Known Issues - Moodle

Known Issues - Moodle

Ongoing - Moodle 24-25

Blackboard Ally - Some legacy files are currently being included in Ally accessibility reports on some Moodle courses

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A range of content which no longer exists on course pages (or in some cases has never existed on this iteration of the page), is being flagged as having issues in Blackboard Ally. When you look you cannot find them anywhere. 

A workaround for this is to mark them as decorative within Ally to remove them from scores.

We have reported this issue to our contact at Anthology and will update our guidance once we have an update from them.

Submission fails to upload to Turnitin in a Moodle Assignment with Turnitin Plagiarism, Group Mode and Online Text enabled

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When 'Online text' is enabled as a submission type in a Moodle assignment with Group mode and Turnitin Plagiarism enabled, after the student makes a submission, the following error is displayed in 'Submission status' box:

On the staff side, no error is displayed, but the similarity score will be missing as the student submissions failed to be sent to Turnitin.

This issue has been reported to the plugin maintainer. Other institutions are currently reporting the same problem.

Until this is resolved, please avoid using Moodle assignments with a combination of these 3 settings enabled (Online text, Group mode and Turnitin Plagiarism).

TinyMCE: copy-pasting an icon + link into the TinyMCE can result in broken text formatting

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When copy-pasting an activity link + icon from a Moodle course page in the TinyMCE editor, the icon and link are displayed on separate lines like this: 

Test Attendance

If you try to bring the icon and link on the same line(Test Attendance), this breaks the formatting in TinyMCE in two ways:

1. The icon and text are squished to the left margin to the point that they are only partly visible, like in the screenshot attached below:

2.  The whole page/section/post becomes hyperlinked with the activity link. So wherever you click on the page/section/post you will navigate to the pasted activity.

This issue has been reported in the Moodle community and is currently under investigation.

As a workaround, users should avoid forcing icons and hyperlinks on the same line to prevent this issue from occurring. If they need to do it, they can temporarily switch their text editor to Atto (Profile > Preferences > Editor preferences), but we recommend switching back to TinyMCE after.

Quiz/assignment email notifications currently disregard restricted activities

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Students now receive notifications when a Quiz is about to open and when a Moodle assignment is due (in 7 days or 48 hours) and when an assignment is overdue.
We received reports that notification emails were being sent to ALL students enrolled on the course, as the feature currently disregards any access restrictions on the quiz/assignment.

These notifications have been turned off, whilst we work to rectify the current notification behaviour. 

H5P presentations with a "Drag the Words" or "Fill in the Blanks" activity do not display

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Staff have reported issues with H5P presentations that have a "Drag the Words" or "Fill in the Blanks" interaction or question type, where it disappears and becomes unviewable to students.

The Digital Learning Environment team are investigating this issue, in the meantime please see the workaround below.

Workaround: This issue can be bypassed by duplicating the activity, the copied H5P then takes a while to load when clicked for the first time but works normally afterwards.

If you have similar issues with a H5P presentation that does not have any of the above activities, please fill out a Staff Query Form.

Gapfill per gap feedback can't be added in TinyMCE editor.

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It is not possible to add per gap or per student response feedback for Moodle Gapfill questions using the TinyMCE editor. This option is typically used to provide students with feedback on multiple "fill in the blank" entries in the one question 

Staff can continue to provide overall question feedback and other features of Moodle Gapfill questions should work as normal.

For per student response feedback, users are recommended to use Cloze question type instead.

Moodle Gradebook - error when editing grade item

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Staff have reported encountering a 'gradesneedregrading' error when editing or viewing certain grade items in the Moodle gradebook.

This issue is usually caused by a category which has been set up with a manual calculation for its grade. When a course is rolled-overed and updated any references to grade items in a manual calculation need to be updated to ensure the calculation can occur.

To resolve, check that your course grade total and any other categories have the correct formulas. 

Logs - Downloaded logs not showing User full name in Excel

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When going to Report > Logs in Moodle you can see the Full Name, but when downloading the logs into Excel the "User full name" column is empty. The Affected user column is unaffected.

Moodle has found a fix for this which will be deployed in our next release.

Gradebook - menu options appear behind last row of Gradebook table

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Drop menus in the Gradebook can appear behind the last row of the Gradebook table.

For example, the menu below should show "user report" under the option "single view for this user" however this option appears behind the last row (in grey) and so cannot be seen.

The issue has been logged with Moodle to resolve.

Tabs course format - no bulk edit feature

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The Tabs format is not a format maintained by UCL, it is a third-party plugin. Currently, the tabs format is not optimised for Moodle 4.2 which is UCL's current version of Moodle. The UCL's Digital Learning Environment team encourages users to use the Topics format instead where possible.

If the tabs format is used, users may encounter the following issues:

The new Moodle bulk edit feature is not available for this course format.

The Digital Learning Environment team is investigating improvements to the tabs format as well as the potential for a UCL bespoke format. 

Duplicate submission deadline for Turnitin assignments on timeline and calendar after editing a part name.

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This issue has been identified as a bug by Turnitin who are investigating. 

Currently, when an assignment part is renamed in the assignment inbox, it may appear as if it has been re-created, and displays in the timeline and calendar as a duplicate. Please report to digi-ed@ucl.ac.uk if you experience this bug.


TinyMCE Mediacentral Embed Content Bug

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We have identified an issue where new Mediacentral embeds are not viewable when using the Moodle TinyMCE editor.

Key Points

  • Existing Mediacentral embeds created with TinyMCE are unaffected and continue to work normally.
  • Only new embeds created with TinyMCE are impacted.


Until a fix is implemented, you can use one of the following workarounds:

  1. Use the Mediacentral Moodle Plugin:
    1. Follow the Mediacentral Moodle Plugin upload guide to share content directly on your Moodle page: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/mediacentral/moodle

       2. Alternatively Switch to the Atto HTML Editor:

      1. Go to Editor Preferences in Moodle https://moodle.ucl.ac.uk/user/preferences.php.
      2. Click on Editor Preferences.
      3. Select Atto HTML Editor.
      4. Click Save Changes.
      5. Re-embed your Mediacentral content using the Atto editor.

The TinyMCE embed issue is now resolved.

Quickmail not sending emails when selecting the whole course or a role

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There is currently an issue with Quickmail where selecting the whole course or a role appears to work but does not send the emails or the send report. Quickmail works when selecting specific individuals or groups, but our advice in the meantime is to use a forum as an alternative.

This issue with Quickmail is now resolved.

Hint Pop ups cannot be closed

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If a user opens up one of the little 'question marks' beside the settings of a Moodle activity or resource. It is not possible to then close it: 

The issue is currently under investigation and should be resolved in the near future.  In the meantime, you can close the pop-up by clicking the question mark again and selecting escape on the keyboard.  (If you have not moved away from the question mark you can close the text bubble by pressing escape only.)

Unable to edit within a Moodle course section - resolved

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Staff have reported issues with editing a Moodle course from within a specific course Section.  The Digital Learning Environment team are investigating this issue. 

In the meantime staff can continue to edit their Moodle course from the main course page.   For the purpose of editing, you should access the required section by scrolling on the main course page (not by navigating to the section via the course index).

Moodle Feedback tracker - Quiz display issue - resolved

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The DLE team has become aware of an issue with how Moodle quizzes are displaying in the Moodle Feedback tracker.

To avoid confusion, quizzes have been removed from the Moodle Feedback tracker temporarily. Students and staff can continue to access, complete and receive feedback from Moodle quizzes, accessing them via their Moodle course or the Moodle Timeline.

A fix has been developed and will be implemented Thursday next week (12/12/24).

Lecturecast embeds - Embedded Lecturecast recordings in Moodle showing an error message

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Staff and students have reported seeing an error message for embedded Lecturecast recordings in Moodle. 

There is a workaround for this issue which involves the Tutor or Course Administrator changing the Moodle resource.

The original embed links are in the format:

In order to make these work, you need to add the word tiny (without making it bold), so you get:

There is no html view on the TinyMCE text editor, so you need to select Tools > Source code:

The Digital Learning Environment team released a fix on 12th November for most of the embedded recordings and a full fix was deployed on 28th November.

Mobile - forum pages freeze when scrolling - 18/11/24

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When browsing Moodle on a mobile device or with the UCL Go app, users may find that when viewing a forum digest, the screen freezes and they are unable to scroll further down the page.

This is caused by Moodle's text editor. Moodle and consequently UCL is moving to a new text editor in future, which will resolve the issue. 

As a workaround, you can use the Home or My courses buttons to exit out of the forum digest page. To view forum digest pages, it is recommended that you view Moodle on a desktop device.

Moodle Workshop - error when launching

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We are working to resolve an issue whereby course admins receive the following error when accessing a Moodle Workshop.

Students may also receive the following error when attempting to access Moodle Workshops.  

Turnitin - Error when revealing individual identities

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When revealing individual identities within a Turnitin assignment you will see the following error, however the process does work and after refreshing the web browser page you will notice that the identity is revealed.

Turnitin are currently investigating this issue. 

Grid course format display issues

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Update:  The grid format display issue is resolved, however we have received reported incidents of the section totals being reduced to 1, with the appearance of orphaned sections. 

We are investigating this as a matter of urgency.  In the meantime, changing the number of sections back to the original amount via the course settings may provide a temporary fix.

You can change the number of sections via the course ‘Settings’ at the top of the course page.  

Staff have reported issues with the Grid format display in Moodle, such as the example below. 

The links to course content still work, but until the format is fixed the only way to fix the display is by changing the course format to a suitable alternative such as Custom. If you would like to keep the covering images for different sections, changing format risks losing them so we would advise you to download and save them until the course can be changed back to Grid format.

The Digital Learning Environment team is investigating this issue and will resolve it as soon as possible.

Flexible format is not optimised for Moodle 4.2 and users may encounter issues.

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The flexible format is not a format maintained by UCL, it is a third-party plugin, which is out of support and will be retired in summer 2024.

Currently, flexible format is not optimised for Moodle 4.2 which is UCL's current version of Moodle. The UCL's Digital Learning Environment team encourages users to use the Topics format instead where possible.

If flexible format is used, users may encounter the following issues:

The new Moodle bulk edit feature is not available for this course format.

Users are unable to drag and drop content using the course index menu (the left hand menu). However they should still be able to move content by:

    1. opening the relevant course, 
    2. turning editing on
    3. opening the relevant section of content, and then
    4. using the cross-hair icons to drag and move content.

When deleting a section, error messages may occur:

The Digital Learning Environment team is investigating the potential for a UCL bespoke format

MyFeedback report errors

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A number of features have degraded in the MyFeedback tool.

It is not possible to add self-reflective notes.

The option to paste general feedback from Turnitin does not work.

The Print and Export to Excel do not currently work.

Some staff may encounter errors when viewing certain student reports.

The Digital Learning Environment team is investigating these issues and will resolve them as soon as possible.

Course access - error when accessing a course or logging in

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Some staff and students have reported an error message "An internal error occurred in the completion system. (System administrators can enable debugging information to see more detail.)" when accessing certain courses or logging into Moodle.

The DLE team are currently investigating the root cause of this issue. In the meantime the workaround is turn Completion tracking off and on again. You can do this by going to the course's Settings > Completion tracking > Change "Enable completion tracking" to No > Save and display > Go back to the same setting and change it back to Yes > Save and display.

This workaround will not erase any completion data you may have for the course. If the error still occurs after this workaround, please complete a Staff Query Form or Student Query Form on MyServices with the relevant details.

Editing an individual Moodle section

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When viewing a single Moodle section, Tutors and Course Administrators are currently unable to edit that section.  

This issue appears related to an analytics plugin.  As a workaround the plugin has been temporarily disabled, and staff should find that editing in Single Section View now works.

This issue has now been resolved, and the plugin has been re-enabled.  

IPAC LTI - Updating VLE with IPAC results error

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When trying to update VLE with results (marks, feedback) the process fails with the following error:  “Unable to send all results for this form to the VLE (x sent with x errors); please try again.”

The Digital Learning Environment team is aware of this problem. We are currently investigating it and will resolve them as soon as possible.

Until this is fixed, users will need to manually upload grades using manual grade items

Moodle 19/04/24 -  footer displays incorrectly on assignment pages

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When viewing a Moodle assignment page, the Moodle footer may display incorrectly with text going down the page rather than taking up space horizontally in three separate columns.

The Digital Learning Environments (DLE) team is investigating this issue currently. 

Moodle: 19/04/24 -  arrow menu icons incorrectly display

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On certain pages such as when creating Moodle groups, the arrow menu icons do not display correctly. Additional HTML is shown as per the image below.

The Digital Learning Environments (DLE) team has implemented a fix for the issue that should be available shortly. 

Moodle: 19/04/24 - Students cannot see activities restricted by group when the group has "Group membership visibility" set to "Hidden".

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This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ who are investigating. 

Currently, there is no way to create a "hidden" group. If you use a group to restrict access or filter an assignment, you should name it generically and avoid naming it in any way that might indicate sensitive personal information. 

Download Selected Grademark Files - files not downloading

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Users have been unable to use the "Download Selected Grademark Files" function in Turnitin Assignments, as the pop-up window stays stuck on "Please wait while your download is being prepared" after clicking Download.

This issue has now been fixed by Turnitin. These bulk files are now available to download by either leaving the pop-up window open and waiting for the zip file to be compiled there to download, or by downloading the zip file from the 'Messages' tab. However, there does seem to be a caching issue when it comes to the download showing in the 'Messages' tab, if the download does not show there then you will need to log out and back in again for it to show. Turnitin have a ticket in place to address this at the earliest opportunity.

Group submission errors - incorrect number of query parameters

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Users have received the following error when trying to submit to group assignments

This error is caused when a group with visibility set to "Hidden" or "visible only to members" is created in a course, it can prevent group submissions from being possible on the course. The error occurs whether or not the group is actually associated with the group submission.

Moodle have fixed this issue(MDL-79635), and UCL now has this fix.

As an immediate workaround, users should delete any groups with "hidden" or "visible only to members" visibility. Instead user overrides may be more appropriate to manage extensions.

Moodle: 31/08/23 - Updating grade in the gradebook shows error: "Exception - Call to a member function get_decimals() on null" 

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If you search or filter a course Gradebook, and try to update a grade, you will receive the error message: "Exception - Call to a member function get_decimals() on null". 

This occurs when the list of students have been filtered using the search input box and the student appears on page 2 or higher on the unfiltered list.

This is a known issue with Moodle.

Workaround: Navigate to the student using the pagination options at the bottom of the Gradebook. Do not use search or any filters. You will be able to update the grade as normal.

Moodle: 18/08/23 - Question Bank Statistics disabled

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Some users reported that Question Banks, particularly those with large amounts of questions, were experience slow load times.

Our developers are investigating this issue. As a workaround, we have disabled Question Bank statistics to improve the load time of Question Banks. This means you will no longer be able to see statistics on question performance e.g.

Question bank statistics

Moodle:18/08/2023 - Boards activity - error

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Users encounter the error message "Invalidrecord".

Our developers have resolved this issue.

Moodle: 18/08/23 Blocks appear in calendar drawer

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When moving blocks on a course, it is possible to accidently move or drag a block into the calendar drawer. If you notice a block you moved no longer displays, and cannot be re-added, check the calendar drawer. 

  1. Turn on editing mode.
  2. Click the calendar drawer icon in the navigation bar. You should see the calendar block and any other blocks open up in the drawer. 
  3. Click the crosshair icon to move your block back to the main block region.

Calendar drawer icon is located in navigation bar.

Our developers have resolved this issue.

Moodle: 18/08/23 Course search error

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Some users are reporting that when searching for a course, they receive the following error message:

Our developers have resolved the issue. 

Moodle: 10/08/23 - Course rollover

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Depending on the course being rolled over, the Moodle course rollover process may suggest an invalid course module.

Our developers are working to improve the validation of the auto-suggest feature.

If you encounter issues rolling over your course, please contact IT services

fixed on 18/08/2023

Moodle: 10/08/23 - Grid course format - rollover of a course removes images

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Where a course in the grid format is rolled over, the images on each section card are deleted in the new version of the course.

Our developers are currently investigating this issue.

The immediate workaround is to re-added images to the new course after the rollover.

Moodle: 27/07/23 - URL icon doesn't always display correctly

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Where a URL is created to an online PDF, the icon will not display clearly.

Moodle: 10/08/23 - Homepage error

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Some users have reported an error message when logging into Moodle.

Our developers are investigating this issue. It only impacts the dashboard page of Moodle. For an immediate workaround, please go to https://moodle.ucl.ac.uk/my/courses.php to access your courses, and do not use the Home button, top left of screen.

This issue is now resolved.

Moodle: 27/07/23  - Sharing Cart Plugin - Block Displays incorrectly

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The sharing cart plugin displays incorrectly outside of the block limits.

Moodle: 27/07/23 - Reading List Icon does not display

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The Icon for reading lists does not display

This issue was fixed on 27/07/2023. incorrect link within code

Moodle:  27/07/23  - Course Rollover Action Returns - Error Reading Database

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Upon selecting the Course Rollover Action from the Course/More Dropdown - you are presented with a error reading database.

Product team are aware and are working to resolve this, in the short term the function has been disabled to enable to team to work on the issue.

Update Issue resolved at 13:30pm

Moodle: December 2022 Issue creating Zoom activities

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Update 12/12/2022 - Issue Resolved.  We shall continue to monitor this.  Please report further issues to digi-ed@ucl.ac.uk 

Due to an authentication issue, some staff are currently unable to create new Zoom activities from within Moodle. Staff and students should be able to join existing meetings as normal.

Our technical teams are investigating as a matter of urgency, and will provide updates as soon as they know more.  In the interim, if you urgently need to create a new Zoom meeting in the next few days, please contact:


from your UCL email account account with the Moodle course title / url.

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