M09e - Recording marks and feedback
Marks and feedback are recorded in the Moodle Gradebook. Moodle Assignments can be weighted in the Gradebook, which can calculate a final mark. Entering grades into the Moodle assignment has the advantage that it will send a notification to the student when the grade is submitted to the Gradebook. This will not happen if the grade is entered directly into the Gradebook.
Transferring marks from the Moodle Gradebook into Portico can be a semi-automated process if you use Excel's VLOOKUP formula.
Before each new intake of students, you will need to roll over your Moodle course. You do not need to worry about keeping your own private record of submissions since staff and students will have ongoing access to each course in Moodle. (Older Moodle courses prior to 21/22 are stored in the Moodle snapshot).
How do I get my marks from Moodle to Portico?
Step 1: Finalise your module's Gradebook
You can access the Gradebook setup via the Grade menu in your course. Simply click Grade and Gradebook setup.
Check to make sure your course total is calculated correctly if you wish to use Moodle's calculation. If the course total looks wrong, check your weightings.
Step 2: Export your module's Gradebook
- Select the Grade menu, click the Export option and then 'Export as' Excel Spreadsheet.
- Select the specific grade item(s) you wish to export. Possible grade items include Turnitin assignments, Moodle assignments, and the course total. At the bottom of the list of grade items, there is an option to select all/none.
- Click Download to generate a spreadsheet of the Gradebook.
The main student identifier that Moodle uses is the Portico 'Student Number'. Please note: to ensure the anonymity of student submissions, Moodle does NOT store the student's 'candidate number'.
Step 3: Transfer marks from your Gradebook spreadsheet to a Portico spreadsheet
To quickly move marks from a Moodle Gradebook spreadsheet to a Portico spreadsheet, whilst minimising errors, you may find it useful to use Excel's VLOOKUP formula. This process is explained in the Portico team's importing by module support guide.
The common identifier for students in a Moodle Gradebook spreadsheet and the Portico A26 spreadsheet is the Student Number.
Step 4: Upload the Portico spreadsheet to Portico
Please see the Portico team's guides and training on importing marks into Portico.
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