Moodle Workshop for peer assessment

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This is a brief guide for students using the Moodle Workshop activity for peer marking.

Staff should refer to the M37 guide for a rationale, and for guidance on how to use workshops.

The Planner

When you access a workshop you will see the Planner, which outlines the current phase the workshop is in and will show your own tasks and deadlines.


Submission phase

During the Submission phase you will see a button ('greyed tick') which gives the option to Submit your work. Click this in order to either start typing your submission or to upload a file. 
Once you have made a submission you will have the option to edit it before the deadline passes. 

Assessment phase

When the Workshop moves into the Assessment Phase you will see the Submissions assigned to you and your peer markers (other students in your class) will see your submission for marking.

Sometimes, depending on settings, you may be required to first carry out a practice assessment, in which case assigned Submissions will only display after your practice assessment.

Peer markers then click the Assess button that appears below the allocated Submissions.
Depending on the grading strategy the tutor has chosen, this will display the Assessment form as a series of questions, or comments fields, or rubric. 
After completing the Assessment, peer markers will be able to Re-Assess until the end of the Assessment Phase. 


Moodle Workshop doesn't autosave, so Peer Markers should use Save and Continue frequently.

Grading evaluation phase

During this phase, tutors review the submissions and assessments, and may mark either or both.

Students do not need to do anything during this phase, since they will not be able to view marks or feedback until a tutor closes the activity.

Closed phase

In the Close phase, you will recieve the marks and/or feedback given by your peers. In between this phase and the assessment phase is the Grading and evaluation phase, where the tutor or course administrator had the opportunity to check any feedback given. 

If you click on your submission you will be able to see a breakdown of the marks and comments.