WISEflow (AssessmentUCL) guidance for students

WISEflow (AssessmentUCL) guidance for students

WISEflow (AssessmentUCL) link: https://europe.wiseflow.net/login/license/568

Support for your assessment on WISEflow (AssessmentUCL): Support during your assessment


AssessmentUCL is UCL's branding of the software platform WISEflow.

On WISEflow:

  • Students are called participants.

  • Assessments are called flows

Assessment types in WISEflow (AssessmentUCL)

There are three main assessment types (‘flows’) that you might be asked to complete in the AssessmentUCL platform, as outlined in the table below:


PDF Upload



Online Exam



Multimedia Upload



Relevant for:

  • Controlled Condition Exams

  • Take-Home Paper

  • Dissertation/Research Projects

  • Coursework and other assessments (i.e. essays)

  • Quizzes and In-class exams

  • Controlled Condition Exams

  • Take-Home Paper

  • Coursework and other assessments (i.e. portfolios, logbooks etc)

  • Dissertation/Research Projects


Standard file-based assessment type for typed or handwritten assessments. PDF upload only.

Exam completed within browser on AssessmentUCL platform

(MCQ / short answer exam, typed essay or image upload of handwritten response).

Multimedia assessments – accepts a combination of video, audio,

computer programming file uploads etc.

File Size:

  • Up to 200MB (1 x PDF)

  • Appendix material (if enabled): up to 5 GB (including main PDF)


  • Up to 5 GB (total for all files)

Understanding your assessment (UCL regulations)

Before completing your assessments, it is important that you aware of everything you need to know about your assessment, including the allowances that are - and are not - applicable to you, as per UCL's regulations.

Download a table summary of the assessment regulations:

Note: If you have applied for a Summary of Reasonable Adjustments (SORA), you are eligible for extra time / rest breaks. Please consult your department to understand the allowances provided to you under the SORA.

Getting Started

The information below covers access to WISEflow and basic navigation of the platform. For more detailed guidance on coursework or examinations, you may find the following pages useful:

Assessments in WISEflow

Information about submitting coursework or taking online assessments that don’t use the lockdown browser

Lockdown Browser Exams in WISEflow

Information about online assessments and exams that use the lockdown browser

After your Assessment

Information on how to get a submission receipt, access grades and feedback or access past work

WISEflow FAQs and Support

Troubleshooting problems with submitting or accessing feedback, information on how to change your submission, etc.

Log into WISEflow (AssessmentUCL)

You can access WISEflow (AssessmentUCL) at https://uk.wiseflow.net/ucl or follow the link provided in automatic email notifications from WISEflow.

From the login page:

  1. Click ‘UCL

Log in screen for WISEflow (AssessmentUCL) platform

Enter your UCL credentials and password:


Scroll down to Accept Cookies, if asked:



  1. Alternatively, if the UCL option is not available, click Search for your institution, type UCL in the search box and select University College London - AssessmentUCL LIVE:


    Enter your standard UCL log in details (userid@ucl.ac.uk + password). If you can't remember your UCL username or password, please refer to the MyAccount service.

Note: if your UCL password was reset via MyAccount it can take up to 2 hours for UCL password to update on WISEflow (AssessmentUCL). All students must ensure that your UCL login details and password are up-to-date and not about to expire. Password expiry will not be considered valid grounds for  Extenuating Circumstances or Technical Failure.



Once you have logged into WISEflow, you’ll have access to your Flow Overview, which provides you with a list of the current and upcoming assessments you’ve been enrolled on:

  1. A list of your current and upcoming flows (assessments)

  2. An option to display only flows that are currently open for submission

  3. Options to search, filter and reorganise your listed flows

  4. Access to your archive of past flows

  5. Access to demo flows

Each flow also features a progress bar which indicates the current stage of assessment:

  1. You are enrolled on the flow. This assessment will start at a later date/ time.

  1. The flow is open for participation. You can now submit files or answer the questions online, depending on the type of assessment.

  1. The flow is closed for participation. Your submission is now being marked.

  1. The flow has ended. You can now view your grade and/ or feedback, if this has been provided.

  1. The submission deadline on this flow has passed and nothing was submitted. Late submission may still be possible.

Recommended browser, applications and device set up

When using WISEflow, it is recommended that you use the two latest major versions of one of the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Safari

Web browsers not listed here may also be used to access WISEflow, however we cannot guarantee a consistent user experience for them. Make sure that your chosen browser is up to date at all times to prevent errors from occurring. 

If you have a version of the browsers above that is more than two versions old (e.g. you have Safari 12 rather than Safari 13 or 14), you will need to update it or use an alternative browser.



It is recommended that you download Microsoft Office suite, which is free to download for all UCL students to use when completing your answer documents offline so that you prevent unforeseen issues with your submission. You should not use third-party or online word to PDF converters (i.e. WPS Office) when completing PDF upload assessments.

We are aware that students that are using the WPS word processor are experiencing issues when converting their answer documents to PDF; we strongly advise that you do not use this application and instead download the Microsoft Office suite.


If you are using your own laptop to take a lockdown browser assessment, you will need to install the lockdown browser. See the minimum requirements for the lockdown browser. If you will be taking the assessment in a cluster room or using a device provided to you on the day, this software will already be installed for you.

Any assessments where the lockdown browser is required will display a padlock symbol in your overview:

A screenshot of the flow overview in WISEflow. An assessment using the lockdown browser has been highlighted.

The page that your assessment can be started from will also display relevant information if the lockdown browser is required:



For more information about lockdown browser assessments, see Lockdown Browser Exams in WISEflow.


Download Microsoft Office applications (optional) 

UCL students are able to download Microsoft Office applications, such as Microsoft Word, for free. See Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise.

When completing written assessments, it is recommended that you use a standard word processor such as Microsoft Word so that you can easily convert your answer document into PDF to upload to the platform (File > Save As > PDF).

Try out a Demo Flow

It is strongly recommended that you complete the demo flows to familiarise yourself with the platform ahead of completing your real assessments.

The purpose of the Demo flows is to enable you to practice using different functionalities that you might encounter in one or more of your real assessments and to test your device and browser set up. These are not marked or designed to assess your knowledge of a particular subject, but to ensure that you are comfortable in this new environment.

Demo flows can be accessed at any time via the Demo flows button at the bottom of your overview:


Support for your assessments

Please look at the Support during your assessment page if you have any queries, before, during or after the completion of an assessment in WISEflow (AssessmentUCL).

For more information on assessments on WISEflow you can also refer to the Exams and assessments page.

For any queries related to practice assessments or general assessment queries raise your query on askUCL.

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