AssessmentUCL (WISEflow)
There are a number of different assessment tools and platforms supported at UCL. For more information on the most suitable option for your assessment, take a look at the Assessment Matrix!
AssessmentUCL (AUCL, WISEflow) is a dedicated end-to-end digital assessment platform with Portico integration, aimed at enhancing the design and delivery of assessment at UCL.
Link to AssessmentUCL (WISEflow):
Select the UCL authenticator when logging in:
If the UCL authenticator is not available, click Search for your institution and select University College London - AssessmentUCL LIVE from the list:
If your department is thinking about running departmental assessments on AssessmentUCL (WISEflow), please view our recommendations and next steps for departments.
User guides:
Manager - Author - Marker (Assessor) - Moderator (Reviewer) - External Examiner (Reviewer) - Student (Participant)
What is AssessmentUCL (WISEflow)?
The AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) platform is UCL's branding of the WISEflow platform. Guidance and documentation will refer to WISEflow as AssessmentUCL (WISEflow).
WISEflow uses different terminology to UCL so below are some useful definitions.
WISEflow terminology | UCL terminology |
WISEflow | AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) (AUCL (WISEflow)) |
Flow | Assessment e.g. exam, essay, report |
Flow type | Assessment type e.g. oral, written exam, multimedia |
Participant | Student |
Assessor | Tutor (first or second marker) |
Author | Module Lead, Tutor (or Exam Liaison Officer, Teaching Administrator) |
Reviewer | Module Lead, External Examiner, Exam Board Chair |
Manager | Exam Liaison Officers, Teaching Administrators |
Supporter | Digital Assessment Advisors, Faculty Learning Technologist Leads, Digital Education Support Analysts and Central Assessment Team |
What assessments can be run on AssessmentUCL (WISEflow)?
If you wish to run your assessments on AssessmentUCL (WISEflow), it is recommended that you submit your request to the Digital Assessment team at least 8 weeks in advance of the start date of the assessment.
Flow Type | Description | Features | Suitable for following assessment types |
FLOWassign | File-based assessment where students upload a PDF file submission (file size: 200MB) |
| Online assignments authored on the platform. Includes multiple question types, multiple-choice, interactive questions etc. |
FLOWhandin | Allows submission of various digital formats (audio and video files) as well as PDF, Word and Excel. File limit: 5GB |
FLOWattend | Can be used as a grade and feedback repository. Nothing submitted in AssessmentUCL (WISEflow). |
| Enables administrative support of oral exams, such as scheduling oral exam slots. Nothing submitted in AssessmentUCL (WISEflow), students are timetabled. |
| Supports sequential or conditional assessments where assessment is broken down into smaller elements. |
Please note that AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) does not currently support peer review assessment whereby students assess the work of the fellow peers or alternatively they evaluate the peer contribution to a group project. If you are wanting support on running peer assessment, please contact your Faculty LT Lead.
What role might I have on AssessmentUCL (WISEflow)?
You can have more than one role on the same assessment instance, and different roles on different assessment instances.
UCL role | Example AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) roles |
Tutor/Module Lead | Author to create assignment paper and rubrics Assessor to mark Reviewer to moderate any marking and in some cases to approval final assessment marks |
Course Administrator Faculty Learning Technologist Lead Exam Liaison Officer | Manager to create assignments and track progress.
External Examiner | Reviewer to review assessments including student submissions and marking |
Student | Participant |
Post Graduate Teaching Assistants PhD students | Author to create assignment paper and marking rubrics Assessor to mark |
How do I log into AssessmentUCL (WISEflow)?
Login to AssessmentUCL (WISEflow)/Wiseflow by using the direct link here: WISEflow - More than paperless
Click on UCL.
You will be taken to the UCL sign in page, please enter your UCL username (remember to add '') and your password:
If this is your first time logging into AssessmentUCL (WISEflow), you may be asked to accept the Privacy Policy.
You will now arrive on the AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) dashboard. Select the relevant tab at the top depending on the functions you want to use:
Participation = this tab is for Students taking assessments on the platform
Invigilation = this tab is for invigilators of assessments on the platform
Authoring = this tab is where you can author content (i.e. for MCQ exams) on the platform
Marking = this tab is where marking of assessments can take place
Reviewing = this tab is where moderating and reviewing of assessments can take place
Managing = this tab is where staff supporting assessments can manage the set up and delivery of assessments
Who does what on AssessmentUCL (WISEflow)?
For the setting up of an assessment on AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) platform, the table below indicates the tasks that different UCL roles and teams will perform to manage assessments.
CAT = Central Assessment Team
DAA = Digital Assessment Advisor
FLTL = Faculty Learning & Technology Lead
ELO = Exam Liaison Officer in a Department
TA= Teaching Administrator in a Department
| Centrally managed | Departmentally managed | ||||||
Functions | Integrated | CAT | DAA/FLTL | ELO/TA | Integrated | CAT | DAA/FLTL | ELO/TA |
Create assessment via SITS integration | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Populate participation and assessment deadlines | Yes | Yes | No | No | No (manual) | Yes | Yes | No |
Check/edit assessment basic information (quality check) |
| Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Yes | Yes | Yes |
Add pdf file assignment: FlowAssign |
| Yes | No | Selected |
| No | No | Yes |
Add online assignment: FlowMulti |
| No | No | Yes |
| No | No | Yes |
Add multimedia assignments: FlowHandin |
| No | No | Yes |
| No | No | Yes |
Upload additional material to assessments |
| No | No | Yes |
| No | No | Yes |
Add/edit cover sheet |
| Yes | No | No |
| Yes | Yes | No |
Set up marking and feedback options |
| No | Yes | Yes |
| No | No | Yes |
Add additional markers to assessment (Assessor role): | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes |
Add additional moderators to assessment (Reviewer role): | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes |
Add additional Authors to assessment: | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes |
Add additional Managers: | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | No | No | No |
Section based marking: allocate questions to markers - FlowMulti and Rubric based assessments |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
Add and manage Rubric including RBA |
| No | Yes | Yes |
| No | No | Yes |
Set up late submissions: where applicable |
| Yes | No | No |
| Yes | Yes | No |
Activate assessment (flow) |
| Yes | No | No |
| Yes | Yes | Yes |
View student participation using the Flow Monitor |
| Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Yes | Yes | Yes |
Approve final marks: FLOWmulti (section based marking) AND RBA |
| No | No | Yes |
| No | No | Yes |
Un-submit or reset final marks |
| No | No | Yes |
| No | No | Yes |
Transfer marks via Portico integration |
| No | No | Yes |
| No | No | Yes |
Export marks via csv file |
| No | No | Yes |
| No | No | Yes |
Download submissions to pdf |
| No | No | Yes |
| No | No | Yes |
Release feedback to students |
| No | No | Yes |
| No | No | Yes |
Apply late penalties |
| No | No | Yes |
| No | No | Yes |
What training is available?
You can view recordings of previous training sessions on the AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) Training page.
Where can I get support?
Please check our AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) staff support page on how to get support for your assessment.
An accessibility statement on the Wiseflow platform is currently being prepared by Digital Education.
It is also possible to download any of the guidance pages in this resource centre as PDF or Word documents.
For more information please see the Accessibility and AssessmentUCL (WISEflow) page.
Recommended browser and device set up
When using AssessmentUCL (WISEflow), it is recommended that you use the two latest major versions of the following browsers:
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Web browsers not listed here may also be used to access AssessmentUCL (WISEflow), however we cannot guarantee a consistent user experience for them. Make sure that your chosen browser is up to date at all times to prevent errors from occurring when using WISEflow.
If you have a version of the browsers above that is more than two versions old, you will need to update it or use an alternative browser.
Device set up
To reduce the risk of connectivity issues while taking assessments on the platform, please ensure;
you have disabled any browser plugins (such as adblockers)
you are not logged onto a VPN
you have closed background programmes