M04b - Page

M04b - Page

Keywords: page, content, declutter, clutter, structure, information

What is it?

The Moodle page creates a link from the Moodle course homepage to a sub-page where you can insert written content, images, links and media (such as audio and videos). 

Why use it?

It is a good idea to use pages to embed videos and provide information that students may only need to access occasionally since this will reduce clutter on the course homepage. If you have a lot of content, consider using a book instead (a book is a series of connected pages).

This is especially important if you are using the topics or collapsed topics formats, as all the content will appear on one long, scrolling page. If your course uses the OneTopic (tabs) format then you may choose to add more content directly to each tab, as students will only see each one section at a time.

Who can use it?

Tutors and course administrators (who have course editing rights) can add pages to a Moodle course.

Students can view pages and interact with any links or embedded media (e.g. audio and videos) on the page.

Before I start...

Decide whether a page is the best option, or if a (multi-page) Book may be more appropriate for providing chunked content to students. Showing a lot of information on one page can make it difficult to digest, so keep content concise and split longer content across multiple pages, potentially using a book, which will automatically show a list of all the pages within it.

Meeting the Baseline

The  UCL Connected Learning Baseline  suggests the following for  Structure : 

  • 1.1 Present activities and resources in a meaningful, clearly structured and sequenced way
  • 1.2 Minimise cognitive load - Avoid overloading the front page by placing content off the main page in Pages, BooksFoldersLessons and by hiding unused items.

How do I set one up?

  1. Log into Moodle, go to the course you want to add the page to and turn edit mode on. 

  2. Decide where you wish to add the Page, then click the plus (+) button or 'Add an activity or resource'. 

  3. From the 'Add an activity or resource' menu Select 'Page'.

  4. You'll then need to give the 'Page' a name and insert/edit your Page content using the text editor (you can revisit the 'Page' settings later).

  5. After giving the 'Page' a name and inserting your content, scroll down to the bottom and click 'Save and display'.  

  6. You can revisit a Page's settings by going to the 'Page' and then clicking the 'Settings' menu, at the top of the Page resource. (or while on the course's homepage, turn edit mode on and towards the right of a 'Page', click the 3 dots (ellipses) and select 'Edit Settings'.)
  7. For further information about 'Page' settings, see 'Page' resource settings.

Further help

See further guidance about the Page resource is available from Moodle Docs.

If you find any inaccurate or missing information you can even update this yourself (it's a communal wiki).

If you have a specific question about the tool please contact the Digital Education team.


- None  at this time .

Examples and case studies

- None  at this time .

Questions & Answers

- None  at this time .

Further information

- None  at this time .

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