2. Faculty Bulletin Oct 2009

2. Faculty Bulletin Oct 2009

1          Estate developments in UCL Library Services

This summer, the Main Library was re-signed throughout. Reading rooms to each side of the north corridor were re-decorated, and tables and chairs re-covered. The collections were weeded and stock and furniture layout altered. The spaces are now lighter, less cramped and we trust more attractive and conducive to study. The next phase of work will be Room 124 and the Gallery. The work is scheduled for June to September 2010. It will be essential for English and German collections to be re-shelved elsewhere temporarily. The location depends on decisions by Estates. We will notify Departments about timing, location and access as soon as we know.
The Gallery will be extended into the centre of the space to provide more reader places, and also there will be more reader places near the window. Bookcases will be re-configured for better access and lighting levels will be improved throughout. At present, many shelves are overflowing and some are double-stacked with books. For the new space to be useable and safe for readers, and to comply with the conditions of those providing the funding, it is necessary to weed the stock. Materials of relatively low use will be weeded out and relegated to Stores. Subject Librarians are supervising this work, which is underway, in consultation with Departments.

The Science Library now has several group study pods on the ground floor, three automated book issue/renewal/return machines and a much improved entrance/exit area.

          Special Collections & Archives
 The archives database, started last year, now has over 16,000 records.

Another new resource is a list of recent publications based on the collections. Citations will be added as they become available. Academic staff are invited to send new citations to g.furlong@ucl.ac.uk

Two bids submitted recently to UCL Futures were successful.
 One project is the digitisation of the George Orwell Archive of political and domestic diaries, literary and general notebooks and Spanish Civil War papers. The files will be deposited in UCL Library Services' new digital archive called 'Digitool'. Supporting materials will be created, in the form of study packs and a short podcast. The podcast will present interviews with Orwell scholars discussing the importance of the collection to UCL and the wider community.
 The other project is the development of a series of podcasts celebrating treasures in the collections. A 10-minute video will be followed by 12 shorter audio presentations. The latter will show particular collections or themes within them, or interesting teaching and research uses. Scenes will include interviews with eminent UCL academics; groups of undergraduates handling manuscripts as primary sources to enhance their learning experience; and groups of schoolchildren using themed study packs created to support the National Curriculum.
 All the podcasts created will be available to a wide audience via UCL iTunesU service. Both projects are due to be completed by July 2010.
 3          Photocopying facilities and change machines
 The new contract with the supplier keeps the cost of copies down to the pre-existing level. Achieving this has meant reducing cost elsewhere, so a decision has been taken to discontinue the change machine service. Discussions with the Student Union indicated that low-cost copying is more important to students than provision of a change facility. The machines have been unreliable and are expensive to maintain and service.  The Science Library change machine has been removed. Six in other libraries will be removed later this term, and flyers will be in circulation explaining the reasons. Adding value to photocopy cards using coins will continue to be the sole method for about a year. Then the additional option of electronic payments will become available.
 4          New academic staff and research postgraduates
 Subject teams get a weekly list and Subject Librarians contact newcomers individually to invite them for an introduction to our facilities and services. However, Departments are welcome to arrange library introductions in advance, as part of induction for new staff. Small group talks can be arranged if this is more convenient.
 5          Open access to research
 JISC has launched a suite of online materials in support of researchers opening up their work to taxpayers' scrutiny. There is a new report covering its 15 years of work on scholarly communications.

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