M09a6 - Getting data out of a Moodle Assignment
Export Rubric Grades
If you've used a marking rubric within a Moodle assignment, you can export the feedback for each criterion as an Excel spreadsheet. This will contain the student's first name, last name and ID number alongside the feedback and scores.
Please note that there's no choice to export as to CSV file.
- Go to your Moodle assignment.
- Click Export Rubric Grades from the menu item at the top of the screen.
- An Excel file shall download to your computer, the default naming scheme is Course Full Name - Assignment Name.
- Open the downloaded Excel spreadsheet.
Export Marking Guide Grades
If you've used a marking guide within a Moodle assignment, you can export the feedback for each criterion as an Excel spreadsheet. This will contain the student's first name, last name and ID number alongside the feedback and scores.
Please note that there's no choice to export as a CSV file.
- Go to your Moodle assignment.
- Click Export Marking Guide Grades from the menu item at the top of the screen.
- Save the spreadsheet to your computer, the default naming scheme is Course Full Name - Assignment Name.
- Open the downloaded Excel spreadsheet.
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