Deploying educational technologies (choosing and using the right tool)
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Proposal Guidelines
Please provide an abstract, around 100 words, an outline of the topic (including approaches to teaching/assessment and impact where appropriate).
What is the best way to find the right educational technologies for your purpose? Where do you look for them? Once you have a shortlist, how do you choose? can you get colleagues and students on board with your new approach? Do you check for affordances of the technology, accessibility, viability, sustainability, scalability, interoperability, value for money, ease of use and type and level of support required?
This is a recommended session for CMALT candidates, relating to Core Area 1 (Operational Issues).
Please describe how you will engage participants in interaction and what area(s) of the UKPSF your seminar relates to e.g. if you’re illustrating a learning activity then A1 ('Design and plan learning activities') and if related to IT/Moodle, clickers etc then K4 (‘The use and value of appropriate learning technologies’).
A4 (Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance.)
K4 (The use and value of appropriate learning technologies.)
V4 (Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice.)
Please indicate which day of the week would be best for you.
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