Lecturecast - Student Mobile App

Lecturecast - Student Mobile App


Echo360 has produced a mobile application that allows students to access and view lecture recordings on their mobile phones.

The information in this training guide is designed to provide students with a brief overview of Echo360 mobile application.

It includes:

Firstly to download the application:


Links to download

The Android app is supported on Android 5 and higher.

It is available from the Google Play store:


The iOS app is supported on iOS 9.1 or later.

It is available from the iTunes App store:



The Windows Mobile app is supported on Windows 10 PC and Windows 10 Mobile devices, as well as on Xbox One.

It is available from the Windows App store:

Echo360 - Free download and install on Windows | Microsoft Store

Amazon Kindle

It is available on the Amazon App store:


Once you have downloaded the app:

Enter your UCL email (in the format of: firstname.lastname.xx@ucl.ac.uk e.g. priya.vasile.18@ucl.ac.uk):


Sign into your UCL account with your User ID and password:


You are now logged in.


Initially, you may not see any recordings. If you encounter this problem, go onto moodle.ucl.ac.uk and click on the Lecturecast links of the modules you would like to access. They should now appear on the mobile application.

You can now watch your lectures and utilise the features of the application to enhance your learning!

There are many features on the Mobile application:

  • The screens can be switched from the camera recording to the slides

  • Create notes, bookmarks and mark parts of the lecture confusing

  • Interact with in class polls

  • Watch dual-stream HD video presentations and lectures on-demand

  • Capture instructional videos right from the application

  • Share fieldwork videos in subjects that get outside the traditional classroom or demonstrate practical competency in the field

  • Enhance your course library with mobile learning content that can be shared in Echo360