TI4 Operational Activities
Size | Medium |
Budget Epic Name | CDP-178 Moodle 4.0 |
Jira Outcome | Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. |
Feature Lead | Nikola Bozhkov |
Outcome Description:
FOR WHO: Staff, students all stakeholders of DLE systems/platforms and integrations
WHAT: Providing support, maintenance, development and testing of the DLE platforms, in partnership with hosting partners, 3rd party product vendors across both product software, infrastructure and DEV/OPS implementations.
WHY (Business Value): Ensuring business continuity, security of service, scalability and performance for core systems
Catalyst IT, Internal product resources, specialist skill sets as required
Lack of internal resource
Outcome Deliverables EPICs:
DLE Operations - CTP-2522
What: FR, CIs, Moodle releases, Monthly Manual patching, Service Health Reviews - Schedule & docs, etc.
Why: Day-to-day operational support and monitoring are essential to maintain a complex system such as Moodle and ensure value for stakeholders.
Dependency: Catalyst/Vendor resource / Risk: The product requires an additional member of staff within this team area to support our services.
PILOT preparation - SITS Grade integration - CTP-2519
What: Prepare for a pilot which will take place in TI1 2023-24. In scope: prep documentation, stakeholder engagement with Kirsten Hamilton & team, Fix compatibility issues with Moodle 4.2
Why: ???.
Dependency/ Risk: ?
WIKI stability / re-hosting - CTP-2459
What: We need to migrate our on-prem wiki application to AWS. On-prem infrastructure has proven to be unreliable, a problem ticket has been logged to that effect - https://ucl--bmcservicedesk.vf.force.com/apex/RemedyforceConsole?sfdc.tabName=01r20000000G9yd#
Why: ISD is driving the case for applications to move away from Shibboleth to Azure SSO. Shibboleth will no longer work after 31st March 2023. Full details can be found here. Azure AD SSO Our following services currently use Shibboleth for login authentication.
Dependency: ? / Risk: ?
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