Educational technologies: local policies and legal obligations
First one to run by end of June 2017.
Family name:
First name:
Professional or Department Twitter:
Your email address:
Proposal Guidelines
Please provide an abstract, around 100 words, an outline of the topic (including approaches to teaching/assessment and impact where appropriate).
A question and answer session. You will have the opportunity to pose questions to UCL specialists on the ethical, legal and policy decisions which you may face when you work with educational technologies. To give the panel a chance to prepare accurate responses, please pose your question in advance (link to Moodle HotQuestion) and return before the event to vote up others' questions. The panel will include:
- Expert in intellectual property and copyright (Chris Holland) - confirmed
- Expert in Data Protection and Freedom of Information (Alex Daybank?) - TBC
- Expert in accessibility (Angel Perez) - confirmed
- Enacting these things on digital platforms (Jessica Gramp).
This is a recommended session for CMALT candidates related to Core Area 3 (The Wider Context).
Learning Outcomes*
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