Feedback Report - Glossary of Terms

Feedback Report - Glossary of Terms








A set piece of assigned work or an item for which a student is given a grade and/or feedback with a Moodle course. Types of assessment are:

  • Moodle assignment (including offline assignments)

  • Turnitin assignment

  • Workshop (for peer assessment)

  • Quiz

  • Manual item (grade entered into gradebook for in-class activities, such as presentations)

The total number of assessments a student should have submitted up to a given point is displayed on the dashboards for Personal tutors, Module tutors, and Departmental Administrators


The Moodle course that contains each assessment that appears in the MyFeedback report. While it's often used to share module information, a course can also represent a programme, project, prelab activity, or professional development course.

Formative and summative assessment

Formative assessment takes place throughout the course. It has a developmental purpose and is designed to help students to learn more effectively via set pieces of work and giving students feedback on their performance and how it can be improved and/or maintained. Formative assessment is reflective practice and does not usually contribute to the course grade at the end of the year. Any coursework that counts towards the final grade is known as 'summative' assessment.

Graded assessments

The number of assessments graded thus far, with feedback visible to students.

Late submissions

The number of assignments that have been submitted after the deadline.

Note: assignment and quiz deadlines can be amended to give individuals extensions. If this is done, the report takes this into account when determining the number of late submissions. It is important to remember that not all departments use this feature in Moodle when interpreting this data.

Low graded assessments

The number of assessments (where the grades have been released to students) with a score below 50%.


The number of missed submissions for due assessments.

Personal tutor

A Personal tutor is a member of the teaching staff, but does not necessarily teach modules taken by their personal tutees. Personal tutors support tutees' learning and development, as well as personal welfare, where needed.

Departmental administrator

A Departmental Administrator is a staff member who oversees a particular department or programme in an administrative, senior teaching, or management capacity (e.g. programme administrator, departmental/teaching administrator, module leader, departmental tutor, faculty tutor, programme tutor, programme director, head of department, director of studies or programme leader).

Self-reflective notes

Notes written by a student related to their performance on an assessment or the feedback provided to them by their module tutor or peers. Personal Tutors and Departmental Administrators can also view these notes.

Summative assessment

An assessment used to evaluate student learning that contributes towards the student's final mark for a module.


Turnitin is an online tool used by UCL for deterring and detecting plagiarism. Turnitin works by comparing students' work against a vast database of websites, books, journals, and previously submitted papers. This tool generates a similarity score and an originality report, identifying any matching content.

Tutor group

Subdivision of students within a module such as a tutorial group, practical group or seminar group, which is supervised by a module tutor.


Weighting refers to the percentage contribution of a particular summative assessment towards the total credit for a module.

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