Content Delivery & Presentation

Content Delivery & Presentation

Create, collaborate and share documents and presentations online.


  • Mock up your interface before you start building it using free online mock up tools like: https://moqups.com/


  • Prezi: www.prezi.com
    • Prezi is great for non-linear presentations, although do be careful using it to distribute information to your students, as it can not currently be read by screen-readers, so students with visual impairments will not be able to have the document read aloud to them. 
    • It is also hosted on a remote web server, so have a backup of your presentation in another format in case it's unavailable during your presentation slot.
  • Microsoft PowerPoint - PowerPoint is great for linear presentations.
    • Annotating:When you complete the presentation you can choose to either keep or remove your annotations. So next time you’re presenting using PowerPoint look in the bottom, left of the screen for the greyed out annotation tools.In Microsoft PowerPoint you can draw, annotate, highlight and enable a pointer for gesturing to certain parts of the slide. When you complete the presentation you can choose to either keep or remove your annotations. So next time you’re presenting using PowerPoint look in the bottom, left of the screen for the greyed out annotation tools. Find out more ...


  • Scribd
  • .docstoc
  • edocr
  • Slideshare

Promoting Audience Participation

  • TextWall: this low cost online service displays text messages proceeded with a particular code: http://www.textwall.co.uk
  • Twitter Wall: The free, online tool Twitter Fontana displays tweets from a particular hash tag: http://twitterfontana.com
  • Electronic Voting System (clickers): Students can answer questions that are posed within PowerPoint and then see what others have answered. This can be used to promote discussions in large lectures. UCL has voting handsets installed in several lecture theatres and some sets available for borrowing. See: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/staff/e-learning/tools/e-voting

Find copyright-cleared images and sound clips here


Free, although there may be a charge for premium services including larger storage capacity. 

Find out more

10 file-sharing options: Dropbox, Google Drive and more - Computer World

22 File-Sharing Tools for Easy Collaboration - Mashable

20 Ridiculously Simple File-Sharing Web Tools - Hongkiat