

e.g. lecture capture, 'flipping', demonstration, short clips, podcasting, audio feedback on assessment

There are a number of social media sites that revolve around video content. This might include user generated content or professionally produced content that is shared openly with users, in which cases it is possible that some filtered use content may also be added. These sites can be great ways to learn and gain information (or giggles) from the content available, but they can also offer you a chance to share your own skills, expertise and talents. 


Clipping videos


Used to describe and visualize the flow of the learning process, experience and instruction to the desired results.

Why would you want to create a storyboard?

  1. Invites collaboration
  2. Get mutual agreement
  3. Rethink Course Design
  4. Can Save Time and Money

How do you create a storyboard?

You can do it in PowerPoint with Thumbnail view, table format in Word or prototype directly in the authoring tool.

Visual Storyboard: If you want to give a clear picture of what you want to show users on screen and are mostly responsible for the layout and graphics.

Text based Storyboard: You have a graphics person handling most of the graphics or the visual layout has already been established, like with company templates.


Hints and Tips

Tips from UCL internal video productions

Find out how others have developed their own videos


What media are students allowed to use?

Basically students can use anything in assessed work without worrying about copyright, however, after it's assessed it cannot be used in any other way (as part of a portfolio for example) without breaking copyright laws. See: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/Library/copyright/using-materials.shtml



The user driven sites tend to be free, but may charge for some premium features. 

While some of the professionally driven sites are free, others will charge a subscription fee.

e.g. lecture capture, 'flipping', demonstration, short clips, podcasting, audio feedback on assessment