The Mood and Feelings Questionnaire (MFQ) (Angold & Costelloet al., 1987) is a 34-item scale designed to measure childhood and adolescent depression, which encompasses affective, cognitive, vegetative, and suicidality. Different versions of the scale have been created which include a subset of the original 34 items.
Angold, A., Costello, E.J., Pickles, A., & Winder, F. (1987). The development of a questionnaire for use in epidemiological studies of depression in children and adolescents. London: Medical Research Council Child Psychiatry Unit (unpublished).
1Angold, A., Costello, E. J., Messer, S. C., Pickles, A., Winder, F., & Silver, D. (1995). Development of a short questionnaire for use in epidemiological studies of depression in children and adolescents. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 5(4), 237–249.
Use of this scale in CLOSER Discovery study questionnaires and datasets