M09i1 - Choosing the right assessment platform for assignments - a comparison

M09i1 - Choosing the right assessment platform for assignments - a comparison

Here we set out a comparison of main technologies for assignments at UCL.

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RedNo, or inconvenient
YellowProvisionally, with workarounds
BlueYes, technically supported

Submission optionsMoodle Turnitin Assignment (in Moodle)WiseflowReflect MYPortfolioCrowdmark (Departmentally managed)
File uploads: PDF, Word, Images.Yes - both Assignment and Quiz activitiesYesYes. FLOWassign allows for PDF only,  FLOWhandin for different formats (see below)Yes but they need to be linked to or embedded into Blog posts. Yes Yes. Supports PDF (25MB limit), png or jpeg (12MB limit). Total file limit is unlikely to be reached for assessments (approx 500+ pages of material, both images and PDFs) 
Interactive online questions (MCQs etc)Yes (Quiz activity)NoYes (FLOWmulti only)NoNoYes. There is limited functionality compared to Moodle or Wiseflow in terms of marking options and types of questions.  
Upload multiple filesYes - both Assignment and Quiz activitiesYes - need to create a Section for each FileYes, up to 5GB of content. FLOWassign only supports PDF (max size 200MB)  for main upload, can accept other file types as appendix material. FLOWhandin will accept any file type(s) for main submission.Yes but they need to be linked to or embedded into Blog posts. Yes but they need to be linked to or embedded into Portfolio Pages or collectionsYes. Can upload multiple files (PDF - 25MB max,  Image - 12MB max).  If answers are typed in directly into text box, student can upload supplementary files in different formats (20MB limit). 
Collaborative activity (on platform)Yes there are a range of collaborative activities available on Moodle e.g. Wiki, Forums, Glossary, Database, Board.Not group work but can do peer markingNoYesYesNo
Multi-media files (video/audio) uploadYes in Moodle Assignment up to 20GB.  Upload takes place using Lecturecast Echo 360 plug in.  Assignment submissions are not recommended to be hosted on Media Central).NoYes (FLOWhandin only). Could upload multimedia files to FLOWassign as appendix material. Mp4 files can be viewed in platform.No but can be embeddedNo but can be embeddedYes. Need to set up an online assessment with text answer questions, they can attach and upload files (20MB limit per file).Attachments generate a link for marker access. Cannot watch videos in platform, need to download.
Direct input of responses into text boxes.Yes (Quiz, Glossary, Wiki, Forums)NoYes (FLOWmulti only)YesYesYes
GroupworkYesNoYesYesYesYes can have group submissions. Multiple people can upload and add to submission.
Ability to type mathematical /chemical formulas directly into platform. YesNoLaTeX possible in Maths/ Chemistry question types in FLOWmultiYesYes, math editor with LaTeX support is available however this is not user friendlyYes. Can also type in latex (doesn’t have latex editor so have to type code but most maths people will know how to do this)
AnonymisedYesYesYesNoNoYes for those with 'Grader' role.

Marking and feedbackMoodle Turnitin Assignment (in Moodle)WiseflowReflect MYPortfolioCrowdmark (Departmentally managed)
Marking within systemYesYesYesNoComments can be written directly into Portfolio and grades suggested but there is no place to directly enter grades. Grades should be recorded in Moodle.Yes
Double marking within systemNoNoYes (for FLOWassign/ FLOWhandin)NoNoYes
Messaging between markersNoNoNoNoNoPartially - can use tags 
Blind markingNoNoYes NoNoYes. Default on system is blind marking.  Can change settings to make visible, dependent on roles. 
Written feedback to students within systemYesYesYesNoYesYes, can include latex, formulas, hyperlinks and images. 
Audio feedback to studentsYesYesYes, in-platform via rubric or record separately and attach via a commentNoCould record and then attach file to comment but can't record directly into platform. Could record and then post link but can't record directly into platform. 
Turnitin integrationYes for Assignments and QuizYesYes for pdf uploads (FLOWassign) NoNoNo
Peer review and comments? YesYesNoYesYesNo
Comment library/ easy reuse of feedbackYesYesNoNoNoYes
Ability to use rubrics within systemYes - can be built in system. (Assignments only)Yes - can be built in system.Yes - can be built in system.NoNoNo. Can create a comment library and attach points to comments. 
Inline annotationYes for AssignmentsYesYes, in FLOWassign/ FLOWlock. Can provide annotations for individual questions in FLOWmulti but not inline.NoNoYes
Access for externalsYesYesYesYesYesYes - download results and there is a link to each indivdual exam. They then only see primary evaluation. Or can add them to the system. 
Ability to type mathematical /chemical formulas directly into platform (for feedback)YesNoNo LaTeX support in comments or annotations. Could use Maths/ Chemistry essay questions built into a custom rubric but this would be very situationalNoYes, math editor with LaTeX support is available however this is not user friendlyYes. Including latex format for Maths and Chemistry
Ability to write in answers by hand NoNoYes on tablet in FLOWassign/ FLOWlock only. Sensitivity depends on kind of tablet you have.  Can be slow. Drawings/ handwriting can't be edited.NoNoYes on tablet.  Sensitivity depends on kind of tablet you have.  Can be slow. 
Delineating first or second markerNoNoNoNoNoYes. Primary evaluation is what gets downloaded and what the student sees. Can delineate who wrote which feedback
Download/export submissionsYesYesYes for pdf submissions but without annotations. Can export score per question and overall grade as a .csv file for FLOWmulti submissionsNoYesYes. Can export grades per question and the overall grade. Or download pdf files with folder for each student.
Marking and feedbackMoodle Turnitin Assignment (in Moodle)WiseflowReflect MYPortfolioCrowdmark (Departmentally managed)

AdministrationMoodle Turnitin Assignment (in Moodle)WiseflowReflect MYPortfolioCrowdmark (Departmentally managed)
Integrated with SITS?NoNoYes NoNoNo
Download/export gradesYesYesYesNoNoYes
ReportingNoNoYes (limited)No  NoYes. Results page gives you grade distribution etc.  Can also identify student participation/completion (not viewed, viewed, started, etc).
Start and end dates enabled (submission, marking period etc)YesYesYesNoNoYes
Can amend/ extend deadlines (e.g. for ECs or SORA student).YesNo, can only amend post date for feedback.Yes, for the entire cohort or for individuals. Can also extend marking deadline for specific student submissions.NoNoYes
Administrator can have role that enables them to assign/change roles of others and their own (i.e. view as participant, marker etc)YesYesYes (Manager role can assign markers, reviewers and author roles)NoNoYes.  'Instructor' role can assign and change roles of others. Instructor can see everything in module.  Could be admin or academic. Can use preview function to see what students will see as well as individual student page