


Welcome. This is the guide for Lecturecast so if you have any problems or queries with the system, you’ve come to the right place!

Lecturecast is UCL’s automated lecture capture system. It will contribute to your learning experience by providing recordings of your lectures for revision and review purposes. Attendance at lectures is still required. It has additional tools such as notetaking, bookmarking and posting questions which will make your learning experience easier. To make the most out of Lecturecast,  please see the best practice guide. It provides a range of tips  based on research at other institutions.

Students both at UCL and elsewhere, have reported a range of benefits of using an automated lecture capture system, including:

  • The ability to revisit complex material to ensure understanding

  • The opportunity to clarify the use of unusual terminology or subject jargon

  • The option to view lectures missed due to illness or unforeseen circumstances

  • The ability to bookmark specific parts of recordings as an aid to revision

Lecture recordings are captured in Lecturecast enabled teaching spaces at the discretion of your Department and Lecturer/Tutor.

If your lecture is recorded you will be able to watch it back after the event, via your Moodle course once the content is released by the Course Administrator/Tutor.

You will be able to watch recordings via your Moodle courses once the content has been released by the Course Administrator/Tutor.

For instructions on how to access and view recordings refer to the Student Guide - Learning the Basics

Also refer to the Policy and Good Practice Guidelines and FAQs for additional information.

Example Lecturecast Capture

Depending on what is captured as part of the Lecturecast recording you can:

  1. Use the player controls which includes standard play/pause, fast forward, and rewind buttons.

  2. View the video recording

  3. Use the interactive features to take notes, post questions and engage in discussions, bookmark and flag content.

  4. View the lecture slides associated with the class.


For more help:


Please contact the ISD Service Desk

020 7676 5000

Ext. 25000 (internal)


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