WebPA guidance
This is a copy of Ehsan's original page, which was not viewable outside ISD.
WebPA Installation and Setup
Some useful links & documentation
http://webpaproject.lboro.ac.uk/the-system/setup/ - customisations
Links to test instance of both WebPA and Moodle (where lti connection has been installed) -
Useful Info
This document give details for the first time installation of WebPA on moodle-test for proof of concept purposes.
Database created on ccspsql@moodle-test - Username & PW in KeePass.
Application to be stored /data/apache/moodle-vhosts/webpa (on moodle-test)
Installation instructions - http://webpaproject.lboro.ac.uk/the-system/installation/#install-download
First Time Installation on Moodle-Test (https://webpa.moodle-test.ucl.ac.uk)
Create the WebPA database
Create WebPA database on ccspsql@moodle-test (/data/mysql/mysql-5.6/webpa)
Download the latest stable install of WebPA http://webpaproject.lboro.ac.uk/the-system/download/
Unzip Source-x.x.x.xx.tar.gz
Unzip Source-x.x.x.xx.tar
Copy unzipped files/folders to /data/apache/moodle-vhosts/webpa
Logon to ccspsql@moodle-test with mRemoteNG
cd to /data/apache/moodle-vhosts/webpa/install
Login to MySQL as user - webpauser - mysql -uwebpauser -p
use webpa database - use webpa;
source pa_tables.sql
The webpa tables will now be loaded onto the webpa database.
Once you have run the WebPA script it is recommend that you remove the following files;
Installing the WebPA Application Files
FYI - Files that are customised by LTA:
Open the following file;
Webpa > Includes > inc_global.php
Within this file you will find the following definitions for which you will need to change as appropriate.
The first elements to be customised are for the details of where the files are and the descriptors which will be out put by WebPA.
define('APP__WWW', 'https://webpa.moodle-test.ucl.ac.uk/');
The file structure also needs to be set to suit the operating systems structure
define ('DOC__ROOT', '/data/apache/moodle-vhosts/webpa/');
The next section to customise is the logo section. This is purely optional and if left blank will not effect the appearance of the system.
define('APP__INST_LOGO', APP__WWW.'/images/ucl-banner.png'); define('APP__INST_LOGO_ALT','UCL'); define('APP__INST_HEIGHT', '25'); //image height in pixels define('APP__INST_WIDTH', '1300'); //image width in pixels
The next section that needs to be customised is for the database connection. You will need to ensure that the username and password are correct and have permission to access the database from the web server address.
define('APP__DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // If on a non-standard port, use this format: <server>:<port> define('APP__DB_USERNAME', 'webpauser'); define('APP__DB_PASSWORD', 'SEE KEEPASS'); define('APP__DB_DATABASE', 'webpa');
The next section that needs to be customised is the contact information for the help sections. These need to valid email addresses.
define('APP__EMAIL_HELP', 'ccaakac@ucl.ac.uk'); //change as appropriate define('APP__EMAIL_NO_REPLY', 'nobody@ucl.ac.uk');
Following this the grade book section needs to be configured. The grade book allows the grades for an assessment to be output in the format accepted by the moodle grade book system. By default this option is set to false as it is untested at present.
define('APP__MOODLE_GRADEBOOK', false); //Have left false initially but this may be changed later
The next area for configuration is the automatic emailing options. This option is dependant on cron jobs/services being set for the following files;
- /tutors/assessments/email/trigger_reminder.php
- /tutors/assessments/email/closing_reminber.php
define('APP__REMINDER_OPENING', false); define('APP__REMINDER_CLOSING', false);
LTI Connector - For Moodle integration
http://www.spvsoftwareproducts.com/php/webpa-lti/ - Documentation
http://projects.oscelot.org/gf/project/webpa-lti/frs/ - Download
Download webpa-lti-1.1.00.zip from the OSCELOT site above. Unzip the file to your local machine. You should have the following files:
Log into MySQL on moodle-test.ucl.ac.uk as webpauser - mysql -uwebpauser -p
select WebPA database - use webpa
run the sql file to automatically create the tables required for the lti connection.
source webpa-lti-tables.sql
Now extract the contents of the lti.zip file and upload it to the mod directory on the WebPA server. If there is no mod directory then you will need to create one at the root of the webpa installation. You should now have a directory named webpa/mod/lti containing all the module source files.
To enable the module, open the includes/inc_global.php file in a text editor, locate the line containing $INSTALLED_MODS = array(); and insert the following line after it:
$INSTALLED_MODS[] = 'lti';
Once the module has been enabled, additional menu options will be added to the menu for administrator and tutor users.
In order to set the authentication method that will be used to allow users to logon to the application the following line of code within the configuration file needs to be changed.
//comment out DB and uncomment LDAP // $LOGIN_AUTHENTICATORS[] = 'DB'; $LOGIN_AUTHENTICATORS[] = 'LDAP'; // LDAP settings define('LDAP__HOST', "ldap-auth-ad.ucl.ac.uk"); define('LDAP__PORT', 636); define('LDAP__USERNAME_EXT', '@ucl.ac.uk'); define('LDAP__BASE', 'dc=ad,dc=ucl,dc=ac,dc=uk'); define('LDAP__FILTER', 'cn={username}*'); $LDAP__INFO_REQUIRED = array('displayname','mail','sn');
Within the WebPA tool a number of areas allow you to send emails. You can leave the settings as in the php ini file and the system should use the default php email system. Alternatively you can set WebPA up to use the organisational SMTP server. In order to do this you will need to edit the following lines in the config file.
If using a Windows based architecture then you need to set the send mail from
Integrating With Moodle
Install BasicLTI4Moodle Plugin
In order to integrate WebPA with Moodle you need to install a modified BasicLTI4Moodle Plugin. This plugin is only available on request from: http://celtic-project.org/Project_blog/2013/06/WebPA_and_Moodle_2 (saved as an attachment to this wiki)
Install the BassicLTI4Moodle plugin into moodle -
unzip the basiclti-2013012100.zip file and place the basiclti folder into the mod directory within Moodle.
Reload Moodle and you should be presented with a list of plugins and you will see the new basic LTI plugin in the list. Click update database button at bottom of the page
The page should eventually reload and you should get a success message displayed.
Configure a new Basic LTI connection for WebPA
The connection between WebPA (the IMS Tool Provider) and a learning environment (an IMS Tool Consumer) is based on the following information:
- a launch URL
- a consumer key
- a shared secret
Within WebPA click on the LTI Sources link
Click Add New Source Button
A unique consumer key and shared secret should be generated for each learning environment permitted to connect to WebPA. They may be any value. For example, a consumer key could be the domain name for the learning environment server or a GUID. Consumer keys should not be shared by multiple learning environments. Each consumer key and secret pair is registered within WebPA by using the lti sources menu option.
Give the new connection a Name and Key an example is shown below:
The form will already be populated with a secret. Make a note of the secret for later.
Make sure the Emabled box is checked.
Within Moodle.
Go to Site Administration, Plugins, Activity Modules, Basic LTI
Click Create a new Basic LTI activity
Enter a Remote Tool Name of “WebPA Peer Assessment” (or other name of your choice).
Enter the launch URL - The launch URL will be the same as the root of the WebPA server with /mod/lti/index.php appended to it. For example, https://webpa.moodle-test.ucl.ac.uk/mod/lti/index.php
Enter the same consumer key and secret that were entered on the WebPA site. An example is shown below:
A preferred height may be entered later if the default is not suitable.
Set each of the Privacy settings as follows:
- User identification field – Username
- Send user name and surname to the external tool – Always
- Send user email address to the external tool – Always
Set each of the Basic LTI Extension Services settings as follows:
- Accept grades from tool – Always
- Allow tool access to course roster – Always
- Allow tool to store 1K of settings in Moodle – Always
- The Custom parameters are used to pass branding preferences, enter the values provided separately.
- Allow instructors to add custom parameters – Do not allow
Set each of the Setup Options settings as follows:
- Course identification field – id
- Moodle module type – Activity
Leave the Organization details settings empty.
The Popup Option in the Launch Options section may be set as preferred, but the Launch tool in Moodle is recommended.
Add WebPA integration on individual course
It is recommended that a separate link to WebPA be added to a course for each assessment; this will allow all the grades to be returned to Moodle.
- Log into Moodle as an instructor.
- Navigate to the course for which the WebPA link is required.
- Click on the Turn editing on button.
- From the Add an activity or resource menu select WebPA Peer Assessment (or whatever name you gave it when the tool was registered).
- Enter a name and description for the activity (this will be what will appear for students).
- Override the default Launch Options if desired and set Preferred Height: 600
- Complete the Common module settings and Restrict access sections (if present) as for any other Moodle activity.
- Click on the Save and return to course button.
- A link to the WebPA tool should now be available on the content page. A column with the same name as the activity will also have been added to the course grades.
Guide to setting up Peer Assessment in WebPA
Step 1: Administrator to add in staff members
- Log into https://webpa.moodle-test.ucl.ac.uk with the admin credentials
- Navigate to lti admin > change source > choose <WebPA OS>
- Navigate to admin > upload data > click template link below > click “staff data” to download the csv.
- Fill in the excel spreadsheet as required > save file
- Navigate to admin > upload data > click staff data > browse and chose the file > click upload
- Message shown staff have been added to module
- Navigate to admin > view data > click staff > click the edit pencil icon > choose tutor for the required module > save changes.
- Logout
Step 2: Adding in modules
- Log into https://webpa.moodle-test.ucl.ac.uk with the admin credentials
- Navigate to admin > upload data > click template link below > click “module data” to download the csv.
- Fill in the excel spreadsheet as required with module_code being the course ID e.g. https://v2812.moodle-dev.ucl.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=37591 > save file
- Navigate to Home > Admin > upload data > click module data > browse and chose the file > click upload
- Message shown the module has been added
Step 3: Adding in students
- Log into https://webpa.moodle-test.ucl.ac.uk with the admin credentials
- Navigate to home > lti admin > change source > choose v2812.moodle-dev (https://v2812.moodle-dev.ucl.ac.uk
- Click “change module” on left menu > select the required module
- Navigate to admin > upload data > click template link below > click “student data” to download the csv.
- Fill in the excel spreadsheet as required > save file
- Navigate to admin > upload data > click student data > browse and chose the file > click upload
- Message shown students have been added to module
Step 4: Creating Forms and Groups
- Log into https://webpa.moodle-test.ucl.ac.uk with the admin credentials
- Navigate my forms > click “create a new form” and follow instructions onscreen > finish
- On the next screen click on “add a new criterion” and follow instructions onscreen > click finish
Groups and assign students:
- Log into https://webpa.moodle-test.ucl.ac.uk with the admin credentials
- Navigate to my groups > click “create a new group wizard” and follow instructions onscreen > click finish
- Navigate to my groups > click the pencil icon on the newly created group collection
- Click on the pencil icon on the group name
- Choose In/Out on the selected students > save changes > click “back to new group” above
- Group now shows the number of contain members
Step 5: Creating Assessments
- Log into https://webpa.moodle-test.ucl.ac.uk with the admin credentials
- Navigate to my assessment > click “create a new assessment” and follow onscreen instructions
- Assessment has been created
Step 6: Students filling in score assessment
- Student logs into Moodle with their UCL username/password
- Click on their course > click on the peer assessment activity > assessment is visible for student to score
Step 7: Viewing student feedback
- Log into https://webpa.moodle-test.ucl.ac.uk with the admin credentials
- Navigate to tutors > my assessment > 5 icons towards the right allow edit, email, check responded, set group mark, delete individual mark
If a person has a role other than student in Moodle; they are still shown as a student in WebPA through the Moodle assessment activity. Potential development work to have the ability to show as a staff/tutor so they can create assessment from Moodle and avoid the need to log into WebPA website.
Currently WebPA is using the database authentication to login which needs to be changed to LDAP authentication. (refer to LDAP Configuration heading above in the wiki)
Ability to delete any uploaded data from WebPA as currently deletion is not possible through the website and can only be done directly from the database.
When logging in WebPA as a staff and creating assessments; when the student logs into their moodle it states that they have no assessment assigned to them. This is due to that staff view cannot see the specific peer assessment activity through the "change moodle" link whereas the admin can. This same functionality would need to implement into the staff access.
[Staff Login View] [Admin Login View] [Moodle Course Activity]
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