The Perceived Competence Scale for Children.

Perceived Control ScaleSWS COVID survey - womenBobak M, Pikhart H, Rose R, Hertzman C, Marmot M. 2000Socioeconomic factors, material inequalities, and perceived control in self-rated health: cross-sectional data from seven post-communist countries. Social Science & Medicine, 51(9), 1343-50.
Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10)ALSPAC Parent COVID-19 Questionnaire 4Cohen, S., Kamarck, T.,  Mermelstein, R.1983A global measure of perceived stress. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 24, 385-396.
ALSPAC Cohort Member COVID-19 Questionnaire 4
Physical ActivitySWS Pre-pregnancyGodin, G1985A simple method to assess exercise behaviour in the community.  Canadian Journal of Applied Sports Science, 10(3), 141-146.
SWS Early pregnancy
SWS Late pregnancy
PTSD Checklist (PCL)WCHADS Phase 02 Mother InterviewWeathers, F., Litz, B.,
Herman, D., Huska, J., 
Keane, T.

1993The PTSD Checklist (PCL): Reliability, Validity, and Diagnostic Utility. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, San Antonio, TX.
WCHADS Phase 06 Mother Interview
WCHADS Phase 09 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 10 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 11 Mother Interview
WCHADS Phase 12 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 13 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 14 Mother Questionnaire
Pregnancy-related Anxiety ScaleWCHADS Phase 01 Mother QuestionnaireBrunton, R., J.,
Dryer, R.,
Saliba, A.,
Kohlhoff, J.
2019The initial development of the Pregnancy-related Anxiety Scale. Women and Birth, 32(1), e118-e130.
WCHADS Phase 01 Partner Questionnaire
Pre-School Activities Inventory (PSAI)ALSPAC Development and Health of My Son/DaughterGolombok, S. and Rust, J.1993The Pre-School Activities Inventory: A Standardized Assessment of Gender Role in Children.
ALSPAC My Study Son/Daughter
ALSPAC My Son/Daughter's Health and Behaviour
Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI)ALSPAC It's All About You 20+

Ferris J., Wynne H.

2001The Canadian Problem Gambling Index: User manual. Ottawa, Canada: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse.
ALSPAC Life at 24+
ALSPAC Parent COVID-19 Questionnaire 2
ALSPAC Cohort Member COVID-19 Questionnaire 2
ALSPAC Mother's Lifestyle
ALSPAC Partner's Lifestyle
ALSPAC You and Your Life
Psychosis Like Symptoms (PLIKS)ALSPAC Experiences, Thoughts and Behaviour

Horwood, J.,
Salvi, G.,
Thomas, K.,
Duffy, L.,
Gunnell, D.,
Hollis, C., 
et al.


IQ and non-clinical psychotic symptoms in 12-year-olds: results from the ALSPAC birth cohort. British Journal of Psychiatry, 193, 185-91.

ALSPAC  Watches and Funny Feelings
ALSPAC Life at 26+
ALSPAC Life of a 16+ Teenager
ALSPAC Life of a Teenager
ALSPAC Reading and Singing
ALSPAC Your Life Now 21+
ALSPAC Teen Focus 4 (Focus at 17+)
Psychosis Screening Questionnaire (PSQ)NSHD Self-Completion Questionnaire 1999Bebbington P, Nayani T. 1995The psychosis screening questionnaire. International Journal of Methods Psychiatry Research, 5, 11–19.
Reactive-Proactive Aggression QuestionnaireWCHADS Phase 13 Mother QuestionnaireRaine, A., Dodge, K, Loeber, R., Gatzke-Kopp, L., 
Lynam, D., Chandra, R.,
Stouthamer-Loeber, M.,
Liu, J.
2006The Reactive-Proactive Aggression Questionnaire: Differential Correlates of Reactive and Proactive Aggression in Adolescent Boys. Aggressive Behaviour, 32(2), 159-171.
WCHADS Phase 14 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 15 Mother Questionnaire
Revised Rutter Parent Scale for Preschool Children (Rutter Child Scale A)ALSPAC  My Son/Daughter's Health and BehaviourRutter, M., Tizard, J. and Whitmore, K.1970Education, Health and Behaviour. London: Longmans.;sequence=1
BCS70 Maternal Self Completion 1975
BCS70 Maternal Self Completion 1980
BCS70 Maternal Self Completion 1986
NCDS  Parental Questionnaire 1974
NCDS Educational Questionnaire 1964
Rose Angina Questionnaire (RAQ)HCS Health QuestionnaireRose, G., McCartney, P., and Reid, D.D.1977Self-Administration of a Questionnaire on Chest Pain and Intermittent Claudication. British Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine.
BCS70 CAPI Questionnaire 2016
NSHD Nurse Questionnaire 1999
NSHD Nurse Questionnaire 2006-2010
NSHD Postal Questionnaire 2006-2010
Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE)ALSPAC Life at 29+Rosenberg, M.1965Society and the Adolescent Self-Image. [Book]. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
ALSPAC Partner's Health Events and Feelings
ALSPAC Study Mother's Questionnaire
ALSPAC Study Partner's Questionnaire
ALSPAC You and Your Life
ALSPAC Your Health Events and Feelings
MCS 9 Months First Survey 2001
MCS Age 14 Cohort Member Questionnaire 2015
MCS Age 17 Young Person Self-completion 2018
USoc Wave 4 Youth Self-Completion Questionnaire
USoc Wave 2 Youth Self-Completion Questionnaire
Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS)ALSPAC Life at 23+

Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN)ALSPAC Experiences, Thoughts and BehaviourWing, J.K., Babor, T., Brugha, T., Burke, J., Cooper, J.E., Giel, R., Jablenski, A., Regier, D. and Sartorius N.1990Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry. Archives of General Psychiatry, 47(6), 589-93.

ALSPAC  Watches and Funny Feelings
ALSPAC Life of a 16+ Teenager
ALSPAC Life of a Teenager
ALSPAC Reading and Singing
Schedule for Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality (SNAP)WCHADS Phase 01 Mother QuestionnaireClark L., A., Simms, L., J.,
Wu, K., D., Casillas, A.
1993Schedule for Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality. Manual for administration, scoring, and interpretation. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

WCHADS Phase 01 Partner Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 02 Mother Interview
WCHADS Phase 05 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 06 Mother Interview
WCHADS Phase 07 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 07 Partner Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 08 Mother Interview
WCHADS Phase 09 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 10 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 10 Partner Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 11 Mother Questionnaire 
WCHADS Phase 12 Mother Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 13 Mother Questionnaire
Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36)ALSPAC Focusing on YouWare J. E., Jr., Sherbourne C. D.1992

The MOS 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36): I. Conceptual framework and item selection. Medical Care, 30(6), 473-83.
ALSPAC Life at 22+
ALSPAC Life at 26+
ALSPAC Partner - About Me
ALSPAC Twelve Years On
ALSPAC Your Changing Life
ALSPAC Your Life in 2013
ALSPAC Your Life Now 21+
ALSPAC You and Your Life
BCS70 CAPI Questionnaire 2008  
BCS70 Self Completion Questionnaire 2016
BCS70 Age 50 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 2
BCS70 Age 50  COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3 
MCS Main and Partner Respondent Questionnaire 2005
MCS Main and Partner Respondent Questionnaire 2008
MCS Age 20 Cohort Member COVID 19 Survey -Wave 2
MCS Age 20 Parent COVID 19 Survey - Wave 2 
MCS Age 20 Cohort member  COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3
MCS Age 20 Parent COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3 
HCS Health Questionnaire
NCDS Age 62 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 1 
NCDS Age 62 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 2
NCDS Age 62 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3 
Next Steps Age 30 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 2 
Next Steps Age 30 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3
NSHD COVID-19 Survey - Wave 2 
NSHD COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3 
SWS Offspring Questionnaire Covid-19 2020
SWS Women Questionnaire Covid-19 2020
USoc Self-Completion Individual Questionnaire Wave 1
USoc Self-Completion Individual Questionnaire Wave 2
USoc Self-Completion Individual Questionnaire Wave 3
USoc Self-Completion Individual Questionnaire Wave 4
USoc Self-Completion Individual Questionnaire Wave 5
USoc Self-Completion Individual Questionnaire Wave 6
USoc Self-Completion Individual Questionnaire Wave 7
USoc Self-Completion Individual Questionnaire Wave 8
USoc Self-Completion Individual Questionnaire Wave 9
USoc Self-Completion Individual Questionnaire Wave 10
USoc Self-Completion Individual Questionnaire Wave 11
USoc Self-Completion Individual Questionnaire Wave 12
Whitehall II Health Survey 3
Whitehall II Health Survey 4
Whitehall II Health Survey 5
Whitehall II Health Survey 6
Whitehall II Health Survey 7
Whitehall II Health Survey 8
Whitehall II Health Survey 9
Whitehall II Health Survey 11
Short Impulsive Behaviour Scale (S-UPPS-P)ALSPAC Life at 24+

Cyders, M. A., Smith, G. T., Spillane, N. S., Fischer, S., Annus, A. M., & Peterson, C.

2007Integration of impulsivity and positive mood to predict risky behavior: Development and validation of a measure of positive urgency. Psychological Assessment, 19, 107-118.
ALSPAC Life at 25+
ALSPAC Life at 26+

Social and Communication Disorders Checklist (SCDC)

ALSPAC My Son/Daughter's Well-BeingSkuse, D.H.,
James, R., S., Coppin, B., Dalton, P., Aamodt-Leeper G.,
Bacarese-Hamilton, M., ... & Jacobs, P., A. 
1997Evidence from Turner's syndrome of an imprinted X-linked locus affecting cognitive function. Nature, 387(6634), 705-708.
ALSPAC My Son/Daughter's Health and Happiness
ALSPAC Girl/Boy Health and Happiness
ALSPAC Wellbeing of my Teenage Daughter
ALSPAC My Son/Daughter at School
ALSPAC My Teenager Son/Daughter
ALSPAC Your Son/Daughter at 9
ALSPAC Your Son/Daughter 16+ Years On
Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ)WCHADS Phase 13 Partner Questionnaire

Rutter, M., 
Bailey, A.,
Lord, C.

2003The Social Communication Questionnaire. Los Angeles: Western Psychological Services.
Social Environment Questions developed by the Home Office for Child Health and Education Study (CHES) surveyALSPAC  Your Home and LifeHome Office

BCS70 1986
Social Provision Scale (SPS)BCS70 Age 50 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 1

Cutrona, C. E., 

Russell, D. W.

1987The provisions of social relationships and adaptation to stress. Advances in personal relationships, 1(1), 37-67.

MCS Age 14 Cohort Members Questionnaire 2015

MCS Age 17 Young Person Online Questionnaire 2018

MCS Age 20 Cohort Member COVID 19 Survey - Wave 1

MCS Age 20 Parent COVID 19 Survey - Wave 1

MCS Age 20 Cohort Member COVID 19 Survey -Wave 2

MCS Age 20 Cohort Member COVID-19 Survey -Wave 3

MCS Age 20 Parent COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3 

NCDS Age 62 COVID 19 Survey -  Wave 1

Next Steps Age 30 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 1

Next Steps Age 30 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 2

Next Steps Age 30 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3

SWS Offspring Questionnaire Covid-19 2020

SWS Women Questionnaire Covid-19 2020

South Oak Gambling Screen (SOGS)ALSPAC Mother's LifestyleLesieur, H. R., & Blume, S. B.1987The South Oak Gambling Screen (SOGS): a new instrument for the identification of pathological gamblers. American Journal of Psychiatry, 144, 1184-1188.
ALSPAC Partner's Lifestyle
Spence Children Anxiety Scale Child ReportWCHADS Phase 15 Mother QuestionnaireSpence, S., H.1998A measure of anxiety symptoms among children. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 36(5), 545-566.
WCHADS Phase 15 Mother COVID Only Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 15 Mother COVID Retest
WCHADS Phase 15 Child Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 15 Child COVID Only Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 15 Child COVID Retest
State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI)

WCHADS Phase 01 Mother QuestionnaireSpielberger, C., D.,
Krasner, S., S.,
Solomon, E., P.
1998The experience, expression and control of anger. In M. P. Janisse (Ed.), Health psychology: Individual differences and stress (pp.89-108). New York: Springer Verlag.

WCHADS Phase 01 Partner Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 02 Mother Interview
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI)ALSPAC  Father and the FamilySpielberger, C.D.,
Gorsuch, R.L., Lushene, R., Vagg, P. R., and Jacobs, G.A.
1983Manual for the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press.
ALSPAC Father of a 9 Year Old
ALSPAC Mother and Family
ALSPAC Mother and Home
ALSPAC Mother of a 9 Year Old
ALSPAC Partner and Home
ALSPAC You and Your Life
ALSPAC Your Life in 2013
WCHADS Phase 02 Mother Interview
Standardised Assessment of Personality - Abbreviated Scale (SAPAS)ALSPAC Life at 29+Moran P,
Leese M,
Lee T,
Walters P, Thornicroft G, Mann A
2003Standardised Assessment of Personality - Abbreviated Scale (SAPAS): preliminary validation of a brief screen for personality disorder. British Journal of Psychiatry, 183, 228-232.
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)ALSPAC Your Son/Daughter at 9Goodman, R.1997The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire: A Research Note.  Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 38, 581-586.
ALSPAC Being a Boy/Girl
ALSPAC Mother and Family
ALSPAC Mother and Home
ALSPAC Mothers New Questionnaire
ALSPAC My Teenage Son/Daughter
ALSPAC Partner's New Questionnaire
ALSPAC Partner and Home
ALSPAC Your Son/Daughter 16+ Years On
ALSPAC Your Life at 25+
ALSPAC You and Your Grandchildren
MCS Age 3 CAPI Questionnaire
MCS Age 5 Main and Partner Respondent Questionnaire 
MCS Age 7 Main and Partner Respondent Questionnaire
MCS Age 14 Main Parent Questionnaire
MCS Age 11 Care Home Questionnaire
MCS Age 11 Teacher Paper Questionnaire England
MCS Age 17 CASI Young Person Self-completion questionnaire 2018
MCS Age 17 Paper Parent Self-completion questionnaire 2018
SWS 3 Year Child Questionnaire
SWS 17-19 year offspring
SWS Offspring Questionnaire (up to 17 years old) Covid-19 2020
SWS Offspring Questionnaire (18+ years old) Covid-19 2020
USoc Main Questionnaire Wave 3
USoc Main Questionnaire Wave 4
USoc Main Questionnaire Wave 5
USoc Main Questionnaire Wave 6
USoc Main Questionnaire Wave 7
USoc Main Questionnaire Wave 8
USoc Main Questionnaire Wave 9
USoc Main Questionnaire Wave 10
USoc Main Questionnaire Wave 11
USoc Main Questionnaire Wave 12
USoc Youth Self-Completion Questionnaire Wave 1
USoc Youth Self-Completion Questionnaire Wave 3
USoc Youth Self-Completion Questionnaire Wave 5
USoc Youth Self-Completion Questionnaire Wave 7
USoc Youth Self-Completion Questionnaire Wave 9
USoc Youth Self-Completion Questionnaire Wave 11
WCHADS Phase 14 Partner Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 14 Teacher Questionnaire
Student-Teacher Relationship ScaleWCHADS Phase 13 Teacher QuestionnairePianta, R.

2001Student–Teacher Relationship Scale–Short Form. Lutz, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.

WCHADS Phase 14 Teacher Questionnaire
Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS)ALSPAC Life at 23+Lyubomirsky, S.,
Lepper, H.
1999A measure of subjective happiness: Preliminary reliability and construct validationSocial Indicators Research, 46, 137-155.
Thackray Reading Readiness ProfileBCS70 CHES Pictoral and Language Comprehension Test 1980Thackray, D.,
Thackray, L. 
1974Thackray Readiness Profiles, Manual of Instructions; Thackray Reading Readiness Profiles.
The Chronic Pain Grade QuestionnaireFollow-Up 4Von Korff M., Ormel J.,
et al.
1992Grading the severity of chronic pain. Pain, 50, 133-149.

The Conners Teachers Hyperactivity Rating ScaleBCS70  1980Connors, CK.1969A teacher rating scale for use in drug studies with children. American Journal of Psychiatry, 126(6), 884-888.
The Swedish Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire (DCSQ)Follow-Up 5Sanne B.,
Torp S.,
Mykletun A., Dahl A. A. 
2005The Swedish Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire (DCSQ): factor structure, item analyses, and internal consistency in a large population. Scandinavial Journal of Public Health, 33(3), 166-74.
UCLA Loneliness Scale BCS70 Age 50 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 1 

Russel, D.
Peplau, L. A. Ferguson, M. L.

1978Developing a Measure of Loneliness. Journal of Personality Assessment, 42(3), 290-294.
BCS70 Age 50 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 2 
BCS70 Age 50 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3

MCS Age 20 Cohort Member COVID 19 Survey - Wave 1 

MCS Age 20 Parent COVID 19 Survey - Wave 1

MCS Age 20 Cohort Member COVID 19 Survey - Wave 2 

MCS Age 20 Parent COVID-19 Survey - Wave 2 

MCS Age 20 Cohort Member COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3

MCS Age 20 Parent COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3

NCDS Age 62 COVID 19 Survey - Wave 1
NCDS Age 62 COVID 19 Survey - Wave 2
NCDS Age 62 COVID 19 Survey - Wave 3
Next Steps Age 30 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 1
Next Steps Age 30  COVID-19 Survey - Wave 2
Next Steps Age 30 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3
NSHD 2020 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 1
NSHD COVID-19 Survey - Wave 2
NSHD COVID-19 Survey - Wave 3
WCHADS Phase 15 Mother COVID Only Questionnaire
WCHADS Phase 15 Mother COVID Retest
Warr's Scale of job-related affective well-beingUSoc Wave 2Warr, P.1990The measurement of wellbeing and other aspects of mental health. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 63, 193-210.
USoc Wave 4

USoc Wave 6

USoc Wave 7
USoc Wave 10
USoc Wave 12
Warwick Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (WEMWBS)ALSPAC Life at 23+ 

Tennant R., Hiller, L., Fishwick, R., Platt, S., Joseph, S., Weich, S., Parkinson, J., Secker, J., Stewart-Brown S.

2006The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (WEMWBS): Development and UK validation. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 5.
ALSPAC Parent COVID-19 Questionnaire 1
ALSPAC Cohort Member COVID-19 Questionnaire 1
ALSPAC Parent COVID-19 Questionnaire 2
ALSPAC Cohort Member COVID-19 Questionnaire 2
ALSPAC Parent COVID-19 Questionnaire 4
ALSPAC Cohort Member COVID-19 Questionnaire 4
ALSPAC Parent COVID-19 Questionnaire 6
ALSPAC Cohort Member COVID-19 Questionnaire 6
BCS70 Self Completion-Questionnaire 2016
BCS70 Age 50 COVID-19 Survey - Wave 1
HEAF Baseline
HEAF Follow-Up 1
HEAF Follow-Up 2
HEAF Follow-Up 3
HEAF Follow-Up 4
HEAF Follow-Up 5
MCS Age 17 Young Person Self-completion 2018
MCS Age 20 Cohort Member COVID 19 Survey - Wave 1 
MCS Age 20 Parent COVID 19 Survey - Wave 1 
MCS Age 20 Cohort Member COVID 19 Survey -Wave 2 
MCS Age 20 Parent COVID 19 Survey - Wave 2 
SWS 17-19 year offspring
SWS Offspring Questionnaire Covid-19 2020
USoc Self-Completion Adult Wave 1
USoc Self-Completion Adult Wave 4
USoc Self-Completion Adult Wave 7
USoc Self-Completion Adult Wave 10
Weschler Abbreviated Scale of IntelligenceSWS Mother at 4 yearsWechsler, D.1999Manual for the Wechsler abbreviated intelligence scale (WASI). San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.
Weschler Pre-School and Primary Scale of IntelligenceSWS 4 year childWechsler, D.1999Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised. WPPSI-R. Psychological Corporation.
Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children - Revised: Memory for Digit Span WISC-RNCDS Child Interview 1991Wechsler, D.1974Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised. Manual. New York: Psychological Corporation.
Working Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire – General Health (WPAI-GH)Follow-Up 4 Reilly, M. C.
Zbrozek, A. S., Dukes, E. M.
1993The Validity and Reproducibility of a Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Instrument. PharmacoEconomics, 4, 353–365.
Young Mania Rating ScaleALSPAC Your Life Now 21+Young R. C., Biggs J. T., Ziegler V. E, Meyer D. A1978A rating scale for mania: reliability, validity and sensitivity. British Journal of Psychiatry, 133, 429-435.