Creating tables

Creating tables

1. Check for any white spaces in all labels and remove them (use trim() function in Excel).

2. Cross check the Code List/Response Domain and Question Item tables to verify the Response Domain is correctly attached (checking that if there is one attached that it is in the corresponding table and the labels match) with each question item (use VLOOKUP function in Excel).

3. Check Parent_Name in tables Sequence, Statement, Question item, Question grid, Condition, Loop match with the same label as the table referred to in the Parent_Type table (use VLOOKUP function in Excel).


4. Check the code lists attached in the Question Item table have values (no blanks) for the min_responses and max_responses. However, Response domains Could have blanks for min_responses and max_responses. (use filter function in Excel).

5. Check for duplicate Code List attached in the Question Item table which have different min_responses and max_responses (a code list must have unique min and max cardinality) (use filter function in Excel).

6. Check the positions across the Sequence, Statement, Question item, Question grid, Condition and Loop tables to make sure they are in order within each Parent_Name, ensuring that there are no items across the tables which have the same Parent_Name and Position. (use filter function in Excel)