This guide is for support teams (i.e. Digital Education, Central Assessment Team) who have the Supporter role.
The Supporter role allows users to search for other users on the licence and log in as users on the licence to help them with various troubleshooting tasks.
The Supporter role (extended version) has all the privileges granted to the supporter with the addition of the ability to edit user credentials and to add users to the licence. Editing a users credential could include, granting a user additional roles e.g. author, manager etc.
Link to AssessmentUCL platform (LIVE): WISEflow - More than paperless
Table of Contents
- 2 Accessing the platform or an assessment
- 3 Allocating submissions to mark
- 4 Sharing feedback and marks
- 5 Additional guidance
Where images are provided, click on the image to expand it.
Search and log in as a user
You can log in as another user in AssessmentUCL via the Supporter role. Only the AssessmentUCL Product team, Digital Assessment team and Digital Education Support colleagues should have access to this role. If you do not have the Support heading on your user profile, please contact the Digital Assessment team (Teams or email) to request this access.
Step 1: Log into AssessmentUCL (Live environment)
Step 2: Select the Support heading:
Step 3: In ‘Search user’ tab, type in the name, UCL email or user ID of individual that you want to log in as:
Step 4: Once you have entered the relevant details, a list of users will be generated based on these details:
Please note: if you are searching via name, the search function can be quite sensitive - you may need to adjust the details (type surname instead full name) and the user may, at times, be a few entries down.
Step 5: Once you have found the correct individual, go to the ‘Options’ column and click the last icon (icon with arrow and person) – this will log you in as this user:
Step 6: Now you have logged in as the user, you will see a blue bar appear at the top of the screen with the following message:
Step 7: Once you have investigated this user’s query, you can log out of this user’s view by clicking the X icon in the message above.
Example Scenarios:
Login as a student to verify if they can submit.
Login as a staff member to verify what they can mark.
Login as a manager to view settings on a flow.
View/Edit user permissions of a staff member - i.e. grant staff member access to a platform role*
*Important: academic staff member should never be granted the Manager role as this compromises student anonymity.
Accessing the platform or an assessment
Granting staff access to a platform role & extra privileges
Typically, staff roles are automatically integrated to the AssessmentUCL platform if the details within Portico are correct. However, there will be occasions where staff do not have the correct permissions (i.e. staff will not have access to the relevant platform tab, i.e. Managing tab, Assessing tab). Therefore, access to a platform role will need to be provided. Note: academic staff cannot be given Manager role (as Managers have access to candidate/student details, breaking candidate anonymity). If unsure, first check UCL Staff Directory, or ask person what their role is (admin, academic etc).
Step 1: Log into AssessmentUCL (Live environment)
Step 2: Select the Support heading:
Step 3: In ‘Search user’ tab, type in the name, UCL email or user ID of individual that you want to log in as:
Step 4: Once you have entered the relevant details, a list of users will be generated based on these details:
Please note: if you are searching via name, the search function can be quite sensitive - you may need to adjust the details (type surname instead full name) and the user may, at times, be a few entries down.
Step 5: Once you have found the correct individual, go to the ‘Options’ column and click the first icon (pencil icon) – this will allow you to edit the user profile:
Step 6: You can grant staff to other platform roles by ticking the relevant checkbox in the User type field. IMPORTANT: Never give out the Supporter Role, and academic staff cannot be given the Manager role.
Further Note:
Step 6: Reviewers (moderators) can be given access to additional privileges, i.e. given read-only access to student submissions vs. given extra privilege of submitting final agreed grades for students. To check Reviewer privileges:
Log in as a Manager of the flow.
Select Manager reviewers.
Look at the Privileges column to check the type of access a Reviewer has (i.e. enable/disable 'decide final grade' privilege). The privileges can be enabled/disabled by selecting the pencil icon .
The green icon = Reviewers have access to viewing mark history
The orange icon = Decide final grade privilege. Reviewers with read-only access (i.e. External Examiners) should not have this icon next their name.
The blue icon = Reviewer has been automatically allocated all student submissions to review (also verified by the Assigned column).
Granting staff access to a flow (assessment)
Context: staff are typically given access to flows (assessments) via Portico integration, but there will be occasions where staff do not have the correct access. Therefore, you will need to provide the relevant access for them.
UCL Staff:
To add Assessors or Reviewers to a flow - go here. Markers, Moderators, Module leads can be added to these roles.
To add Managers to a flow - go here. Only administrators can be added as Managers.
To add Authors to a flow - go here. Any staff can be added as Authors.
External Staff:
To add External Examiners to a flow - go here.
Starting instructions:
Step 1: Open the Supporter tab
Step 2: Search for a member of Central Assessment Team (Toby Belshaw, Rupinder Dhillon, Alim Ahmed, Ingrid Ophelia).
Step 3: Login as said individual (suing their email address, UCL user id or name - although the latter may not always generate a result, best to user email address or user id)
Step 4: Go to the Manager tab. Search for the exam by module code (e.g. DENT0009) or flow ID (will be a 7-8 digit number).
Step 5: Open the exam. Don't edit any settings, as this could impact an exam.
Adding Assessors & Reviewers to an assessment
Step 1: Once logged in as a Central Assessment team member and opened the flow, Scroll down to the Marking and review section.
Step 2: Click the Manage assessors to markers or Manage reviewers to a moderator or an External Examiner.
Step 3: Click the Add assessors or Add reviewer (depending which role you are adding)
This will open a new window, where you can search for one or more assessor/reviewer.
Step 4:
Adding Assessors:
Search for the staff (use their email address, user ID or name). If they do not appear in the generated results, it is likely that they do not have access to the relevant role. See Grant staff access to platform role.
Once found, select staff member by ticking the check box and clicking Save.
Adding Reviewers:
If adding a Reviewer, you have the option of enabling 'Decide final grade' option (tick the checkbox). If adding External Examiners to an assessment, do not tick 'Decide final grade' to provide read-only access to reviewing submissions. For other staff agreeing final grades for students, tick this option.
Then click Save
Step 5: Once they have been added to the flow you will see them listed in the table (example shown below). You can select the pencil icon in the Privileges column to check/amend the type of access a Reviewer has (i.e. enable/disable 'decide final grade' privilege)
Adding Managers to an assessment
Managers are added in the Associates tab of a flow. Please see the following steps here.
Adding Authors to an assessment
Authors are added in the Associates tab of a flow. Please see the following steps here.
Add External Examiners to an assessment
External Examiners should be added as Reviewers automatically via Portico integration, but may need to be added manually - the steps are here.
Often External Examiners will report that they cannot log into the platform - this is likely due to inactivity (External Examiners may only use their UCL login once or twice a year, meaning that their password will expire). If this is the case, External Examiners should renew their password via UCL MyAccount. If this does not resolve the issue, and access is required urgently, it is possible to grant them an access token via the Supporter role - steps outlined here.
Access token - when a user cannot log into the platform / urgent access required
Staff or students may experience issues with accessing the platform (i.e. UCL login expired); in cases where access is required urgently, users can be given access via generating a token.
Step 1: Select Support tab and type in the name of the External Examiner in Search user field.
Step 2: Select the pencil icon (Edit user) button:
Step 3: Under Alternative email addresses field, click the + button and type another email address for the External Examiner (i.e. one that they have access to aka the email address of their home institution).
Step 4: Select Save. The Edit user screen will disappear, select the pencil icon (Edit user button) again to retrieve the screen again.
Step 5: After clicking the Edit user icon, go to the Access with link section:
Step 6: Click the Add button in the Access with link section, which opens the Access link generation screen:
Step 4: Make sure to select the email address the staff/student has access to. Enter a future date in the Valid until date (the length of time the user will have to access the platform via this token). Leave the password as an empty field.
Step 5: Select Create. This will send an automated email to the user so that they can directly access the platform without using their UCL login.
Unarchiving a Flow
You may be required to un-archive a flow for external moderation purposes. Existing Reviewers can view their Archived flows, but new Reviewers (eg: External Examiner) cannot be added to an Archived flow.
Unarchive the flow, as below. Then add reviewer as normal.
Open the Supporter tab
Search for member of Central Assessment Team (Toby Belshaw, Rupinder Dhillon, Alim Ahmed, Ingrid Ophelia).
Login as said individual, then go to the Manager tab.
Seclect [ Archived flows ] then search for the exam by module code.
Open the required flow
Click on the Three Lines to open the menu, then Reopen flow
[ Confirm ] to proceed
You can now add members of staff to the flow as normal, such as Reviewers [ Manage reviewers ], Assessors [ Manage assessors ] and Managers.
There is no need to re-archive the flow once you have finished, this will automatically happen after one month.
Allocating submissions to mark
Allocating submissions to Assessors (markers)
Step 1: Log in as a Manager (log in as a member of Central Assessment Team)
Step 2: Find the relevant assessment by searching for the module code.
Step 3: To allocate submissions to a marker, follow the steps in the Manager guide here.
Step 4: If you need to cancel (wipe) an entire allocation, you can select the button labelled 1 in the Actions column in screenshot below:
NOTE: The WISEflow layout has changed slightly, so you'll need to use the scroll bar to get to the far right of the users record.
Remove the assessor for all participants.
Allocate the assessor to all participants.
Edit the assessor type.
Remove the assessor from the flow.
Allocating submissions to Reviewers (markers, moderators, External Examiners)
Step 1: Log in as a Manager (log in as a member of Central Assessment Team)
Step 2: Find the relevant assessment by searching for the module code.
Step 3: When Reviewers are added to an assessment, they are automatically allocated to all submissions; however, it is possible to amend the allocations, follow the steps in the Manager guide here.
Sharing feedback and marks
Typical queries that come through relate to feedback and marks not being shared correctly: The sharing of both feedback and marks are treated individually on the platform:
1. Sharing of feedback to students and co-assessors
Feedback includes annotations and comments (Section 1), and rubrics (Section 2). Feedback can be shared with students, and/or co-assessors or be private.
Before marking begins, the Manager is able to control how feedback is shared as default - see steps here.
During/After marking, if the default sharing option (above) was not set up correctly, Assessors will need to manually update the sharing of their annotations and comments for each student paper (the steps for Assessors to do this are here).
Section 1. Sharing of annotations and comments
When a flow is set up, the default sharing of annotations and comments is controlled by a setting called 'Default sharing state of marking work'. Managers/Administrators are trained and encouraged to configure this setting correctly before marking begins, as the setting cannot be applied retrospectively. If the setting is not set up correctly, Assessors will need to manually update the sharing of their annotations and comments for each student paper (the steps for Assessors to do this are here).
Step 1: Log in as Manager of the assessment (i.e. one of the Central Assessment Team members).
Step 2: Open the assessment and go to the Marking and review section, click on the Manage settings button to check the settings for marking and feedback.
Step 3: For marks to be shared with student, the 'Show final grades' option must be ticked. This setting can be disabled/enabled by clicking the pencil edit icon:
Section 2. Sharing of rubrics
Step 1: Log in as Manager of the assessment (i.e. one of the Central Assessment Team members).
Step 2: Open the assessment and go to the Marking and review section, click Set up rubric:
Step 3: Under the Rubrics heading, select the pencil icon to view if the default sharing of the rubrics (rubrics can be set as private, shared with co-markers and/or shared with students).
Once marking has begun, this option will not be available.
Step 4: If this option was set up incorrectly and marking has begun, Assessors will need to manually update the sharing options of their rubrics for each student paper - the steps for Assessors to do this are here. If there is a need for you to do this on behalf of the Assessors, you would need to login as each Assessor on the flow and manually share their rubrics.
Step 5: Under the Managing tab, open the relevant flow, find each assessor under the Marking and review container:
Step 6: Now that you have the name of the assessor, follow the steps below to update the sharing option of each of their rubrics so that they are shared correctly:
go to the Support tab and log in as this individual
manually update the sharing options of each rubric for each student submission.
Repeat Steps 5 & 6 for each assessor on the flow.
2. Sharing of marks to students and co-assessors
1. Sharing marks to students
Step 1: Log in as Manager of the assessment (i.e. one of the Central Assessment Team members).
Step 2: Open the assessment and go to the Marking and review section, click on the Manage settings button to check the settings for marking and feedback.
Step 3: For marks to be shared with student, the 'Show final grades' option must be ticked. This setting can be disabled/enabled by clicking the pencil edit icon:
2. Sharing marks to co-assessors / markers
The sharing of marks to co-assessors is not as straightforward as sharing marks to students. This is because Assessors cannot see other markers’ marks. Only Reviewers can see marks from Assessors. Therefore, some markers may require the Reviewer role (as a read only version, the same as External Examiners - where the option 'Decide final grade' is unticked - see here for how to do/check this)
3. Offline marking - sharing feedback and marks to students and co-assessors
When offline marking has taken place, Assessors (and Reviewers) may want/need to upload and share their marking on the platform.
Offline marking - sharing feedback & mark:
i) downloading papers & grade sheet
ii) Uploading marked script / feedback file
Additional guidance
View UCL flow details
From the Flow Overview page you can see all the flows on the UCL license including their name (where populated from SITS this will include module code), and start and end date for participation and marking (assessment).
You can also see how many participants are on a flow and who has handed in.
You also have the options to:
Search by name or module code
Expand flow details including flow type and whose enrolled on the flow as a manger or assessor.
Log in as manager.
Please note that for Centrally Managed Exams, there may be a manger on the flow who is a License Admin so when you try to log in as them you will get an error message. The workaround is to click on flow details and find another manager who is not License Admin. Search and login as them to have manager permissions on the flow.
Submit on behalf of a student
In most cases you won't need to submit on behalf of a student. The manager can extend the participation time for all or an individual student, and a grace period for late submissions can also be set up by the manager. See the manager guide for more information.
If however you do need to act on behalf of a student, the process is outlined below.
Step 1: From the Flow list tab, identify and open the required flow (you may need to log in as one of the managers if you are not already listed as one).
Step 2: With the flow open, scroll down to the Participants section and select Participation monitor.
Step 3: Extend the deadline for the specific participant by opening the clock icon highlighted below (make a note of the original date/time), then enter a future date/time in order for you to submit on the student's behalf, and select Save:
Step 4: In the Supporter tab, search for the student user by entering their email or name and log in as user.
Step 5: Select Participant heading and open the relevant flow. If the flowtype is a FLOWmulti or FLOWlock, you will have to open up the assignment to be able to hand in for the student (if you have a local copy of the students work, you can also upload the local copy and hand this in instead).
Step 6: Once you have submitted on behalf of the student, log out from the student's profile.
Step 7: Open the flow as a Manager again, go to Participant monitor, select the clock icon and change the end date (deadline) back to the original date/time, so it cannot be altered afterwards.
Step 8: Finally, select the comments icon and enter a note to confirm that you have submitted on behalf of the student:
Looking up Paper Ids
Under Tools, there is the option Go to paper lookup. This refers to the unique AssessmentUCL paper ID and also the Turnitin similarity report ID.
The AssessmentUCL paper ID can be found in the FLOWmonitor.
The Turnitin similarity ID can be found at the top of a similarity report (either logged in as the assessor or reviewer on a flow to access these).
Example Scenarios:
In most cases the user would request Turnitin reports from other institutions via Turnitin. However it might arise, that a marker wants to know which institution a paper is being similarity matched to. You can search its paper ID. If a paper has been handed to another university, basic information will be shown which allow you to contact the university.
More guidance here (under Supporter Paper Lookup Tool): Turnitin Integration
Check AssessmentUCL's operational status
Opening this tab provides a general overview. If you see anything unusual, please check/alert the Remote Exam Support channel on Teams.