M09a9 - Moodle Assignment Allowed Attempts Setting
The allowed attempts setting in Moodle Assignments determines whether a student can submit additional attempts after an assignment has been graded or teachers have provided feedback.
When allowed attempts is set to more than 1, Moodle provides the following options:
Automatic – A new attempt is automatically reopened once the teacher has graded or provided feedback.
Manually – Teachers must manually allow another attempt if needed.
Automatically until pass – Students can keep attempting until they achieve the required passing grade.
(a student's view after the 2nd attempt is opened)
Key Reminders
Students can edit and re-upload their work multiple times if the submission has not been manually locked or if no cut-off date has been set. This is independent of the attempt setting.
Setting a submit button can prevent students from changing their submissions, but this is not generally encouraged (see M09a).
Even if you are using grading workflow, when a second attempt is granted (manually or automatically), the grades and feedback from the first attempt will be released.
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