WISEflow (AssessmentUCL) guidance for students
WISEflow (AssessmentUCL) link: https://europe.wiseflow.net/login/license/568
Support for your assessment on WISEflow (AssessmentUCL): Support during your assessment
Before your assessment | During your assessment | After your assessment | FAQs / Support |
| PDF upload: FLOWmulti online exam: |
Overview: Assessments in WISEflow (AssessmentUCL)
AssessmentUCL is UCL's branding of the software platform WISEflow.
On WISEflow,
Students are called participants.
Assessments are called flows.
Assessment types in WISEflow (AssessmentUCL)
There are three main assessment types (‘flows’) that you might be asked to complete in the AssessmentUCL platform, as outlined in the table below:
| PDF Upload
(FLOWassign) | Online Exam
(FLOWmulti) | Multimedia Upload(FLOWhandin) |
Relevant for:(UCL Assessment types) |
Description: | Standard file-based assessment type for typed or handwritten assessments. PDF upload only. | Exam completed within browser on AssessmentUCL platform (MCQ / short answer exam, typed essay or image upload of handwritten response). | Multimedia assessments – accepts a combination of video, audio, computer programming file uploads etc. |
File Size: | · Up to 200MB (1 x PDF) · Appendix material (if enabled): | N/A | · Up to 5 GB (total for all files) |
NOTE: Written and video guidance on how to complete these assessments types is available in the WHAT TO DO: COMPLETING your assessment section
Understanding your assessment (UCL regulations)
Before completing your assessments, it is important that you aware of everything you need to know about your assessment, including the allowances that are - and are not - applicable to you, as per UCL's regulations. Please read the following table to understand these regulations:
UCL Assessment Type | Description | Assessment Duration | Expected Working Hours | Upload Window | Ability to re-submit | Late Submissions | Self-Certified Extenuating Circumstances mitigation |
Controlled-Condition Exams (either as a PDF Upload or Online Exam) | Online exams which replicate the controlled conditions in a face-to-face exam hall. All students start exams at the same time. | Up to 4 hrs | Up to 4 hrs (i.e. the Assessment Duration | 20 minutes (already included in Assessment Duration) | Yes (if via PDF upload) No (if Online Exam via FLOWmulti) |
| Deferral without Tuition to next available occasion (i.e. Late Summer Assessment Period) |
Take-Home Papers (a PDF Upload)
| Open-book assignments with | 24 hrs | 8 hrs | N/A (built in) | Yes |
| 2 hrs |
48 hrs | 16 hrs (for 48 hr paper) | N/A (built in) | Yes |
| 4 hrs | ||
72 hrs | 24 hrs (for 72 hr paper) | N/A (built in) | Yes |
| 6 hrs | ||
7 days | 56 hrs (for 7 day paper) | N/A (built in) | Yes |
| 14 hrs | ||
Quizzes & In-class tests (Online Exam) | Short tests and quizzes, often delivered via an online platform. | Up to 1 hr | N/A | N/A | Yes | Not allowed | Deferral without Tuition (timing determined by department) |
Practical Exams (a PDF Upload or Multimedia Upload) | Practical assessments with a short, fixed duration such as presentations, group presentations, vivas, clinical exams, OSCEs, lab tests etc. | Typically up to 1 day | N/A | N/A | Yes | Not accepted for the Practical Exam. If students are required to submit supporting documents: <2 working days late = 10pp deduction 2-5 working days late = capped at pass >5 working days late = Mark of 1.00%/ Grade E | Deferral without Tuition (timing determined by department) |
Dissertations / Research Projects (a PDF Upload or Multimedia Upload) | Extended, in-depth coursework assignments involving research and independent study. | Typically up to 3 months or more | N/A | Not allowed | Yes | <2 working days late = 10pp deduction 2-5 working days late = capped at pass >5 working days late = Mark of 1.00%/ Grade E | Extension of up to 2 weeks |
Coursework and other assignments (a PDF Upload or Multimedia Upload) | Assignments where students are typically given a few weeks to complete the assessment. | More than 7 days | N/A | Not allowed | Yes | <2 working days late = 10pp deduction 2-5 working days late = capped at pass >5 working days late = Mark of 1.00%/ Grade E | Extension of up to 1 week |
NOTE: If you have applied for a Summary of Reasonable Adjustments (SORA), you are eligible for extra time / rest breaks. Please consult your department to understand the allowances provided to you under the SORA.
What to do: Before your assessment
Log into WISEflow (AssessmentUCL)
You can access WISEflow (AssessmentUCL) at https://uk.wiseflow.net/ucl or follow the link provided in automatic email notifications from WISEflow (the platform behind AssessmentUCL).
From the WISEflow (AssessmentUCL) login page:
Click ‘UCL’
Log in with your UCL Credentials:
Scroll down to Accept Cookies, if asked:
Alternatively, if the UCL option is not available, click Search for your institution, type UCL in the search box and select University College London - AssessmentUCL LIVE:
Enter your standard UCL log in details (userid@ucl.ac.uk + password). If you can't remember your UCL username or password, please refer to the MyAccount service.
Please note: if your UCL password was reset on the MyAccount it can take up to 2 hours for UCL password to update on AssessmentUCL. All students must ensure that your UCL login details and password are up-to-date and not about to expire. Password expiry will not be considered valid grounds for Extenuating Circumstances or Technical Failure.
Recommended browser, applications and device set up
When using AssessmentUCL, it is recommended that you use the two latest major versions of the following browsers:
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Web browsers not listed here may also be used to access AssessmentUCL, however we cannot guarantee a consistent user experience for them. Make sure that your chosen browser is up to date at all times to prevent errors from occurring when using WISEflow.
If you have a version of the browsers above that is more than two versions old (e.g. you have Safari 12 rather than Safari 13 or 14), you will need to update it or use an alternative browser.
It is recommended that you download Microsoft Office suite (which is free to download for all UCL students) to use when completing your answer documents offline (where applicable) so that you prevent unforeseen issues with your submission. You should not use third-party or online word to PDF converters (i.e. WPS Office) when completing PDF upload assessments.
We are aware that students that are using the WPS word processor are experiencing issues when converting their answer documents to PDF; we strongly advise that you do not use this application and instead download the Microsoft Office suite (link in paragraph above).
Device set up:
IMPORTANT: To reduce the risk of connectivity issues while taking assessments on the platform, please ensure;
you have disabled any browser plugins (such as adblockers)
you are not logged onto a VPN
you have closed background programmes
Download Microsoft Office applications (optional)
UCL students are able to download Microsoft Office applications, such as Microsoft Word, for free here. When completing written assessments, it is recommended that you use a standard word processor such as Microsoft Word so that you can easily convert your answer document into PDF to upload to the platform (File > Save As > PDF).
Find your assessment
Step 1: Once you have logged into AssessmentUCL, you should see a list of your assessments on the home page ('Flow Overview'):
NOTE: you might not see all of your assessments at first, but they will be made available at the start of the assessment period.
In this section you can find a list of your assessments
'Filter flows':
here you can search for your assessments by module name, module code or assessment title
Module heading:
in AssessmentUCL, the main heading for your assessment will be made up of the module code (i.e. UCLD0001) and module name - this is to indicate which module your assessment sits under / counts towards
Assessment heading:
the subheading of your assessment will consist of the assessment type (i.e. Coursework), the weighting of the assessment (i.e. 50%), and the assessment code (information relevant to UCL's Central Assessment team).
Start and end date:
this is where you can see the start and end date of your assessment (your assessment must be submitted by the end date shown)
Assessment open:
when your assessment is ready to commence, the arrow icon will appear green. You will have until the end date of the assessment to complete your assessment.
Step 2: Click on an assessment to open up the Assessment Overview page (covered in next section) where you can find more details about the assessment and access relevant materials (i.e. exam paper, submission instructions etc).
Open the Assessment Overview page
1) Top half of the Assessment Overview page:
Upon opening an assessment, you should see the following within the top half of the page:
(NOTE: if the assessment has not started yet, you will see a countdown timer indicating when the assessment will begin)
Time left and the deadline for handing in your paper (NOTE: for Controlled-Condition Exams and Take Home Papers, the time allowance for uploading your submission - 'upload window' - will already be built into the deadline).
Preview or download the assignment paper and any appendix materials.
Preview or download General material and Additional material (if uploaded).
View any previously acknowledged direct messages.
2) Bottom half of the Assessment Overview page:
The bottom half of the screen will appear different depending on the assessment type chosen within AssessmentUCL, these different views are shown below:
PDF upload and Multimedia upload:
Upload button: this is where you will upload your main submission
Additional upload button: if enabled/applicable, you can upload additional material here
Cover sheet: you may be required to fill in a cover sheet as part of completing your assessment
Submit button: when you are ready to submit, click this hand-in button to confirm completion of your assessment
To submit your assessment successfully, ensure you have completed all relevant steps. Do NOT click on Hand in blank as it will prevent you handing any other submission for grading.
Online exam:
'Start the flow':
Click this button to start your assessment in the platform.
NOTE: there is no Submit button on this Assessment Overview page because you will make your submission when completing your answers within the platform (the page generated by clicking 'Start the flow')
Do NOT click on Submit blank as it will prevent you handing any other submission for grading.
Complete the Demo Flows
It is strongly recommended that you complete the Demo Flows on AssessmentUCL to familiarise yourself with the platform ahead of completing your real assessments.
Every student has been provided with three different types of demo flows on the AssessmentUCL platform (a PDF upload, Online Exam and Multimedia upload). The purpose of the Demo flows is to enable you to practice different functionality that you might be expected to perform in one or more of your real assessments and to test your device and browser set up. These are not marked or designed to assess your knowledge of a particular subject, but to ensure that you are comfortable in this new environment.
To complete the Demo Flows:
Step 1: Log onto AssessmentUCL
Step 2: In 'Flow Overview', select 'Demo flows' button and you should see three demo flows:
Step 3: Click on any one of the three demo flows and complete the assessment. The instructions provided within the assessment will guide you on how to complete the demo flows.
NOTE: You can also refer to the steps laid out in each of the assessment types in WHAT TO DO: COMPLETING your assessment.
Step 4: Repeat steps until all demo flows have been completed.
Quick Guide for students: Submitting on AssessmentUCL
What to do: Completing your assessment
Completing a PDF upload
This guidance outlines how to complete a PDF upload assessment (FLOWassign).
IMPORTANT: When converting your answer document into a PDF, you should NOT use a third party or online PDF converter as this can prevent you from successfully uploading your file and, in extreme cases, result in a non-submission.
Please save your document as a PDF via the recommended methods / supported applications outlined in the Frequently Asked Questions section. To prevent issues with your PDF upload, it is highly recommended that you use the Microsoft Word application which is free to download for UCL students.
Video Guidance:
Written Guidance:
Step 1: Log into AssessmentUCL
i) You can access AssessmentUCL at https://uk.wiseflow.net/ucl or follow the link provided in automatic email notifications from WISEflow (the platform behind AssessmentUCL).
Step 2: Find your assessment
i) On the Flow Overview page, locate your assessment (you can also use the filter search to assist you)
(please refer to earlier section, Find your Assessment, for more guidance)
Step 3: Open your assessment
i) Click on the assessment to open the Assessment Overview page (shown below):
Step 4: Download (or Preview) your assignment and any relevant assessment materials
i) It is recommended that you download your assignment (i.e. assessment instructions and questions), along with any additional material, so that you have a local copy to refer to when completing your assessment.
ii) To download the materials, click on the download icon (shown below) next to the document you wish to download:
Step 5: Completing your answers
i) Your assessment materials should include instructions on how to write your answers (i.e. typed or handwritten) and any formatting required (i.e. layout of answers, text size if typed etc).
ii) Typically, you will be required to write your answers in a Microsoft Word document or similar word processor. If you do not already have Microsoft Word installed on your computer, please refer to the guidance on Microsoft software available for students.
iii) If you are required to hand write/draw some or all your answers on paper, then you will need to scan or photograph your handwritten answers (i.e. using your mobile phone) and insert them into your Word document. You may use Office Lens on your phone to scan/photograph handwritten answers. (See the Office Lens Student Guide for instructions).
iv) If you encounter issues with your submission, or have a query while taking your assessment, please complete the Assessment Query Form and the Central Assessment Team will investigate your issue.
Step 6: Preparing your answers for submission:
NOTE: Do not write your name or student number in either the file or the file name - you submission should be anonymous.
i) Your answer document needs to be converted into a PDF file.
IMPORTANT: we do not recommend using a third party PDF converter as students have experienced issues with submission via this method.
Please save your document as a PDF via your word processor - it is recommended that you use the Microsoft Word application (access the free download for UCL students)
In a Word document, you can 'Save as a PDF' as follows:
Click on File and select Save As or Export and choose where you want the file to be saved.
In the Save As / Publish as PDF or XPS dialog box, choose PDF in the Save as type list.
Click on Save / Publish.
ii) Check the file size of your PDF document. It must be less than 200mb to upload to AssessmentUCL. Advice on how to reduce the file size of a Word document can be found on the Microsoft Office website.
iii) Optional: you may wish to remove metadata from your file to improve the anonymity of your submission. There is also no need to provided your candidate number in the file. AssessmentUCL automatically captures this information when you upload.
Step 7: Upload your submission as a PDF file and preview it:
i) Click the Upload button:
ii) search for your PDF file on your device and click Open:
iii) Preview your submission to check you have uploaded the correct file:
You can also delete an incorrect file and upload the correct one using the 3-line icon (next to the Preview icon)
Step 8: Complete the coversheet
i) Click the 'Fill in cover sheet' button and complete all fields (including UCL's Declaration of Integrity to declare your work as your own):
Step 9: Submit your assessment
i) Click the button 'Click here to submit':
NOTE: DO NOT SELECT the 'Hand in blank' button.
Step 10: Confirm you have submitted correctly:
i) A message with a date and time stamp when you submitted should appear. This indicates you have submitted successfully.
Step 11 (Optional): You have the option to withdraw/re-submit multiple times before submitting your work as final, up until the assessment deadline.
i) To do this, click the 'withdraw submission' button:
ii) A warning message will appear to make sure you wish to withdraw your submission. Tick the 'Execute the action' checkbox and click Proceed.
iii) Remove the existing submission by clicking the 3-line icon and selecting Delete:
iv) Re-upload the new/updated version of your submission (as outlined in Step 6)
After submitting your assessment, you can obtain a submission receipt - to do this, please refer to Collect Submission Receipt section.
Completing an Online exam
This guidance outlines how to complete an online assessment in AssessmentUCL where you complete your answers in the platform (as opposed to completing answers offline and then uploading your answer document, like the PDF upload assessment above). This guidance can apply to any of the following assessment types:
Quizzes and In-Class tests
Controlled-Condition Exam
Take Home Paper
Video Guidance:
Written Guidance:
Step 1: Log into AssessmentUCL
i) You can access AssessmentUCL at https://uk.wiseflow.net/ucl or follow the link provided in automatic email notifications from WISEflow (the platform behind AssessmentUCL).
Step 2: Find your assessment
i) On the Flow Overview page, locate your assessment (you can also use the filter search to assist you)
(please refer to earlier section, Find your Assessment, for more guidance)
Step 3: Open your assessment
i) Click on the assessment to open the Assessment Overview page (shown below):
NOTE: If you encounter issues with your submission, or have a query while taking your assessment, please complete the Assessment Query Form (the link is found in Supporting material container - on the right hand side of the Assessment page) and the Central Assessment Team will investigate your issue.
Step 4: Start your online assessment
i) At the start of your assessment, click on 'Start the flow' button to begin:
Step 5: Navigating and completing your online assessment
Having started your online assessment, you will be directed to the assessment browser where you will complete your answers:
Title: here you will see the assessment title and your candidate identifier to indicate this is your submission
Progress counter: if your assessment has multiple sections, this counter will indicate the section you are currently on, out of the total number of sections
Question area: this area will display the information for the current question you are on (i.e. an essay question, a multiple choice question and answer options). NOTE: the example screenshot is displaying an introductory message which you may/may not encounter for your real assessment.
Time left: this area displays the time remaining until the assessment ends, as a countdown timer.
Back and Next button: this is where you can skip forward or backwards through the assessment
Tools: a list of tools you may find useful when completing your assessment, such as flagging a question, adding a sticky note, configuring the view/format of the assessment (for accessibility). You can practice the use of these tools as part of the Demo Flows.
Clock: tells you the actual time at that current moment
Submission button: once you have completed all sections of your online assessment, you must click the 'Go to Submit' button to submit your answers (a Submit pop-up window will appear for you to confirm submission).
Step 6: Check you have answered all relevant questions:
i) When you come to the last section/question of your online assessment, the Next button will change to an Overview button. It is recommended that you access the Overview to check you have answered all relevant questions:
ii) In the Overview, you can see all sections available in your online assessment. You can tick the checkbox for 'Unattempted' to ensure you haven't missed any applicable questions:
NOTE: you can also check for questions you have flagged during the assessment that you wish to view again (tick Flagged checkbox to do this)
Step 7: Submit your answers
NOTE: You must SUBMIT your work before the time runs out to submit your answers. This cannot be actioned after the exam time ends so it is recommended that you leave some time towards the end of your exam to do this.
i) Click the green Submit button (in the top right corner) to submit your answers:
ii) A pop-up window will appear to reconfirm you wish to submit your answers as final:
iii) Tick the checkbox and click 'Submit' (as indicated above) to confirm you want to submit.
Step 8: Return to the Assessment Overview page
i) When you have submitted (handed in), the following window will appear:
ii) Click the 'Return to WISEflow' link to return to the Assessment Overview page
Step 9: Confirm you have submitted correctly:
i) A message with a date and time stamp of your submission should appear on the Assessment Overview page. This indicates you have submitted successfully.
After submitting your assessment, you can obtain a submission receipt - to do this, please refer to Collect Submission Receipt section.
Completing a Multimedia upload
This guidance outlines how to complete a Multimedia upload assessment (FLOWhandin). This guidance can apply to any of the following assessment types:
Coursework and other assessments (i.e. portfolios, logbooks, video presentations etc)
Dissertation / Research Projects
Video Guidance:
Written Guidance:
Step 1: Log into AssessmentUCL
i) You can access AssessmentUCL at https://uk.wiseflow.net/ucl or follow the link provided in automatic email notifications from WISEflow (the platform behind AssessmentUCL).
Step 2: Find your assessment
i) On the Flow Overview page, locate your assessment (you can also use the filter search to assist you)
(please refer to earlier section, Find your Assessment, for more guidance)
Step 3: Open your assessment
i) Click on the assessment to open the Assessment Overview page (shown below):
Step 4: Download (or Preview) your assignment and any relevant assessment materials
i) It is recommended that you download your assignment (i.e. assessment instructions and questions), along with any additional material, so that you have a local copy to refer to when completing your assessment.
ii) To download the materials, click on the download icon (shown below) next to the document you wish to download:
Step 5: Completing your assessment
i) In a Multimedia upload assessment, you can submit a total of 5GB worth of files (most file types are accepted). Your assessment materials should include instructions on how to complete your assessment (i.e. files to upload, formatting of submissions etc).
ii) You might find it useful to refer to the following guidance notes for your file submissions (if relevant):
For video files: Creating a Video
Convert Word to PDF: Create a PDF file from Word
Reducing size of image in Microsoft Word: Microsoft's guide on reducing image file size.
iii) Optional: you may wish to remove metadata from your file to improve the anonymity of your submission. There is also no need to provided your candidate number in the file. AssessmentUCL automatically captures this information when you upload.
iv) If you encounter issues with your submission, or have a query while taking your assessment, please complete the Assessment Query Form and the Central Assessment Team will investigate your issue.
Step 6: Upload your files one at a time and preview them:
i) Click the Upload button:
ii) search for the first file saved on your device and click Open:
iii) Preview your submission to check you have uploaded the correct file:
iv) Repeat the above steps for each file submission.
NOTE: You can also delete an incorrect file and upload the correct one using the 3-line icon (next to the Preview icon)
Step 7: Complete the coversheet
i) Click the 'Fill in cover sheet' button and complete all fields (including UCL's Declaration of Integrity to declare your work as your own):
Step 8: Submit your assessment
i) Click the button 'Click here to submit':
NOTE: DO NOT SELECT the 'Hand in blank' button.
Step 9: Confirm you have submitted correctly:
i) A message with a date and time stamp you submitted should appear. This indicates you have submitted successfully.
Withdrawing/ Re-submitting your work
You have the option to withdraw/re-submit multiple times before submitting your work as final, up until the assessment deadline.
i) To do this, click the 'withdraw submission' button:
ii) A warning message will appear to make sure you wish to withdraw your submission. Tick the 'Execute the action' checkbox and click Proceed.
iii) Remove the existing submission by clicking the 3-line icon and selecting Delete:
iv) Re-upload the new/updated version of your submission (as outlined in Step 6)
After submitting your assessment, you can obtain a submission receipt - to do this, please refer to Collect Submission Receipt section.