Step-by-Step (datasets)
Step-by-Step (datasets)
1. Setup SledgeHammer
- Extract the folder external_users_2019.zip to a directory (e.g. C:\Users\qtnvmil\SledgeHammer)
- The readme.txt will provide further details on how to setup and run SledgeHammer:
- Run the SledgeHammerInstaller.exe to install the software- usually on C: drive programs. (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenDataForge\SledgeHammer)
- Extract sledgehammer-cl.zip into a new directory sledgehammer-cl (e.g. C:\Users\qtnvmil\SledgeHammer\external_users_2019\sledgehammer-cl)
- Delete the lib folder and sledgehammer-cl.jar from your SledgeHammer software directory (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenDataForge\SledgeHammer)
- Copy the lib and sledgehammer-cl.jar from the sledgehammer-cl folder to your SledgeHammer software directory.
2. Setup Python
- Download version 2.7
- Add path for windows Run > sysdm.cpl > Advanced > Environment Variables. In the System variable window, find the Path variable and click Edit. Add the location of the installed Python file e.g. C:\Python27\
- Test using
python -v
3. Setup DDI-Flavour
- Download DDI- Flavour from https://github.com/CLOSER-Cohorts/ddi-flavour
- Save to directory (e.g. C:\Users\qtnvmil\SledgeHammer\external_users_2019)
4. Install Java runtime
5. Prepare SPSS files
- Only run SledgeHammer on SPSS files.
- See Document a Dataset for more information
6. Prepare batch files
- One .bat file per SPSS file e.g. mcs_ts_spss.bat
- One .txt file for all files to run DDI-Flavour after SledgeHammer e.g. renaming_list.txt
- You can create one overall .bat file to run all the batch files and DDI-Flavour e.g. run.bat
- See Document a Dataset for more information
7. Run SledgeHammer and DDI-Flavour
Run the batch file from the command line in the directory with your .bat files (e.g. C:\Users\qtnvmil\SledgeHammer\external_users_2019\sledge_test). Do not run the SledgeHammer from the GIU.
- The output will be in the directory of the .bat files.
- See Document a Dataset for more information
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