New AFM users must attend a compulsory training session before being given access to a microscope on the booking system. Certain AFM systems will be more suitable for specific sample types and this will be determined in advance of the training session. AFM training must be undertaken by one of the AFM staff and can only take place once the user has undertaken the LCN health and safety course. Once each user is trained, lab access and booking system access will be granted so they can work independently on the instrument with some minor supervision initially.
*Dimension FastScan users will need to undertake the general Dimension Icon training first
Nanowizard systems
- How an AFM works
- What cantilevers to use
- How to mount a cantilever in the holder
- How to set the instrument up ie. align laser, align photodetector, focus on your surface
- Discuss imaging parameters for Contact Mode
- Image a simple surface in Contact Mode
- How to save and analyse an image
- Cantilever calibrations for mechanical measurements
- Force Spectroscopy / Mapping and QI Mode
- Working in liquid if required
- Analyse your own surface
*CellHesion users will need to undertake the general Nanowizard training first
Advanced modes of operation
Commercial users