e.g. galleries, databases, photography of artefacts & events.
There are a number of social media sites that revolve around photographic content. This might include user generated content or professionally produced content that is shared openly with users, all of which encourage users to interact around the images. Some apps even allow users to communicate via the use of images, and the way we interact with photos is changing rapidly at the moment.
Some sites allow you to share your own images or to access images for use in other content you may be producing. As the permissions and copyright on images may vary from site to site and user to user it is also important to check these out before using someone else's image. You may also want to consider using Creative Commons Search for images, or search for images on sites like Pixabay which offer Creative Commons images for re-use and manipulation.
Ideas for using images
Software for capturing images
- Windows snipping tool (Windows 7+)
- Awesome Screenshot: Capture & Annotate plugin for Chrome web browser
Software for editing images
- Photoshop (available on UCL computers)
- (free, online)
- PhotoFiltre (free for personal use)
Find reusable images
- Creative commons CC Search
- Jisc MediaHub - a multimedia platform offering digital images, video and audio collections for UK academia
- Wellcome Images
- Pixabay
- Picasa
- Hipstamatic
- Shutterfly
- flickr
- Snapchat
- 500px
- Public Health Image Library
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Biological, physical, and social sciences – “Anyone may, without requesting permission, use original figures or tables published in PNAS for noncommercial and educational use (i.e., in a review article, in a book that is not for sale) provided that the original source and the applicable copyright notice are cited.”
Allowing students to upload images to a Moodle gallery
You can allow students to contribute images to a gallery on Moodle in various ways:
- Moodle Database - where you set up fields for students to enter information – like image, description etc.
- Moodle Glossary -- where students can add photos in as a new glossary item. The glossary is a free form entry box containing a single text editor for students to populate as they wish.
The Database tool is the most comprehensive solution because you can define exactly what information the students should provide. You can also design your own template views of the information.
The database tool also lets you define how many entries the students need to submit before the activity is considered complete. This would enable to you lock other activities until students had submitted an entry to the database.
Databases also let you set how many entries students have to submit before seeing other entries, which may give them further impetus to upload an image themselves.
Zoom in on images to reveal detail
Try these tools:
The user driven sites tend to be free, but may charge for some premium features.
While some of the professionally driven sites are free, others will charge a subscription fee.
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