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Wiki Markup
h1. Axio Imager

*Location: MRC Building, First Floor, Room 1.19.*

AxioImagerThe isZeiss aAxio ZeissImager AxioImager upright microscope is ideal for viewing  slide-mounted samplesspecimens using phase contrast or fluorescence microscopy.  It has a QImaging Retiga greyscale camera designed for low takinglight greyscalelevel imagesimaging of  fluorescent samples with high sensitivity to low light levelsspecimens. All  microscope controls are manual apart from camera image capture. Image capture can be done through Improvision/Perkin Elmer's Openlab or Volocity softwares or through µManager.

To report problems or request help please email [|].

h3. Objective lenses on Axio Imager

|| Magnification || Immersion || Designation || NA || Contrast || Coverslip Correction (mm) ||
| 10X | Air | EC Plan Neofluar | 0.3 | Ph1 | 0.17 |
| 20X | Air | EC Plan Neofluar | 0.5 | Ph2 | 0.17 |
| 40X | Oil | EC Plan Neofluar | 1.3 | Ph3 | 0.17 |
| 63X | Oil | Plan Apochromat | 1.4 | Ph3 | 0.17 |
| 100X | Oil | EC Plan Neofluar | 1.3 | Ph3 | 0.17 |

h3. Fluorescence filter sets on Axio Imager

|| Filter Turret || Turret Position || Dyes || Excitation Filter || Dichroic Mirror || Emission Filter ||
| 1 | DAPI | 350/50 | 400LP | 460/50 |
| 2 | DIC | N/A | N/A | Analyser |
| 3 | Empty | N/A | N/A | N/A |
| 4 | GFP | 470/40 | 495LP | 525/50 |
| 5 | Texas Red | 560/40 | 585LP | 630/75 |
| 6 | Cy5 | 620/60 | 660LP | 665LP |

h3. Links

* [Using Volocity on the Axio Imager|^Using_Volocity_on_Axio_Imager.pdf]
* [Using Openlab to take images|^Acquisition-using-Openlab.pdf]
* [Openlab User Guide|]
* [Volocity User Guide|]
* [Axio Imager controls|^AxioImagerControls.pdf]