Agreed TI-03 21/22 Features
Agreed TI-03 21/22 Features
- TI3 - 2021/22 - Critical - A Moodle Service Reliability
- TI3 - 2021/22 - Critical - CLC - Go-live of Course Rollover tool & early support
- TI3 - 2021/22 - Critical - Team building & ways of working
- TI3 - 2021/22 - Moodle Load Testing
- TI3 - 2021/22 - Must Do - AAD & MFA (+Teams for Education)
- TI3 - 2021/22 - Must do - CLC - Automated Read-only process
- TI3 - 2021/22 - Must do - CTP Operational
- TI3 - 2021/22 - Must do - Moodle 4.0 - New Theme Design
- TI3 - 2021/22 - Must finish - Myportfolio infrastructure migration
- TI3 - 2021/22 - Should do - CLC - Bulk Rollover
- TI3 - 2021/22 - Should do - CLC - Rollover Tool improvements
- TI3 - 2021/22 - Should do - Kuracloud LTI 1.3 implementation
- TI3 - 2021/22 - Should do - Labster LTI 1.3 Testing, documentation and Communication
- TI3 - 2021/22 - Should do - Microsoft Teams Integrations Review
- TI3 - 2021/22 - Should do - Moodle 4.0 - Prepare codebase for 4.0 Upgrade
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