SMS Messaging Service - Janet txt

SMS Messaging Service - Janet txt


Janet txt from PageOne (http://www.pageone.co.uk/services/janet-txt) allows you to send a single message to a list of contacts via SMS or email (if you don't have a person's telephone number). Upon purchasing a text bundle, you receive a master account free-of-charge. The master account gives you access to a web portal from which you can manage your messages, contact groups and user accounts. Up to 50 user accounts can be set up which provide the same functionality as the master account for sending messages and setting up contact groups. If more than 50 user accounts are required, this is possible but requires speaking to PageOne and may cost extra.  

At time of publication the cost per message was 3.7 pence regardless of quantity purchased and £185 ex VAT for a bundle of 5000. Text bundles can be purchased in multiples of 5000 with 5000 being the minimum amount purchasable. Messages have a one year expiry but can be rolled over into a second year if accompanied by a bundle purchase and notification sent to PageOne.  


SMS messaging is a great way of getting important messages to your colleagues and students. It has been shown that a very low percentage of people, ignore or delete a text message without opening it whereas this is much higher for email.

Some examples of where text messaging may be more effective than emailing are as follows:

  • to communicate to staff a building closure or venue alteration
  • to communicate with staff/students in case of an emergency
  • to remind students of an assignment deadline or exam
  • to inform students of a cancelled lecture  


To open a Janet txt account, contact a representative at PageOne. The easiest way to do this is via their website: http://www.pageone.co.uk/services/janet-txt. After having purchased an initial bundle, you can purchase subsequent bundles online.