Agreed TI-04 21/22 Features
Agreed TI-04 21/22 Features
TI 4 features by VLE Product sub-teams as per https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_kkPp0fs=/
- Moodle 4.UX (TI4-21)
- VLE Services (TI4-21)
- TI4 - 2021/22 - Try to Do - MyPortfolio Moodle/Mahara Integration
- CLC (TI4-21)
- SRE/Ops (TI4-21)
- TI4 - 2021/22 - Critical - Moodle SRE
- TI4 - 2021/22 - Must do - VLE Operational
- TI4 - 2021/22 - Must do - Moodle AWS Cost Management
- TI4 - 2021/22 - Must do - Opinio Handover to Specialist Applications
- TI4 - 2021/22 - Must do - Adlib and Online Collections Handover
- TI4 - 2021/22 - Should do - Complete Github migration and GHA rollout
- TI4 - 2021/22 - Should Do - Move to Snowflake
- TI4 - 2021/22 - Should do - Moodle Database Restore Pipeline
- TI4 - 2021/22 - Should do - Move Moodle testing to AWS
- TI4 - 2021/22 - Finish - AAD & MFA (+Teams for Education)
- TI4 - 2021/22 - Should do - Microsoft Teams Integrations Review
- Catalyst (TI4-21)
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