M76 - Crowdmark (LTI 1.3) - licensed users only

M76 - Crowdmark (LTI 1.3) - licensed users only

If you wish to use this software, your department must purchase an official licence via UCL ISD procurement. If you use this software without a licence, your department will be charged. For further information on getting licensed access to Crowdmark, please send a request to Digital Education via email digi-ed@ucl.ac.uk.

Please be aware that while the main Moodle roles "Editing Tutor" and "Student" are recognised within Crowdmark, other roles are not and are therefore automatically synced to the student role. If you have any other staff roles enrolled on your Moodle course, you will need to remove them from the list of Course Students in Crowdmark after syncing. If you need these users to be part of your course team in Crowdmark, please add them by email address: https://crowdmark.com/help/managing-team-members-in-a-course/

Moodle is aware of the LTI/Moodle role syncing issue and this is on their tracker: [MDL-72066] Ability to pass through specific LTI roles to tool provider - Moodle Tracker. We are not expecting this issue to be resolved for at least a year but will update guidance when it is.

What is it?

Crowdmark is a collaborative grading and assessment solution. It is now LTI compliant and can be integrated with Moodle.

Why use it?

It streamlines grading of short and long answers with a full suite of grading tools while automatically grading multiple choice bubble sheets. Student work is returned electronically to their Crowdmark portfolio. Crowdmark enables educators to leave richer more personalized feedback for students. A key advantage is that the feedback is left directly on the students’ work to support student understanding of errors including comments, hyperlinks to resources, images, and graphs. Rubrics, marking schemes and comments can be created in advance and shared with the grading team to ensure consistency and reliability. It offers synchronous and asynchronus remote assessment workflows with 3 different question options: handwritten work, text entry and multiple choice. Crowdmark is effective for small clases as well as classes with thousands of students. 

Who can use it?

Access is currently restricted to staff and students in the Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

Meeting the baseline

The UCL Connected Learning Baseline suggests the following for orientation :

  • 2.2 Explain participation requirements
    • Identify which activities are compulsory and optional.
    • Provide an indicator of effort (such as timings or page counts) for all compulsory tasks.

    • Explain how students are expected to use UCL and external e-learning tools. Wholly online courses might provide this information as a screen-cast video, with a voice over.
    • Link to instructions for any e-learning tools that students are expected to use.

 For student active participation,  it is suggested that:

  • 9.1 Students are encouraged and supported to work with learning resources
    Students should be encouraged to investigate, share or discuss through quizzes, simulations, forums, blogs, wikis, glossaries, or databases.

How do I set it up?  

Adding the Crowdmark LTI to your Moodle course 

  1. Navigate to your Moodle course and toggle Edit mode on.  
  2. In the section you want to add the content, click Add an activity or resource.

  3. Click External tool from the options that appear.
  4. Give the Activity a name.
  5. Add an Activity description if you 
  6. Choose whether you want to:
    1. Display description on course page
    2. Display activity name when launched
    3. Display activity description when launched
  7. Use the Launch Container options to choose how to display Crowdmark in your Moodle course
  8. Choose Crowdmark (Licensed Use only) from the list for Preconfigured tool
  9. Click Save and return to course

Creating the course in Crowdmark

  1. To create the course in Crowdmark, simply click the link created above. After clicking, you should be logged into Crowdmark in your newly created course.
  2. From here the first steps are to sync your student roster and your team.

  3. Clicking Enroll students from Moodle will pull over all students that are participating in your Moodle course.

  4. Once some students are imported you can setup an assessment, grade the assessment (after the due date has passed), then sync the grades back to Moodle.

  5. Grade sync can be found in the results section of the assessment.

Further information  

Creating an Assigned Assessment | Crowdmark

Grading navigation | Crowdmark

Crowdmark Higher Ed


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