Collection Methods

Collection Methods

This controlled vocabulary is a DDI Alliance vocabulary. It defines the procedure, technique, or mode of inquiry used to attain the data. The CLOSER version uses the same values but uses bespoke descriptions drawn from the Descriptive Term and Definition fields.


ID CodeDescription (as used on CLOSER discovery)
 1Interview A pre-planned communication between two (or more) people - the interviewer(s) and the interviewee(s)  - in which information is obtained by the interviewer(s) from the interviewee(s).
1.1Interview.FaceToFace Data collection method in which a live interviewer conducts a personal interview, presenting questions and entering the responses.
1.1.1Interview.FaceToFace.CAPI/CAMIFace-to-face computer-assisted personal interviewing.
1.1.2Interview.FaceToFace.PAPI Face-to-face paper-and-pencil interviewing.
1.2Interview.Telephone Interview administered on the telephone.
1.2.1Interview.Telephone.CATI Computer-assisted telephone interviewing.
1.3Interview.EmailInterviews conducted via email, usually consisting of several email messages that allow the discussion to continue beyond the first set of questions and answers, or the first email exchange.
1.4Interview.WebBased An interview conducted via the internet e.g. via a forum or video conferencing. 
2SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire Data collection method in which the respondent reads or listens to the questions and enters the responses by his/herself; no live interviewer is present, or participates in the questionnaire administration.
2.1SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire.Email Self-administered survey in which questions are presented in an email (in the text body or as an attachment) and returned via email.
2.2SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire.Paper Self-administered survey using a traditional paper questionnaire.
2.3SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire.SMSorMMS Self administered survey in which the respondents receive the questions incorporated in SMS or MMS and send their responses in the same format.
2.4SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire.WebBased Computer-assisted web interviewing (CAWI). Data are collected using a web questionnaire, produced with a program for creating web surveys.
2.4.1SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire.FixedForm.WebBased Self-administered survey via a custom interviewing programme using real time data transfers (CAWI) .
2.5SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire.ComputerAssisted Computer assisted self-interview (CASI). Respondents enter the responses into a computer by themselves.
3FocusGroup A group discussion on a particular topic, organized for research purposes.
3.1FocusGroup.FaceToFace A group discussion on a particular topic, organized for research purposes. The focus group participants met in person to conduct the discussion.
3.2FocusGroup.Telephone A group discussion on a particular topic, organized for research purposes. The focus group discussion is conducted over the telephone.
3.3FocusGroup.Online A group discussion on a particular topic, organized for research purposes. The focus group discussion is conducted over the internet in an interactive manner.
4SelfAdministeredWritingsAndDiariesNarratives, stories, diaries and written texts created by the research subject.
4.1SelfAdministeredWritingsAndDiaries.Email Narratives, stories, diaries and written texts created by the research subject. These are submitted by email.
4.2SelfAdministeredWritingsAndDiaries.PaperNarratives, stories, diaries and written texts created by the research subject. These are collected on paper.
4.3SelfAdministeredWritingsAndDiaries.WebBased Narratives, stories, diaries and written texts created by the research subject. These are collected via the web.
5Observation Research method that involves observing and collecting data as they occur without attempting to manipulate any of the independent variables.
5.1Observation.Field Research method that involves observing and collecting data as they occur without attempting to manipulate any of the independent variables. Observation conducted in a natural environment.
5.1.1Observation.Field.Participant Research method that involves observing and collecting data as they occur without attempting to manipulate any of the independent variables. Observation conducted in a natural environment. The researcher interacts with the subjects and often plays a role in the situation under observation.
5.1.2Observation.Field.Nonparticipant Research method that involves observing and collecting data as they occur without attempting to manipulate any of the independent variables. Observation conducted in a natural environment. There is no interaction between the researcher and his/her subjects.
5.2Observation.Laboratory Research method that involves observing and collecting data as they occur without attempting to manipulate any of the independent variables. Observation is conducted in a controlled, artificially created setting.
5.2.1Observation.Laboratory.ParticipantResearch method that involves observing and collecting data as they occur without attempting to manipulate any of the independent variables. Observation is conducted in a controlled, artificially created setting. The researcher interacts with the subjects and often plays a role in the situation under observation.
5.2.2Observation.Laboratory.NonparticipantResearch method that involves observing and collecting data as they occur without attempting to manipulate any of the independent variables. Observation is conducted in a controlled, artificially created setting. There is no interaction between the researcher and his/her subjects.
5.3Observation.ComputerBasedResearch method that involves observing and collecting data as they occur without attempting to manipulate any of the independent variables. Type of observation in which data regarding computer usage are being collected by software that can be built into the programme itself or can be a separate programme.
6Experiment Research method involving the manipulation of some or all of the independent variables included in the hypothesis.
6.1Experiment.Laboratory Research method involving the manipulation of some or all of the independent variables included in the hypothesis. The experiment is conducted in a controlled, artificially created physical setting.
6.2Experiment.FieldIntervention Research method involving the manipulation of some or all of the independent variables included in the hypothesis. The experiment is conducted in natural, uncontrolled setting.
6.3Experiment.WebBased Research method involving the manipulation of some or all of the independent variables included in the hypothesis. The experiment is conducted in a virtual setting.
7Recording Registering by mechanical or electronic means, in a form that allows the information to be retrieved and/or reproduced.
8ContentCoding As a mode of secondary data collection, content coding applies coding techniques to transform qualitative data into quantitative data using pre-defined category schemes.
9Transcription Capturing information in writing from a different source or from a different medium, alphabet or form of notation, like scientific formulae or musical notes.
10CompilationSynthesis Collecting and assembling data from multiple, often heterogeneous sources that have one or more reference points in common, and at least one of the sources was originally produced for other purposes.
11Summary Presentation of information in a condensed form, by reducing it to its main points.
12Aggregation Statistics that relate to broad classes, groups or categories. The data are averaged, totalled or otherwise derived from individual-level data, and it is no longer possible to distinguish the characteristics of individuals from within those classes, groups or categories.
13Simulation Modelling or imitative representation or real-world processes, events or systems, often using computer programmes.
14MeasurementsAndTests Assessing specific properties (or characteristics) of beings, things, phenomena (and/or processes) by applying pre-established standards and/or specialized instruments or techniques 
14.1MeasurementsAndTests.Educational Assessment of knowledge, skills, aptitude or educational achievement by means of specialized measures or tests.
14.2MeasurementsAndTests.Physical Assessment of physical properties of living beings, objects, material or natural phenomena. This includes medical and geographic data.
14.3MeasurementsAndTests.Psychological Assessment of personality traits or psychological/behavioural responses by means of specialised measures or tests.
15Other Other modes of data collection 


The vocabulary is also available as a XKOS package at https://github.com/linked-statistics/DDI-controlled-vocabularies/blob/master/ModeOfCollection/ModeOfCollection_1.1.rdf.



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